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Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Wide Mouth Wash Bottle LDPE with PP closure and draw
tube 250ml , Wide Mouth Wash Bottle LDPE with PP closure
and draw tube 500ml , Pipette Storage Rack with magnet
ABS , Pipette Rack Horizontal PP , Pipette Bulb PP Natural
Rubber , Cryo Babies , Cryo Tags , Cryogenic markers , Ice
Bucket with Lid 4 5 L , Ice Bucket with Lid 2point 5L , Pipette
controller , Forceps Pointed dissecting 5 , Triangular Tripod
SS , Tissue Culture Flask with Filter Cap Sterile 25 CM2 ,
Sterile Tissue Culture Plate PS 24 well , 2 20 uL microtips ,
Centrifuge tubes conical base 50 ml , Centrifuge tubes
conical base 15 ml , T25 flasks , T75 flasks , 90mm circular
plates , Parafilm M , Cryo Box PC , Combilock Rack PP , Rack
for Micro Centrifuge Tube 1point 5 ml , Micro Centrifuge
tubes 1point 5 ml , Micro Centrifuge tubes 2 point 0 ml ,
Sterile Tissue culture flask PS with HDPE filter closure ,
SPINWIN Tube Conical Bottom PP with HDPE , SPINWIN Tube
Conical Bottom PP HDPE closure , ACCUPIPETTE Variable
volume pipette 200ul 1000 ul , Wide Mouth Wash bottle ,
Wide Mouth Autoclavable Wash Bottle , MAXIPENSE Low
Retention Tips Bulk , Ria Vials PS , Round Magnetic Stirrer
bar , Racked MAXIPENSE Low Retention Tips Bulk , Wide
Mouth Wash Bottle 250mL , Wide Mouth Wash Bottle 500mL
, Pipette Controller , Pipette Bulb , 8 Channel Pipette ,
Gloves Dispenser , Hand Protector Grip , Parafilm , Parafilm
Dispenser , Petri dishes with triple vent Radiation Sterile ,
Soft Loop Sterile 10uL pouch of 10 , Measuring Cylinder
2000mL , Measuring Beaker with Handle 500mL , Wide
Mouth Bottle 1000mL , Pipette tips 200uL , Sample
Container , Magnetic Retriever , Gel Casting tray
TRN :34103514
Private Sector / Education And Research Institutes
Pune - Maharashtra
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