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Procurement Of Chemicals And Reagents For Non-Clinicai - 70% Ethyl Alcohol Spirit, Abo Blood Grouping Rh Type Reagent, Absolute Alcohol, Acetic Anhydride, Acetone, Acid Fuchsin, Activated Charcoal, Albumin Bovine, Alcian Blue 8Gx, Alizarin Dye, Alpha Napthol, Aluminium Sulfate, Ammonia, Ammonium Molybdate, Ammonium Sulphate Powder, Aniline Blue, Autoclavable Makarthy Bottlewith Aluminum Screw Cap, With Washer, Banded Water Proof, Barium Chloride, Barium Hydroxide, Barium Sulphate, Basic Fuchine Powder, Benzidine, Biebrich Scarlet, Bile Salt, Blue Litmus Paper, Borax, Calcium Chloride, Carbolfuchine Power, Carbolic Acid, Ceader Wood Oil, Charged Slide For Ihc Pathnsitu, Chloroform, Chlorophenol Red, Chromium Trioxide, Copper Acetate, Copper Sulphate, Cotton Cover Slip Medium Size-22X40, Cover Slip Small Size-18X18, Creatinine Powder, Crystal Violet, Cupper Sulphate, D.P.X. Mount, Sensitive Handwash, Dextrin, D-Glucose, Diacetyle Monoxime, Diamond Pencil, Diosodium Hydrogen Phosphate, Disodium Hydrogen Arsenate, Disposable Microtome Blade High Profile Lica, Dropping Bottle Plastic, Embedding Ring, Eosin Dye, Er, Ethanol, Ethanol Qs, Ether, Ethyle Alcohol, Ferric Chloride, Filtor Paper Laboratory Size, Frostated Glass Slide, Fructose, Glacialacetic Acid, Glass Cover Slip 22X22, Glass Cover Slip 22X50, Glass Slide, Gloves Washing Gloves - Free Size, Glycerin, Gold Chloride, Grams Lodine Power, Groove Slide For Hanging Drop, Haemotoxylin Dye, Herp 2 Neu/Erb2, Hexamine, Histopathology Wax, Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrogn Peroxide, Lndian Lnk, Lodine
TRN :29500764
State Government / Health Services And Equipments
Baripada - Orissa
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