Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Exodential Kit Set , Elevator Set Complete , Syringe
Cartridges , Spatula Mixing , PMT Set , Artery Forcep Small ,
Artery Forcep Medium , Needle Holder , Tissue Holder
Forcep 7 inch , Cheek Retractor , Universal Plier , Crown
Remover , Plastic Filling Instrument Bran Tips , Composite
Filling Equipment , Cordless Light Cure Kit , Fibre Optic Hand
Piece with Spare Cartridges , RVG , Endomotor DT ,
Contrangle Hand piece , Cautery , Tongue Depressor , Bie
Block Set , Fiber Splint , Plastic Surgical Tray , Spoon
Excavator , Scalar Tip , Gas Torch With Gas , Dapen Disch ,
Glass Bead Sterilizer
TRN :34026610
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh
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