Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Paints , Thinner Antichill , Sheet Polythene , Wire Steel Mild
Drawn Glvd 2.00mm , Wire Steel Mild Annealed 5.00mm ,
Dettol , Mineral Jelly , Acid Sulphuric Pure , Duster Dasuti
90cm x 50cm , Cloth Hassian Med 102 CM wide , Material
tube repair hot seal , Musline white bleached , Battery dry
1.5V No 1 , Turpentine , Kit cold patch for tube repair , Cloth
musline blue 91cm , Blue Laundry , Soap Landry , Surf Excel
, Blade safety Razor MK ll , Thiner for syn paints , Twine jute
3 ply , Battery dry 1.5 V No 6 , Battery dry 1.5 V No 3
TRN :34012814
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Jammu - Jammu And Kashmir
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