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Supply Of Glass Vials 10Ml, Eppendorf Tubes 1 Ml, Glass Rodes, Practical Needles, Weighing Balance 2 From Zero Point Zero One Resolution 300Gm Capacity, Forceps 4 Inch, Scissors, Plastic Sieve Or Arippa 10, Mortar And Pestle 10 Sets 4 Inch, Stethoscope, Wash Bottle For Experiments 500Ml, Microscope Pointer Eye Piece For Monocular Microscope 10, Specimen Of Disease Causing Organisms In Human, Foldoscope 10, Trinocilar Microscop With Inbulit Camera Us 777 With 2 Eye Piece And 4 Objective Lense Inbuilt Camera To View Slides In 9 Inches Led Screen And Can Be Used As Binocular Microscope, Digital Thermometer, Mercury Thermometer, Laboratory Thermometer, Automatic Sphygmomanometer, Infra Red Thermometer, Ice Pail Or Ice Container, Electric Burner, Room Thermometer, Borosil Glass Separation Funnel, Kaleidoscope, Floating Ring Magnet On Stand, Centrifuge Machine, Spirit Lamp, Acetic Acid 500 Ml, Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid 500 Ml, Consentrated Sulphuric Acid 500 Ml, Concentrated Nitric Acid 500 Ml, Barium Chloride 500 Gm, Neutral Ferric Chloride 500 Ml, Ammonium Hydroxide, Ammonium Chloride 250Gm, Disodium Hydrogen Ortho Phosphate 500 Ml, Sodium Carbonate 500 Ml, Ammonium Carbonate 500 Ml, Nesslers Reagent 125Ml, Potassium Chromate 500 Ml, Cobalt Nitrate 100Gm, Sodium Bicarbonate 500 Ml, Sodium Hydroxide 1000Ml, Magnesson Reagent 125Ml, Ethyl Alcohol 1000Ml, Magnesium Sulphate 500Gm, Oxalic Acid 250Ml, Sodium Nitrate 500 Ml, Potassium Iodide 200Gm, Tollens Reagent 100Ml, Beta Naphthol 250Ml, Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate 500Gm, Phenol 500 Ml, Aniliine 500 Ml, Ketone 500 Ml, Acetaldehyde 500 Ml, Barium Sulphate 250Ml, Lead Nitrate 250Ml, Aluminium Acetate 250Ml, Ammonium Acetate 250Ml, Barium Carbonate 250Ml, Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate 500Gm, Pipette Bulb Rubber, Digital Weighing Machine
TRN :33905198
Central Government And Public Sector / Education And Research Institutes
Pondicherry - Puducherry
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