Liasoning Service
Warm Greetings from, the fastest growing tender information portal in India.
Supply of Heavy Duty Chopper MS with Wooden Handl , Firemans Aintoe
MS with Wooden Handle , Portable Fenders Apple fenders ,
Puma Plate Aluminium As per sam , Wooden Blocks
50into15into15cm , Anchor Buoy Plastic 18 Inch , Creeper
Grapnels , Chipping Hammer and Scrubber , Life Buoys ,
Heavy Duty Deck Washing Machinealong wit , Chain Pulley ,
Ear Defenders , Safety Harness with Anchor , Cargo Net SWR
10mm 4into4mtrs LintoB , Cargo Net SWR 12mm 4into4mtrs
LintoB , Rope NFC Manila 3 Stramded Size 32 , Rope NFC
Manila 3 Stramded Size 28 , Rope NFC Manila 3 Stramded Size
24 , Splicing Tool Kit Heavy Duty , Chain Hook , Cable Tools
with Bag Maul Tommy Bar Bot , Cable Bag Comprising
following a Topsw , Hydraulic Hand held Pellets with wooden ,
Emergency tool bag Canvas PVC 35into13into13 , Marline
Splike Teak Wood 8 inches , Marline Splike Teak Wood 22
inches , Flags , Crash Boat Bag Basic First Aid Kit06 , Flag Disk
White Blue and Red , Wooden Toggle 30mm dia , Boat Hooks
Large , Safety Helmets for Boat Crew Size Medi , White Seat
Covers for all Boats , Collar Repair Kit for RHBs , PP Rope 16
mm , PP Nylon Seizing Rope 3mm , Link 278 O.D. into 128
O.D. into 22 mm Dia , RAS Bag , Test Weight 135 kgs ,
Emergency Breakaway Boards for Light Jac , Emergency
Breakaway Boards for Heavy Jac , Emergency Breakaway
Boards for Abeam Fue , Signalling Wands Red Green and
Amber , Deck Illumination Light at Various Locat , Hull
Contour Lights , Aluminium Ladder foldable Large As pe , Eye
wash , Bottom Lines PP Rope 16mm Dia , Divers Lines PP rope
, Swivel Piece Bointo Type , Towing Rope
TRN :34146402
Central Government And Public Sector / Shipping Transport
Mumbai - Maharashtra
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