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Supply of Normal Switch 16 as per IS 3854 , Normal Socket 16A as per
IS 1293 , Normal Switch 6A as per IS 3854 , Modular Switch
6A as per IS 3854 , Normal Socket 6A as per IS 1293 ,
Modular Socket 6A as per IS 1293 , PVC cutting board - 4 x 6
inch 16A 3 way box IP 44 rating , PVC cutting board - 4 x 6
inch 16A 2 way box IP 44 rating , PVC cutting board - 4 x 4
inch 16A 1 way box IP 44 rating , 8 Modular Board with Cover
, 6 Modular Board with Cover , 3 Modular Board with Cover ,
2 Modular Board with Cover , 2 core AL CTS or Service Wire 6
sqmm 1 Coil 90 mtr , 2 core AL CTS or Service Wire 4 sqmm
1 Coil 90 mtr , 2 core AL CTS or Service Wire 2.5 sqmm 1
Coil 90 mtr , Angel Holder , Batten Holder , Pendent Holder ,
LED Bulb 18 watt , LED Bulb 9 watt , LED Bulb 7 watt ,
Incandescent Bulb 60 watt , Kit Kat fuse 16A as per IS 2086 ,
DPIC Switch 32A , MCCB C-Curve 100A 4 pole IS IEC 60898-1
Make L and T, SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent , RCCB 63
AMP, 30mA 4 poleIS 12640 Part 1 IEC 61008-1 Make L and T,
SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent , RCCB 32 AMP, 30mA 2
pole IS 12640 Part 1 IEC 61008-1 Make L and T, SIEMENS,
HAVELLS or equivalent , MCB C-Curve 64A 4 pole IS IEC
60898-1 Make L and T, SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent ,
MCB Modular C-Curve 25A 2 pole IS IEC 60898-1 Make - L
and T, SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent , MCB Modular CCurve 16A 2 pole ISIEC 60898-1 Make L and T, SIEMENS,
HAVELLS or equivalent , MCB C-Curve 16A single pole IS IEC
60898-1 Make L and T, SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent ,
MCB C-Curve 10A single pole ISIEC 60898-1 Make L and T,
SIEMENS, HAVELLS or equivalent , 6 x 8 PVC plane board , 6
x 4 PVC plane board , 4 x 4 PVC plane board , 30 mm PVC
casing caping 3 mtr piece , 25 mm PVC casing caping 3 mtr
piece , 20 mm PVC casing caping 3 mtr piece , LED tube
light 20W AC 90-300V, 50Hz Make-Reputed as per IS 16103-
2 2012 , Normal Fan Regulator , PVC Saddle 25 mm 1 Packet
- 100 Piece , PVC Saddle 12 mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , PVC
Saddle 7 mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , PVC Wall Gripe 25 mm 1
Packet - 200 Piece , PVC Wall Gripe 20 mm 1 Packet - 200
Piece , Self drilling Screw 50 mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , Self
drilling Screw 25 mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , Self drilling
Screw 20 mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , Self drilling Screw 12
mm 1 Packet - 100 Piece , Ceiling Fan Capacitor 2.5 mFD as
per IS 1709 , PVC Tape , Calling Bell , Calling Bell Switch
Modular , Calling Bell Switch Normal , Cable tie 300mm 1
Packet - 100 Piece
TRN :34067232
Central Government And Public Sector / Scientific Research And Instruments
Ganjam - Orissa
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