Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Air Freshner , Check cloth , Cotton Mops , Dish Liquid , Door
Mats , Floor Cleaner , Garbage Bag Small , Glass Cleaner ,
Hand Glove , Hand Wash , Hard Brooms , Phenyle , Room
Freshner , Scrubbers , Soft Brooms , Surf , Toilet Acid ,
Toilet Cleaner , WC Round Brush , Yellow Cloth , Napthalene
Balls , Buckets-20Liters , Tissue Paper , Bathroom Cleaner ,
Casutic Soda , Dish wash soap , Garbage Bag Big , Good
Knight Refills , Micro Fiber Cloth , Tissue Rolls , MOP Sticks ,
Spray Bottles , Mugs , Gamaxine , Anti Skid Floor Mats ,
Urinal Screens , Dry Mop , Wiper , D7.1 Stainless Steel
Polish , Cobweb sticks with brush 6ft
TRN :34087363
Central Government And Public Sector / Computer Software And Hardware
Warangal - Telangana
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