Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Measuring glasses 200ml , Measuring glasses 50ml , Simple
steel glasses , Gas Stove heater with fittings , Droni , Steel
bowls 50 ml , Steel bowls 100 ml , Towels Dusters , Plastic
aprons , Shirodhara Shirodharayantra , Shirodhara Stand ,
Shirodhara Dharapatra , Shirobasti Plastic Caps Leather
caps Large , Holder Chimata Pakkad , Big spoons Tea
spoons , Steel Pots Patila 2 litre , Steel Pots Patila 1 litre ,
Gauge Piece , Measuring glasses 1 litre , Buckets Plastic
tubs Basin with provision of measuring scale , Towels
Napkins , Kharala Mostar , Steel jug Plastic jug , Bowls100
ml , Vamanpeetha Adjustable chair , Cots with complete
beddings , Dhumapana Yantra , Rubber Catheters , Basti
Yantr adult , BASTI YANTRA CHILD , Niruhabasti Yantra ,
Anuvasanabasti Yantra , Uttarabasti Yantras , Urinary
cathetrers , Sim s Speculum , Cuso s Speculum , Anterior
Vaginal wall retractor , Vellesllum , Kharal , Basti Netra ,
Bowls , Rubber Sheets , Focus lamp Torch , Gynae Table
with attachment for Lithotomic , Easty chairs , Sponge
holding Forceps , Revolving stools , Bedpans , Towels
Napkins-one towel bed for female central hole , Glycerine
Syringe , Glass Plastic syringes 100 ml , GlassPlastic
syringes 20 ml , Nasyapeetha Chairs , Droper Droper bottles
, Pradhamana Nasya Yantra , nasya Dhuma Yantra , nasya
Steel glasses , nasya Steamer Facial Steam , Tea maker ,
Swedan Yantra With temperature regulator , Swedan box ,
Hot bath tub with temperature regulator , Uterine sound ,
Bladder sound urethral dilators of different kinds
TRN :34087556
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Gorakhpur - Uttar Pradesh
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