Liasoning Service


Liasoning Service

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Supply Of Surgical Items - Bone Cutter 10 Inches Straight, Bone Cutter 8 Inches Straight, Bone Cutter Curved, Dissection Instruments Set, Chisel And Hammer Set, Hackshaw Blade With Handle, Bone And Brain Section Machine, Height Meter, Westergens Pipette For Esr, Haematocrit Tube, Reflex Hammer Knee Hammer, Esr Stand, Dressing Drums, Bowl, Artery Forceps Straight, Artery Forceps Curved, Short Artery Forceps, Helstead Mosquito Forceps Straight, Helstead Mosquito Forceps Curved, Stone Holding Forceps, Allis Tissues Forceps, Babcick Tissue Forceps, Lister Sinus Forceps, Rampley Sponge Holding Forceps, Cheatle Sterlizer Forceps 10 Inches, Cheatle Sterlizer Forceps 07 Inches, Kelly Proctoscope, Adsons Dissecting Forceps, Debakey Dissecting Forceps, Mayo Hegar Neddle Holder, Mayo Scissors Straight, Mayo Scissors Curved, Kilner Dissecting Scissors Straight, Metzenbaum Scissors Curved, Metzenbaum Scissors Straight, Dressing Scissors Curved, Dressing Scissiors Straight, Heath Stitch Scissors, Surgical Staple Remover, Scalpel Handle No 3, Scalpel Handle No 4, Sinus Forceps, Kidney Dish, Sinus Probe, Mayo Instrument Pin, Instrument Tray, Cheatle Jar, Sims Speculum, Doyen Retractor, Kocher Artery Forceps Straight, Kocher Artery Forceps Curved, Lister Urethral Sounds, Male Metal Catheters, Female Metal Catheters, Right Angled Forceps, Flexible Sigmoidoscope, Baron Pile Gun, Laryngoscope Adult, Laryngoscope Pediatric, Surgical Scoop, Agnikarma Shalaka Set, Cupping Set, Humbeys Skin Grafting Kinfe Handle Small, Humbeys Skin Grafting Kinfe Handle Large, Adson Anderson Medium Size Self Retaining Retractor, Gigli Wire Saw, Periosteal Elevator, Maggles Forceps, Cidex Tray, Foleys Catheter Twelve Fr, Foleys Catheter Fourteen Fr, Foleys Catheter Sixteen Fr, Folleys Catheter Eight Fr, Corrugated Rubber Drain, Kocher Intestinal Clamps Straight, Kocher Intestinal Clamps Curved, Non Crushing Twin Gastrojejunostomy Clamp Lane, Bougies Megars, Pile Holding Forceps, Bt Ct Sets, Tuning Forks, Disposable Tongue Depressor, Nasal Speculum, Nasal Packing Forceps, Ear Nose Throat Kit, Lens Insertion Forceps, Keratome 2 Point 8 Mm, Crescent Knife 2 Point 5 Mm, Desmarres Lid Retractors, Cat Paw Lacrimalretractor, Mueller Lacrimal Sac Retractor, Dastoor Iris Retractor, Meyer Gooferchalazion Currete, Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook, Iol Manipulator, Foreign Body Spud, Lewis Lens Loop Vectis, Cystotome And Spoon, Mule Evisecration Spoon, Iris Repository Double Ended, Jameson Muscle Hook, Wills Cautery With Copper Ball Point, Langs Lacrimal Sac Dissector, Kelly Glaucoma Punch, Elevator Double Ended, Nasal Speculum Adult Set, Nasal Speculum Child Set, Wilder Punctum Dilator, Bowman Lacrimal Probes, Hartmanmosquito Forceps, Colibri Forceps 1X2 Teeth, Mc Person Corneal Forcepswith Tying Platform, Moorfield Conjuctival Forceps, Fixation Forceps, Beer Cilea Epilation Forceps, Arruga Capsular Forceps, Snellen Entropion Clamp, Dressing Forceps Serrated, Chalazion Clamps, Small Chalazion Clamp, Chalazion Scoop, Curved Scissor And Straight Set, B P Knife Handle Set Of 2, Sideport, Vannas Straight Scissors, Barraquer Needle Holder, Air Injection Cannula, Healon Aspirating Cannula, Ac Washout Cannula, Lacrimal Cannula, Hydro Dissection And Hydrodelination Cannula 26G, Hydro Dissection And Hydrodelination Cannula 27G, Hydrolysis Cannula, J Loop Cannula Right Or Left With Silicontubing, Simcok Direct I Or A Cannula With Silicontubing, Irrigating Aspirationg Handle, Lens Dialer, Superior Rectus Forceps, Eye Wash Glasses, Swimming Goggles For Tarpana Karma, Formaline Chamber, Hospital Wet Field Eye Cautery For Opthalmic Cautery 1 To 12 1 Is To 1, Jobsons Aural Probe, Eustachian Catheter, Mastoid Retractor, Mastoid Gouge, Mallet, Nasal Foreign Body Hook, Nasal Snare, Bayonet Shaped Gouge, Walsham Forceps, Larygeal Forceps, Tongue Plate With Throat Suction, Tonsil Holding Forceps, Tonsillar Suction, Adenois Curette With Cage, Peritonsillar Abscess Draining Forceps

TRN :31799735
State Government / Education And Research Institutes
Panchkula - Haryana

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INDIAN - Liason

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