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Supply of Washer Spring Single Coil Type B steel 12 mm , Blade Hack
Saw Hand Flexible Coarse Nominal Length 300 mm , Blade
Hack Saw Hand Flexible Fine Nominal Length 300 mm ,
Gases Acetylene 3 Kg , Washer Spring Single Coil type B
steel Nominal size 6mm , Pins cotter split steel 1point 6 mm
by 25 mm , Pins cotter split steel 1point 6 mm by 40 mm ,
Pins cotter split steel 2point 5mm by 80 mm , Pins cotter
split steel 5point 5mm by 63 mm , Nails Brad Steel Cut 20
mm by 1point 50 mm , Washer Spring Single Coil Type B
steel nominal size 2 point 5 mm , Washer spring single coil
type B steel nominal size 7mm , Washer spring single coil
type B steel nominal size 10 mm , Washer spring single coil
type B 14 mm , Washer spring single coil type B steel
nominal N size 16 mm , Washer spring single coil type B 18
mm , Washer spring single turn 20 mm , Pins cotter split
steel 2 point 5 mm by 25 mm , Pins cotter split steel 2 point
5 mm by 50 mm , Pins cotter split steel 2 point 5 mm by 80
mm , Rivets snap head copper dia 3 by 20mm , Rivets snap
head copper 6mm by 40mm , Rivets snap head copper
8mm by 20mm , Pins cotter split steel 3 point 2 mm by 25
mm , Wire brass soft 3 point 251 mm , Electrode welding
high alloy steel 3point 15mm , Flux welding aluminium 110
g container , Tubing copper round seamless OD 8mm by WT
0 point 80mm , Tubing copper round seamless OD 12mm by
WT 0 point 80mm , Tubing copper round seamless OD
16mm by WT 1point 20mm , Rod welding iron cast super
silicon 3 point 15 , Rod welding iron cast super silicon 6point
30 , Rod welding copper 4 point 00mm , Abrasive cloth
emery or corundum grit No 100 , Abrasive paper glass IS
grit 120 Size 0 , Abrasive Paper emery or corundum is grit ,
Soap Laundry , Adhesive padding glue mowicol L , Adhesive
syn Resin araldite AY 103 , Adhesive Well Seal , Adhesive
Synthetic Resin Araldite AY 105 , Quick Fix , Soap Toilet ,
Fevicol SR 998 , Graphite Dry Flake , Abrasive Paper Emery
or corundum IS grit 180 , Inhictor C vapour barrier water
soluble , Detergent solution , Cement for brass Allu to
rubber joint , Adhesive Universal , Tubing rubber internal
Diameter 6 point 3 mm , Tubing rubber internal Diameter 10
mm , Tubing rubber internal Diameter 20mm , Tape
Adhesive W roof W 40mm by L65 , M Seal , Cork Sheet 1
point 6 mm Thick , Cork Sheet Thick 2 point 4mm , Jointing
Asb F comp GR 0 point 8 mm 100 by100 cm , Jointing Asb F
comp GR 1point 6 mm 100 by100 cm , Jointing Asb F comp
GR 3point 2 mm Thick , Packing Asbestos Round 6 point
4mm , Packing Asb Braaided Yarn core RD 9point 5 mm ,
Asbestos Mild board 1point 6 mm , Insulating PVC Tape
width 20 mm , Insulation Tape Electrical Cotton Self
TRN :34092831
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Jammu - Jammu And Kashmir
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