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Supply of X- ray skull , X- ray OPG , X- ray Dental , X-raySpine AP , XraySpine Lateral , X-raySpine Single view -AP or LAT , XraySpine Double view - AP and LAT , X-ray Pelvis , X-ray
Neck AP , X-ray Neck Lateral , X-ray Upper limb , X-ray
Upper joint , X-ray Lower limb , X-ray Lower joint , X-ray
Chest , X-ray Abdomen , X-ray KUB , X-ray Skeletal survey ,
X-ray PNS , X-ray sternum AP , X-ray sternum obliqu , X-ray
sternum lateral , X-ray protable , X-ray Sialography , X-ray
Barium Swallow , X-ray Barium Meal , X-ray Barium Meal
Followthrough , X-ray Barium Enema , X-ray Small Bowl
Enema , X-ray Large Bowl Enema , X-ray Tube
cholangiogram , X-ray IVP , X-ray Cystogram , X-ray MCU ,
X-RAY HSG , X-ray retrograde Urethrogram , X-ray
Retrograde Pyelogram , X-ray Sinogram , X-ray Fistulogram
, X-ray Loopogram , X-ray Cologram , X-ray Nephrostogram ,
CT- Brain Plain , CT Brain andcontrast , CT Temporal Bone ,
CT CV junction , CT Orbit , CT HRCT Thorax , CT - HRCT
Chest , CECT - Neck , CECT - Head , CECT - Thorax , CECTWhole Abdomen , CECT- Thorax and Abd -Upper , CECTThorax and Abd -Lower , CECT- Pelvis Region , CECT- Abd.
and Pelvis , CECT - Head and Neck , CECT- Abd , CECTPelvis , Triphesic -Hepto- Billary , CT- Extremities , CT- Joints
, CT Angiography Brain , CT Angiography Neck , CT
Angiography Pulmonary , CT Angiography Renal , CT
Angiography Peripheral , NCCT KUB , NCCT Pelvis , CECT-LA
, CECT-KUB , NCCT Wholw Abdomen , CT Enterography , CT
Urography , CT Fistulogram , MRI Brain , MRI Brain tumor
Protocol , MRI Spectroscopy , MRI Head andNeck , MRI PNS ,
MRI NECK , MRI Upper limb , MRI Upper joint , MRI lower
limb , MRI lower joint , MRI Thorax , MRI Breast , MRI Guided
Breast biopsy , MRI Abdomen andPelvis , MRI Upper
abdomen , MRI Pelvis , MRI Prostate , MRI Penis , MRI Cervix
, MRI Tongue , MRI Spine screening -One region , MRI Spine -
One region , MRI Whole spine , MRI Temporal bone , MRI
Whole Body , MRI Abdomen and MRCP , MRCP , MR
Angiography Brain , MR Angiography Neck , MR Angiography
UL , MR Angiography LL , MR Venography- Brain , MRI
Urography , MRI Whole Spine Screening , MRI Face , MRI
Fistulogram , Cost OF back up ARCHIVE storage PER MONTH
TRN :34134470
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Kolkata - West Bengal
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