Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Cement concrete hollow block 4 inch , Cement concrete
hollow block 6 inch , Stone aggregate 20mm , Cement 43
grade , River sand , Crusher dust , MS Rod 10mm , MS Rod
08mm , MS Binding wire , White cement 02 kg pack , Mr.
Fixit Liquid 01 ltr pack , MS wire mesh Sand sieve , WC Pan
complete set Indian 455mm x 590mm , WC Pan complete
set western 570x460x420mm , Cisten with complete set
420x125x330mm , PVC door without frame 0.90mx2.00m ,
Marine ply wood 06mm , Iron hinges 4 inch , Iron hinges 3
inch , Tower bolt 6 inch , Tower bolt 4 inch , Nut and bolt 6
inch , Nut and bolt 5 inch , Putty blade Good quality , Dr.
FIXIT 201 crack X paste 01 kg pack , Waste pipe for sink
with coupling 1.50mtr , Brass gate valve half inch , Brass
gate valve 3 by forth inch , Angle cock half inch , Bib cock
half inch , CPVC pipe 1 inch , CPVC pipe 3 by forth inch ,
Water proof tape 50mm x 5 mtr , Teflon tape 10mm width ,
Wooden screw flat 25mm , Wooden screw flat 40mm , GI
Clamp 1 inch , GI Clamp 3 by forth inch , CPVC FTA Brass 1
inch , CPVC L 3 by forth inch , CPVC L 1 inch , CPVC Socket 1
inch , CPVC Socket 3 by forth inch , CPVC MTA Brass 3 by
forth inch , CPVC MTA Brass 1 inch , CPVC Union Socket 1
inch , CPVC Union Socket 3 by forth inch , CPVC T 1 inch ,
CPVC T 3 by forth inch , Interior Emulsion Light yellow ,
Exterior Emulsion Dark yellow , Cement primer interior
White , Interior wall primer White , Exterior wall primer Sky
blue , Wood primer Pink , Thinner NC , Painting brush ,
Roller brush
TRN :34132476
Central Government And Public Sector / Enviromental And Forest Division
Rangat - Andaman And Nicobar Islands
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