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Supply of Taq DNA Polymerase, Brasil origin, Invitrogen-11615010 ,
dNTP Set, 100 mM, Invitrogen-10297018 , 100 bp DNA
Ladder, Invitrogen-15628019 , 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder,
Invitrogen -10787026 , 50 bp DNA Ladder, INVITROGEN10416014 , QIAamp DNA Blood mini kit, 250rxns per pack,
Qiagen-51106 , DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit, 50 preps,
QIAGEN-69504 , Dneasy Blood and Tissue Kit, 250rxns,
QIAGEN-69506 , QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit, 250 preps,
QIAGEN-28706 , QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit 50, QIAGEN28704 , QIAamp DNA Mini Kit 250, QIAGEN-51306 ,
Nuclease-Free Water 1000 ml, QIAGEN-129115 , Random
Hexamers 100 micro litre, QIAGEN-79236
TRN :33953054
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
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