Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Digital Camera , Activity Pad , Jute Mat , Plastic Cooler ,
Water Dispenser , Pointer Staff , Epson Ink , Steel Box ,
White Board , Remote Bell , Green Cloth , Padestal Fan ,
LED Table Lamp , Paint , Photo Frame , Brown Sheet , cutter
, Drawing Sheet All Colour , Photo Paper , Lamination Sheet
, Cold Lamination , Gift Packing , Pocker , Tape , Tape
Transparent , Scissor Medium , Luxer Pen , Packing Gift
Flower , Link Ball pen , 0 point 3 Pen , Lamination Pouch ,
Plastic Scale , Gift Packing Paper , Uniball Pen , V 7 Pen , V 5
Pen , Room Freshner , Reynolds Pen , Reynolds Pen Refile ,
File Cover Red , File Cover White , Stapler , Pencil , Rubber ,
Cello Tape , Binder Clips 9 mm Small , Binder Clips , Uclip ,
Glue Stick , Flag , Envelope , Drawing Sheet Pinck , Stamp
Pad , Stamp Pad Ink , Colin , Dusting Cloth
TRN :34123238
Central Government And Public Sector / Security Services
Jaisalmer - Rajasthan
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