Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Gloves 100nos , Absorbent Cotton Wool IP 500gm , Gauze
Cloth 90cm X18mts Than , Sputum AFB Container 50milli
litre , HCG or UPT Test Kit 50T , HIV Test Kit 50T , Syphilis
Test Kit 25T , Hepatitis B Surface Test Kit 25T ,
Multiparameter Urine Strip 100T , Strip for Blood Sugar Pack
of 50 , Lancet 100nos , Strip for Hb Pack of 50 , Rapid card
test for combined PFalciparum and Pvivax Malaria Test Kit
30T , Rapid Card test for NS1 Antigen and IgM antibody 10T
, Povidone Iodine Solution 5 percent w by v 100 millilitre
Bottle , Surgical Spirit greater than 99 percent Pure 500
millilitre Bottle , Colour Coded Bags for BMW 4 Colour 30
nos each , Water Testing for Chlorination 100 strips , Iodine
in salt testing kit 25T , Water testing for fecal contamination
TRN :34029689
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Panchkula - Haryana
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