Bidding Support
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Multi meter , Hot wire Ammeter , Voltmeter MC , Voltmeter
MC- Multi range , Voltmeter MC Multi range Type 1 ,
Voltmeter centre zero , Voltmeter MI multi-range ,
Voltmeter MI multi-range type 1 , Ammeter MI type 1 ,
Ammeter MI type 2 , Ammeter MI , Ammeter MC Centre
zero , Ammeter MC , Field regulator , Single phase KWH
meter digital , Single phase KWH meter analog , Three
Phase KW meter , Flexible wire 40-60 , Flexible wire 14-40 ,
Copper Flexible wire 4 sqmm , Copper Flexible wire 2.5
sqmm , Copper Flexible wire 1.5 sqmm , PVC Wire 22-7 ,
PVC Wire Single strain , PVC Square box , PVC Casing
Caping , PVC Conduit pipe , PVC Casing accessories , Switch
6 A , Switch 16 A , Two way switch , MCB SP , MCB DP , TPN
MCB , MCB Distriution Box , Socket 6 A , Socket 16 A ,
Indicating Light , Intermediate switch , Lead Acid Battery ,
Sodium vapour lamp , Digital neon tester , Batten Holder ,
Pendent Holder , PVC Switch Box , Kit Kat Fuse , Enamelled
copper wire , Enamelled copper wire for fan , Incandescent
Bulb 60W , Incandescent Bulb 200W , Incandescent Bulb
100W , LED Bulb 3 W , LED Bulb 5 W , LED Bulb 7 W , LED
Bulb 10 W , CFL Bulb 13 W , CFL Bulb 26 W , CFL Bulb 100
W , Flurecent Tube light 40 W , Soldering Station 36 v ,
Soldering iron station 60 W , Soldering Flux , PCB ,
Transformer , Electrolytic Capacitor , Non polar capacitor ,
Rectifier Diode -glass passivated Rectifiers , LED , Transistor
, N channel Power Mosfet , Timer IC , E 24 series Resistor ,
Electrician Knife , Multi Colour Flexible wire , Resistors ,
Potentiometer Rotary , PRESET , Capacitor polarise ,
Capacitor Non polarise , Ceramic capacitor , Diode , Zenor
Diode , Pn junction Transistor , Transistor TO 39 , Power
Transistor , Voltage regulator , IC , PCB Board , Light
emitting Diode , Relay , Soldering Wire , Distilled Water ,
Sulpheric Acid , Crystal , Ferric Chloride , Copper Clad Board
, Thinner , Isoprophy Alcohol , Drill Bit , Plastic Spacer ,
Screw , Switch 1 pole 7 way , Switch 1 pole 8 way , Sliding
switch 6 pole 3 way , Push Button switch , Toggle Switch ,
SPDT switch , SMPS , Processor , Motherboard , Hard Disk ,
RAM , Internal DVD Writer , Cabinet CPU , Battery 12V ,
Battery 6V , LED TV , Smart Mobile phone , Keypad phone ,
Stabilizer , Regulated power supply
TRN :34130238
Central Government And Public Sector / Services
Imphal - Manipur
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