Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
BA NO 02B084662P AT DET EP 1125 FMA JAISALMER , M and
L for parts of veh to be replaced , Distilled water for Bty ,
Gear oil 80W90 make mobil , Engine oil 05W30 approx 3
and half ltr make mobil , Oil Filter , Wheel bearing as reqd ,
Coolant , Grease , Diesel Filter Pump with Fuel Pump , Hub
Packing kit , Clutch Plate , leather Break shoes ,
Maintenance and labour work required , Transmission oil
changing , Engine oil changing , Greasing of Wheel and Hub
, Servicing of Vehicle oblic cleaning oblic polishing , Fixing
of clutch plate of clutch , Connection of head light oblic fog
light oblic tank meter , Auto wiring
TRN :34010388
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Jodhpur - Rajasthan
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