Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Chlothianidin 50 percent WDG Dantotsu , Spiromesifen
Oberon , Buprofezin 25 percent SC , Thiomethoxam 30
percent FS Slayer pro , Copper Sulphate 24 percent Crystals
CUSO4 5H2O , Fenazaquin 10 percentEC , Propineb 70
percentWP , Thiacloprid 21.7 percentSC , Beta-Cyfluthrin
plus Imidacloprid 300 OD 8.49 plus 19.81 percent w w ,
Fluopicolid 5.56 percentw w plus Propamocarb
Hydrochloride 55.6 percent w w SC , Tebuconazole 38.39
percent w w SC , Fluopyram 17.7 percent plus
Tebuconazole 17.7 percent w w SC 400SC , Fipronil 80 WG
80 percent w w , Indazifalm 20 plus Glyphosate IPA 540 SC
1.65 percent w w plus 44.63. percent w w , Profiler 71.1 WG
, Melody Duo 66.75 WP , Fosetyl AL 80 percent WP ,
Ambition Crop Supplement , NAA , Spirotetramat 11.01
percent w w plus Imidacloprid 11.01 percent w w SC ,
Ethephon 39 percent SL , ProTectum , Batronol 100 , Sticker
spreader and adjuvent
TRN :34116457
State Government / Education And Research Institutes
Solapur - Maharashtra
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