Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of 5 56mm INSAS Rifle Drill Cartridge , 5 56mm INSAS Case
Collector , 5 56mm INSAS Rifle Rest Short , 5 56mm INSAS
Rifle Rest Long , 84mm High Explosive cut Section , 84mm
Rocket Launcher Mark III HEAT 551 Cut Section , 40mm
Multi Grenade Launcher Grenade Cut Section , 40mm Multi
Grenade Launcher Grenade Model HEAP , 40mm Multi
Grenade Launcher Grenade Model HEDP , 40mm Multi
Grenade Launcher Grenade Model Smoke , 40mm Multi
Grenade Launcher Model Target Marker Orange , 40mm
Multi Grenade Launcher Model SBRP , 51mm Mortar Drill
Illuminating Section , 51mm Mortar Drill High Explosive
Section Mark II , 51mm Mortar Drill Smoke Section , Sig Saur
Triger Mechanism , Sig Saur Drill Cartridge , Negev Light
Machine Gun Trigger Mechanism , UBGL INSAS Cut Section ,
Mine Anti Tank Mk I Cut , Claymore Mine Full , MMHG Drill ,
MMHG Cut Sec , MMG Triger Mechanism , VOG 17 ka Upper
Fuse , VOG 17 ka Lower Fuse , 81mm Sight Unit 102 A Bd ,
Gyro Coordinator , Booster Cum Sustainer Mortar
TRN :34092624
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Uttarkshi - Uttaranchal
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