Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Steel Window Handle 7 Inches Right with nut bolt , Steel
Window Handle 7 Inches Left with nut bolt , Steel Window
Stay with nut bolt , Bathroom Looking mirror 4 feet x 3 feet
x3 Point 5mm with frame and four comer back supported ,
Knop with screw 3 Inches , Knop with screw 2 Inches , Knop
with screw 1 Inches , Plastic white PVC Grip size 1 Inches
100 Nos pkt , Plastic white PVC Grip size 1 Point 5
Inches100 Nos pkt , Plastic white PVC Grip size 2 Inches 100
Nos Pkt , Plastic white PVC Grip size 2 Point 5 Inches 100
Nos Pkt , Plastic white PVC Grip size 3 Inches 100 Nos ,
Leakage repair water proof tape , Transformer Bushing LT
Side , Transformer Bushing HT Side , Cotton tape , LT Bye
HT Cable junction Box IP 65 , Pin insulators capacity 33KV ,
Pin insulators capacity 11KV , HT synthetic adhesive type
insulation Mat , HT Rubber type insulation Mat , GI Collar
100mm , GI Collar 150mm , GI Collar 200mm , GI Collar
250mm , Tee 150x100mm , Tee 150x80 mm , Flanged GI
80mm , Flanged GI 100 mm , Flanged GI 150 mm
TRN :34056330
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Ramgarh - Jharkhand
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