Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Stickcum 200 ML , Tagging , Poking Pin , U-Stud , Gluey
Substance , Poking Pin Small , Poking Pin Large , Poking
Tool Small , Poking Tool Large , Glassy Sheet , Pencil
Graphite , Smudge Remover , Grinder , Dagger
Mesurementer , Correction Pen , Impression Pad Ink Blue ,
Permt Writer , Writing Marker Temp , Stud 51 mm , Stud 41
mm , Stud 32 mm , Stud 19 mm , Writing tool Black ,
Cutting Tool Large , Cutting Tool Blade Large , Focus
Attention Pen , Writing Pad Small , Writing Pad Large ,
Digging Machine Large , Counting Machine , Impression Pad
Small , Impression Pad Large , Adhesive colour Flags ,
Stuffing Rope , Gun Triger Punching Large , Compct Disc
Marker , Tidiness Cloth , Wetted Sponge , AAD Records Logo
Dak folder , Vending Machine Tape , Digging Tool , Writing
Material A3
TRN :34115674
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Ganjam - Orissa
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