Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of 55 Inches LED Display Monitor , 43 inches LED Display
Monitor , Set of 2 Servers , Software package , Data Entry
Terminal Workstation , Kiosk with 21 inches monitor for for
data entry , Licensed Operating system , Licensed Antivirus
, L2 switch , 19 Inches 42 U Server Rack , 2 nos 6KVA online
UPS , PVC Conduit , laying of PVC Conduit , flexible pipe ,
Laying of flexible pipe , UTP CAT 6 cable , laying of UTP CAT
6 cable , 3 core 1.5 Sq mm power cable , laying of 3 core
1.5 Sq mm power cable , 6A 16 switch sockets with PDB , 3
core 6 Sqmm power cable , laying through PVC conduit ,
MCB with Box , MCB with power districution Box ,
semiskilled Manpower , ITC completet system
TRN :34098434
Central Government And Public Sector / Air Transport
Div - Daman And Diu
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