Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Ply Bd for Gen Purposes WWR AB 11P , Ply Bd for Genl
Purpose MR AA 3 Ply , Friction Tape Insulation Cotton Self
Adhessive , Colour Finishing Matt RFU air drying , Cut side
pliers 150 mm , Ply Bd for Gen Purpose BWR AA 5 PL ,
Fevicol SR 998 , Paint RFU ADBR SPR syn ENA SEA green ,
Rope Hemp Haswserlaid 16MM Dia , Rope Hemp Howser
laid 8MM Dia , Rope Haswserlaid Rot Proofed Undyad 38mm
, Polish 400g wax , Wire Steel mild 5.00mm , Blue laundry ,
Nail Wire 30 x 2mm , Polish Wax 200g , Pin Cutter Steel ,
Blades for Barber Shop
TRN :33994296
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Gurdaspur - Punjab
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