Liasoning Service
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Supply of Decorative Handle stainles steel 50 or 75mm long , Tapestry
Cloth , Plywood BWR Grade 18 or 19 mm of size 8 feet x 4
feet , S or S lock 4 or 6 lever for Almirahs , PVC Seat of size
455mmx455mm 4mm thck , Fevicol 1 Kgs , Plywood BWR
Grade 12mm of size 8 feet x 4 feet , Plywood BWR grade of
size 8 feet x 4 feet x 6mm , French Polish ready made 35
litrs pack , Colour powder Ambar , Chandrus Powder , PVC
seat 4mm thick size 430mmx 440mmm , Amber Turkey
powder , Lamb Black Powder , 75 mm long S or S Handle for
Ladies dressing Mirror , Cane Plastic 4mm wide , Lakhdana ,
Cane Plastic 2mm or 1 8mm wide , Telescopic Channel of
size 20 inch , Cloth Malmal , Knobs 40mm fancy type , Bee
wax white Powder , Bamsena Powder , Colour powder Kesari
, Cora Cloth White cloth BI , Nuts and bolts 2 1 or 2 inch x 3
or 16 , S or S 50mm Handle for bed side table map , Handle
CP 150 mm for almirah with shelves , Hard rubber shoe
20mm dia , Paint Brush 50mm , Paint Brush 100mm
TRN :34115369
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Mumbai - Maharashtra
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