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Supply of Neurosurgery Operating Table , Neuro Microscope ,
Electrical Drill , Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator , BowlBig ,
GalliPot , KidneyTray , scalpelhandleno.3,125mm ,
scalpelhandleno.4,135mm , scalpelhandleno.7,160mm ,
ADSONforcepsserrated,120mm , StandardTissueForcep6 ,
StandardTissueForcep 1 ratio 2 teeth 6 ,
StandardTissueForcep 8 , StandardTissueForcep 1 ratio 2
teeth8 , LANGENBECKretractor40x13mm,210mm ,
LANGENBECKretractor14x70mm,210mm ,
LANGENBECKretractor55x15mm,210mm , KocherLangenbeckRetractor22.0cm80.0x16.0mm ,
LANGENBECKretractor35x8mm,210mm ,
LANGENBECKretractor55x11mm,210mm ,
LANGENBECKretractor35x15mm,210mm ,
BOEHLERrongeur155mm,2mm , BACONRONGEUR ,
STILLERUSKINbonerongeur,240mm ,
MAYFIELDbonerongeur175mm , ROTTGEN
RUSKINbonerongeur 240mm ,
STILLELUERrongeur225mm,strgt , LEKSELLSTILLErongeur4mm,240mm ,
ECHLINbonerongeur3mm,230mm ,
BergmannMallet300g,24cm , MalletCOTTLE,250gr.,180mm ,
JEFFERSONretractor,140mm,blunt,cvd. , ANDERSONADSONretractor,190mm,blunt ,
WEITLANERretractor,165mm,sharp ,
WEITLANERretractor,130mm,blunt ,
WullsteinRetractor,3x3Bluntprongs,16cm,AngledShaft ,
ANDERSON-ADSONretractor,190mm,sharp ,
WEITLANERretractor,195mm,blunt ,
MISKIMONretractor,220mm,blunt , WilliamsRetractor set ,
BECKMAN-EATON LAMINECTOMY 123 by 4 , RetractorCASPAR,only,withkey , Bladeonly, 52x22mm ,
Bladeonly, 62x22mm , Bladeonly, 52x37mm , Bladeonly,
62x 37mm , MicroDissectomyRetractorSet Hinged ,
MicroDissectomyRetractor ,
WideMuscleBlades,20mmx50mm ,
WideMuscleBlades,20mmx60mm ,
WideMuscleBlades,20mmx70mm ,
WideMuscleBlades,20mmx80mm ,
WideMuscleBlades,20mmx90mm , HookBlades3cmdepth ,
HookBlades4cmdepth , HookBlades5cmdepth ,
NarrowMuscleBlades,10mmx50mm ,
NarrowMuscleBlades,10mmx60mm ,
NarrowMuscleBlades,10mmx70mm ,
NarrowMuscleBlades,10mmx80mm ,
NarrowMuscleBlades,10mmx90mm ,
CASPARvertebraldistractor,right, ,
DistractorCASPARonly,right , DistractorScrew12mm ,
DistractorScrew14mm , DistractorScrew16mm ,
ScrewDriver,200mm , COBBRaspatory13mm,290mm ,
COBBRaspatory19mm,290mm , KERRISON punch 130
degree with thin foot plate 1mm , KERRISON punch 130
degree with thin foot plate 4 degree 2mm , KERRISON punch
130 degree with thin foot plate 3mm , KERRISON punch 130
degree with thin foot plate 4mm , KERRISON punch 130
degree 180mm, 5mm , Buettner-JanzDiscForceps
Micro1.5mmTip 6mmCup MovableTipLength 9mm Length of
the forceps 19cm , Buettner-JanzDiscForceps
Micro2.5mmTip 6mmCup MovableTip Length 9mm Length of
the forceps 19cm , Rongeur CUSHING str 180mm, 2x10mm
, Rongeur LOVE-GRUNW str 180mm, 3x10mm , Rongeur
LOVE-GRUNW upw 180mm, 3x10mm , Rongeur SPURLING
str.,180mm, 4x10mm , Decker Rongeurs 2mmx6mm str ,
Side Loading Self Retaining Retractor, Longitudinal , Side
Loading Self Retaining Retractor,Transverse , Handle for
Blades,Slightly curved , Blade Longitudinal 23mm x 30mm
Blunt Radioluscent , Blade Longitudinal 23mm x 40mm
Blunt Radioluscent , Blade Longitudinal 23mm x 50mmBlunt
Radioluscent ,
BladeLongitudinal23mmx60mmBluntRadioluscent , Cushing
Taylor bayfcps, 18.5 serr , Cushing Taylor bayfcps, 19.5 serr
, Dissector PENFIELD 175mm,double-ended , Dissector
PENFIELD 195mm,double-ended , Dissector PENFIELD
205mm,single-ended , CLOWARDLaminaSpreader,135mm ,
Caspar Blunt HookTipHook, 24.5cm,5mmTipLength ,
CasparSharpHookTipHook, 24.5cm,5mmTipLength , Expl
CoagulationHookCASPAR,245mm , Spoon ,
KOCHERhemostat.forceps,20cm ,
KOCHERhemostat.forceps,20cmCvd , ArteryForceps8 Str., ,
ArteryForceps20cm, cvd , MAYOHEGARneedleholderTC,
180mm , MAYOHEGARneedleholderTC, 150mm ,
MAYOHEGARneedleholderTC, 200mm , RYDERneedleholder,
TC, 200mm , Allis Tissue and Organ Holding Forcep 5 ratio 6
Teeth,15.0cm , ArteryForceps,15cm,Straight,Delicate ,
ArteryForceps,15cm,Curved,Delicate ,
METZENBAUMfinoscissors180mm,curve ,
TOENNISADSONdissectingscissors17,5cm ,
MAYOscissorsstraight,170mm ,
FOERSTERswabforcepsserrated,240mm ,
PENNYBACKERProbeandDissector,230mm ,
HOENPeriost.elevat.15mm,190mm,Bluntedge ,
KocherForcepsCvd6 , LEXEROsteotome5mm, 220mmstr ,
LEXEROsteotome7mm, 220mmstr , LEXEROsteotome5mm,
220mmCvd , LEXEROsteotome7mm, 220mmcvd ,
STILLEosteotome8mm, 205mm , STILLEosteotome8mm 205mm, Curved , STILLEosteotome10mm, 205mm, Straight
, STILLEosteotome10mm, 205mm, Curved ,
STILLEosteotome12mm, 205mm , STILLEosteotome12mm,
205mm, Curved , STILLEbonechisel12mm,205mm ,
LEMPERTBoneCurette2, 4mm,215mm ,
CASPARBoneCurettes22cm,3,6mm ,
CASPARBoneCurettes22cm,4,4mm ,
DAUBENSPECKbonecurettefg.0000, 200mm ,
CASPARBoneCurettes22cm,5,2mm ,
HOWARTHelevatoriumdoubleended,215mm ,
FRAZIERSuctiontube2mm,130mm ,
FRAZIERSuctiontube3mm,130mm ,
FRAZIERSuctiontube4mm,130mm ,
FRAZIERSuctiontube5mm,130mm ,
CLOWARDspreaderonly250mm , CLOWARDbladeblunt40mm
, CLOWARDbladeblunt45mm , CLOWARDvalveblunt,50mm ,
CLOWARDvalveblunt,55mm , CLOWARDbladeblunt60mm ,
BladeEjector , S.STRAY18X12 , GardnerWellsSkullTongs
withone Springloaded includes AdjustmentNuts S-Hook Test
Bar , MicroHook, 230mm, blunt , MicroHook, 230mm,sharp ,
HookwithBallEnd,23.5cm,5mmtiplength , MicroScissors,straight,160mm , Micro-Scissors,curved,160mm ,
MicroNeedleHolder,TCstraight150mm ,
TRN :34121066
State Government / Health Services And Equipments
Bangalore - Karnataka
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