Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of LED , Mini Bread Board , 9V Rechargeable battery , 9V
Battery Charger , Resistor box , Johnson Gear Motor , MG 90
metal servo , MG995 servo , Jumper wire M-M , Jumper wire
M-F , Jumper wire F-F , Arduino UNO R4 , Arduino Nano ,
ESP8266 board , ESP 32 Node MCU board , ESP 32 cam
module , 5V to 12V buck convertor , 9V to 12 and 24V buck
convertor , Soldering wire lead , Glue stick , nRF 24L01 long
range module , RF Module TxRxGreen , Ultrasonic sensor HC
SR04 , Flame sensor , IR Sensor , Soil moisture sensor , 9
axis IMU sensor , DHT 22 sensor , MPU 6050 sensor , PIR
sensor , 3V Relay module , 5V Relay module , 5 Channel IR
sensors array module , 3D filament PLA , 4W battery cli9v ,
LDR sensor module , HC05 bluetooth module , BO Motor ,
BO Wheel , L298N Motor driver , Foam sheet 5mmA4 , Foam
Sheet 3 mmA4 , SMPS 12V AC to DC , PCB making material ,
Resberypi camera
TRN :34033002
Central Government And Public Sector / Education And Research Institutes
Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
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