Liasoning Service


Liasoning Service

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Supply of Embryology Models - First meiotic division , Second meiotic division , Changes occurring in primordial follicle during 1st half of ovarian cycle , Grafian follicle ovulation corpus luteum , Relationship of fimbriae and ovary , Schematic representation of the three phases of oocyte penetration , Schematic representation of a section through a human blastocyst recovered from the uterine cavity , Schematic representation of the events taking place during the first week of human development , Schematic representation of the changes taking place in the uterine mucosa correlated with those in the ovary , Human blastocyst 9 days , Human blastocyst of approx 12 days , Human blastocyst 13 days , Development of the villus , Villus at the end of the third week of the development , Presomite embryo and the trophoblast at the end of the third week , Presomite embryo of a 16 days , Presomite embryo of a 19n days , Presomite embryo of a 20 days , Human embryo at 22 days , 14 somite embryo approx 25 days , 25 somite embryo 28 days , Transverse sections the development of the mesodermal germ layer day 17 19 20 21 days , Extra and intraembryonic vascularization in an embryo at the end of 3rd week , Transverse section through embryo at various stages of development to show the effect of the lateral folding on the endoderm lined cavity connection between the gut and the yolk sac , Human embryo at the beginning of the second month of development , Structure of the villi at various stages of development , Relation of the fetal membranes and the wall of the uterus , Placenta in the second half of pregnancy , Full term placenta , Development of dizygotic twins each embryo normally has its own chorion and placenta , Relation of fetal membranes in monozygotic twins , Skull of new-born , Development of the limb buds at 5 6 8weeks , Formation of the vertebral column at various stages of development , Transverse section through a 4 week embryo cell of myotome and migration of cells of myotome , Transverse section through the thoracic region a five-week embryo , Transverse sections through embryos at various stages of development to show the formation of the nephric tubule at 21 days and 25 days , Development of the renal pelvis calyces and collecting tubules of the metanephros at 6 weeks 7 weeks new born , Relationship of hindgut and cloaca at the end of 5th weeks , Ascent of the kidney , Division of the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and anorectal canal at the end of 5 weeks 7 weeks and weeks , Development of the urogenital sinus into the urinary bladder , Relationship of the ureters and mesonephric ducts during development , Transverse section through the testis in the 8th week of the development , T.s. ovary at the 7th week of development showing the degeneration of the primitive sex cords and the formation of the cortical cords , Genital ducts in the female at the end of the second month of development , Formation of the uterus and vagina , Formation of the uterus and vagina at various stages of development , Indifferent stage of the external genitalia , Development of external genitalia in the male at 10 weeks , Development of the external genitalia in the female at the 5 months and in the new-born , Descent of the testis during the 2nd month middle of the 3rd month 7th month and shortly after birth , Testis epididymis ductus deferens and the various layers of the abdominal wall which surround the testis in the scrotum , Septation of ventricle and bulbous cordis , Formation of the atrioventricular valves and chordal tendineae , Development of the umbilical and vitelline veins at the end of 4th week 5th week in the 6th week and in the third month , Main intra and extra-embryonic arteries and veins in a 4 mm Embryo end of the 4th week , Main components of the venous system in a 4 mm Embryo end of the 4th week , Human circulatory before birth , Human circulatory after birth , Sagittal section through the cephalic end of embryo app 25 days , Series of human embryos to show the development of the pharyngeal arches app 25 days 28 days and five weeks , Development of the pharyngeal clefts and pouches , Representation of the migration of the thymus parathyroid glands and ultimo branchial body , Development of tongue set of 4 , Successive stages in the development of the trachea and lungs at three weeks four weeks five weeks and six weeks , The primitive gastro intestinal tract 25 days , Development of liver , Development of stomach , Development of pancreas , Dorsal view of a late presomite embryo and dorsal view of human embryo 18 days and 20 days , Various types of Spina bifida , Ventrolateral view of the optic cup and optic stalk of 6 week embryo , Frontal aspect of the face at five week embryo and six weeks seven weeks and ten weeks development of face , Development of eye , Development of ear , Ventral view of the palate gum lip and nose , Development of a hair and a sebaceous gland at four months six months and newborn , Development mammary gland at the third and eighth months and the positions of accessory nipples , Formation of the tooth at successive stages of development at 8 weeks 10 weeks 3 months 6 months eight months and after eruption , Sagittal Midline Section Of Embryos At Various stages set of four models on stand 3D , Successive stages in development of the respiratory four gut 3D at the end of the third week at the fourth week , Lateral view of human embryo showing bulging pericardial Area first and 2nd pharyngeal arch 3D , Development of conotruncal ridge and closure of interventricular foramen A B C on stand 3D , Development of vitelline vein umbilical vein A B C D on stand 3D , Development of Inferior Vena Cava A 6 7 9 adult Weeks with stand 3D , Development of face cut section showing pharyngeal Archs 3D , Primitive Dorsal and Ventral Mesentery 3D , Anterior view of intestinal loop showing coiling of small intestine-3D , Development of heart cutting sections set of 3 models 3D , Development heart 3D , Development heart cutting section set of 3 models 3D , Development heart cutting section set of 4 models 3D , Development heart embryo 3D , Development heart set of 11 models on the stand 3D , Rotation of Midgut set of 7 models on stand 3D , Development Embryonic ovulation set of models 3D , Embryonic Placenta Previa set of 3 models 3D , Transverse section showing mesodermal germ layer set of four 3D , Intermediate mesoderm of pronephric mesonephric and metanephric system 3D , Relation of hindgut and cloaca 3D , Development of urogenital sinus and formation of trigone of the bladder A B C D 3D , Development of renal pelvis kidney set of 4 models A B C D on stand 3D , Divisions of the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and anorectal canal set of 3 models on stand 3D , Development of the urogenital sinus into the urinary bladder and the definitive urogenital sinus set of 2 models on stand 3D , Development of a metanephric excretory unit set of 6 models3D , Embryo neural groove 26 Days 3D , Muscles of Hand Measurement Height 22 point 5cm Width 13 point 5cm Thickness 5 point 5cm , Muscles of Foot Measurement 9 Parts Height 20cm Width 9cm Thickness 33cm , Block skin Measurement Height 23cm width 22cm thickness 11cm nw 1 point3kg enlarged 70times , Brain Features 8parts Height 13 point 5cm Width 12 point 5cm Thickness 16cm , Spinal Cord in Spinal Canal , Spinal Cord with Nerve Braches Features 2Parts Enlarged 5times , Eyeball with part of Orbit Measurement Height 19cm Width 18cm Thickness 22cm Enlarged approx 3times Separated into 8parts , Microanatomy eye The left block like layered side to the model side should shows the complete structure of the retina The right part of the model should be a sectional enlargement , Anatomical ear Measurement Height 21cm width 32cm thickness 13cm enlarged approx 3times Separated into 6 parts , Ear labyrinth Measurement Height 16cm width 23cm thickness 9cm enlarged approx 18 time Separated into 2 parts , Functional Model Anatomical structure of laryngeal cartilages laryngeal commissure laryngeal muscles and laryngeal cavity 24 positions are displayed Measurement Height 30cm Width 15cm Thickness14cm , Bronchial tree The model shows trachea left and right main bronchi lobular bronchi and segmental bronchi Measurement Height 20cm width 17cm thickness 8 point 5cm , Lobule and Alveolus of lung Magnified lobule shows terminal bronchiole respiratory bronchiole alveolar epithelium Measurement Width 21cm Thickness 8cm , Spleen pancreas and duodenum , Kidney nephron and renal corpuscle , Male perineum anatomy , Female perineum anatomy , Enlarged Model of Placenta Measurement Height 50cm Width 52cm Thickness 2cm , Functional shoulder joint right , Functional hip joint right , Functional knee joint right

TRN :34094367
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Deoghar - Jharkhand

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