Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of sinoscope set , Visual endoscopy system , Fess instruments
setup , Blaksleys forceps , Backbiting forceps for maxillary
osteomy with rotation in all direction , Giraffe forceps side
and forward sickel knife , Sickel knife , Maxillary and
straight suction cannula , 5 mm trocar cannula for maxillary
sinus , Sinusbiopsy forceps , Nasal suction cannula with
cautery , Straight and upturn carrison bone punch , Masal
endoscopic scissor , Tracheostomy tubes cuffed ,
Rhinoplasty set , Tongue depressors , Killians nasal
speculum , Mosquito artery forceps straight and curved ,
Nasal scissors , Adsons toothed and non toothed , Thudicum
speculum , Butterfly forceps , Lacrimal dilator , Adsons plain
forceps , Tilley aural forceps , Hartman ear speculum black
finish , Scissors curved and straight , Merocele and
absorbable gel , Nasal splint , Micro flexible optical
endoscope , ENT endotrolly , Bone vibrator , Frequency
generater tympanometer
TRN :34029752
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Hisar - Haryana
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