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Supply of 2100001531 - Adjustable spanner Size 6 Inch , 2100001491
- Adjustable spanner Size 8 Inch , 2100000615 - Adjustable
wrench Size 10 Inch , 2100000102 - Adjustable wrench Size
12 Inch , 2100001532 - Adjustable wrench Size 15 Inch ,
2100000998 - Allen key set Should be supplied in
designated box , 2100000653 - Allen key set Should be
supplied in designated box , 2100001534 - Star Allen key
set Size Torx set- T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40 ,
2100001594 - Centre punch Size half Inch x 6 Inch ,
2100000384 - Cold Chisel Size 3 by 4 Inch x 8 Inch ,
2100001557 - Cold Chisel Size 1 Inch x 8 Inch , 2100001490
- HSS Drill Bit 3-10 mm Size 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 mm ,
2100001596 - Flat File 6 inch Long, Smooth with handle ,
2100001311 - Flat File 8 inch Long, Rough with handle ,
2100001009 - Flat File 10 inch Long, Smooth with handle ,
2100001052 - Flat File 10 inch Long, Rough with handle ,
2100000097 - Flat File 12 inch Long, Smooth with handle ,
2100001053 - Flat File 12 inch Long, Rough with handle ,
2100001538 - Hacksaw Frame 12 Inch Size 12 Inchhacksaw
Steel Fiber Plastic handle , 2100001310 - Half Round File 8
Inch Long Rough with handle , 2100001054 - Half Round File
10 Inch Long Rough with handle , 2100001222 - Half Round
File 12 Inch Long Smooth with handle , 2100001597 - Round
File 6 Inch Long Smooth with handle , 2100001598 - Round
File 8 Inch Long Smooth with handle , 2100001008 - Round
File 10 Inch Long Smooth with handle , 2100001449 - Round
File 10 Inch Long Rough with handle , 2100000383 - Ball pin
hammer Size 1lb 500 gm with wooden handle , 2100001028
- Ball peen hammer Size 2lb 1000 gm with wooden handle ,
2100001533 - Ball peen hammer Size 300gm with wooden
handle , 2100001599 - Nylon faced hammer Size 1 by 2 lb
250 gmswith wooden handle , 2100001610 - Hammer with
wooden handle Size 3 lb 1.5 Kgs with wooden handle ,
2100001556 - Hammer with wooden handleSize 16 lb 8 kgs
with wooden handle , 2100001611 - Sledge hammer Size 12
lb 6 kgs with wooden handle , 2100001612 - Hammer with
wooden handle Size 10lb 5 kgs with wooden handle ,
2100001177 - Pipe Wrench, Stillson Type Size 10 Inch max
opening 33mm , 2100000404 - Pipe Wrench, Stillson Type
Size 12 Inch max opening 42mm , 2100000405 - Pipe
Wrench Stillson Type Size 24 Inch max opening 76mm ,
2100001540 - Steel Measuring Tape Size 19mm width steel
tape 5mtr. retractable , 2100000388 - Monkey pliers, Slip
joint type Size 10 Inch , 2100000389 - Nose pliers Size 6
Inch overall length, 60 mm jaw length, straight nose ,
2100001030 - Long Nose Pliers Size 6 Inch overall length, 60
mm jaw length bent nose , 2100001487 - Combination pliers
Size 8 Inch with insulated handle , 2100001029 - Cutting
pliers Size 8 Inch with insulated handle , 2100001542 -
Ratchet Handle Size half Inche square drive , 2100001543 -
Ratchet Handle Size 3 by 4 Inch square drive , 2100000390
- Screw driver Flat 6 Inch long 5mm, 5.0x0.8 tip ,
2100001061 - Screw driver Flat 8 Inch 8mm, 8.0x1.2 tip ,
2100001535 - Screw driver Flat 12 Inch 8mm, 8.0x1.2 tip ,
2100001605 - Screw driver Flat 18 Inch 10mm, 13.0x1.9 tip
, 2100001606 - Screw driver Flat 10 Inch 6mm, 6.0x0.8 tip ,
2100001604 - Grip pliers Size 8 Inch , 2100001607 - Screw
driver Flat, insulated 9 Inch 6mm, 6.0x0.8 tip , 2100001062
- Screw driver set Size 6.0x0.8, 3.5x0.5 square poker and
handle , 2100001493 - Star Screw drive set Set of 5 pieces
Philips00, 0, 1, 2, 3 , 2100001486 - Box spanner set with
box half Inche drive Bi hexagonal Sockets , 2100001554 -
Box spanner set with box 3 by 4 Inche drive Bi hexagonal
Sockets , 2100000965 - DE Spanner Size 14x15mm, both
side open , 2100000638 - DE Spanner Size 16x17mm, both
side open , 2100000966 - DE Spanner Size 18x19mm, both
side open , 2100001087 - DE Spanner Size 20x22mm, both
side open , 2100015791 - DE Spanner Size 24x27mm, both
side open , 2100001015 - DE Spanner Size 30x32mm, both
side open , 2100000977 - SE Spanner Size 46mm, Single
end open slugging spanner , 2100000506 - SE Spanner Size
50mm, Single end open slugging spanner , 2100001609 -
SE Spanner Size 70mm, single end slugging open ,
2100000639 - DE Spanner Size 32x36mm, both side open ,
2100000967 - DE Spanner Size 36x41mm, both side open ,
2100001016 - DE Spanner Size 46x50mm, both side open ,
2100001023 - DE Spanner Set, Open ended, Recessed Panel
both side open , 2100001018 - Ring Spanner Size 14x15mm
, 2100000971 - Ring Spanner Size 16x17mm , 2100000972
- Ring Spanner Size 18x19mm , 2100000973 - Ring Spanner
Size 24x26mm , 2100015787 - Ring Spanner Size 24x27mm
, 2100001019 - Ring Spanner Size 30x32mm , 2100000645
- Ring Spanner Size 32x36mm , 2100000995 - Ring Spanner
Size 36x41mm , 2100001541 - Ring Spanner Size 41x46mm
, 2100000143 - Ring Spanner Bi-hexagonal Shallow offset
Recessed Panel , 2100000502 - SE Spanner Size 36mm
Single end open spanner , 2100000504 - SE Spanner Size
41mm Single end open spanner , 2100000505 - SE Spanner
Size 46mm Single end open spanner , 2100000379 - SE
Ring Spanner Size 46mm single end ring slugging spanner ,
2100001544 - SE Ring Spanner Size 50mm single end ring
slugging spanner , 2100001545 - SE Ring Spanner Size
55mm single end ring slugging spanner , 2100001549 - SE
Ring Spanner Size 60mm single end ring slugging spanner ,
2100001547 - SE Ring Spanner Size 65mm single end ring
slugging spanner , 2100001608 - SE Ring Spanner Size
70mm single end ring slugging spanner , 2100001548 - SE
Ring Spanner Size 75mm single end ring slugging spanner
GeMARPTS ?5 ???? ?? 728?? / Searched
Strings used in GeMARPTS
2100001531 - Adjustable spanner Size 6, 2100001491 -
Adjustable spanner Size 8, 2100000615 - Adjustable wrench
Size 10, 2100000102 - Adjustable wrench Size 12,
2100001532 - Adjustable wrench Size 15, 2100000998 -
Allen key set Should be supplied in designated box ,
2100000653 - Allen key set Should be supplied in
designated box , 2100001534 - Star Allen key set Size Torx
set- T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, 2100001594 - Centre
punch Size x 6, 2100000384 - Cold Chisel Size x 8,
2100001557 - Cold ChiselSize 1"x 8, 2100001490 - HSS Drill
Bit 3-10 mm Size 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 mm , 2100001596 -
Flat File 6Long, Smooth, with handle, 2100001311 - Flat File
8Long, Rough, with handle, 2100001009 - Flat File 10Long,
Smooth, with handle, 2100001052 - Flat File 10Long, Rough,
with handle, 2100000097 - Flat File 12Long, Smooth, with
handle, 2100001053 - Flat File 12Long, Rough, with handle,
2100001538 - Hacksaw Frame 12 Size 12 hacksaw Steel
Fiber Plastic handle, 2100001310 - Half Round File 8Long,
Rough, with handle, 2100001054 - Half Round File 10Long,
Rough, with handle, 2100001222 - Half Round File 12Long,
Smooth, with handle, 2100001597 - Round File 6Long,
Smooth, with handle, 2100001598 - Round File 8Long,
Smooth, with handle, 2100001008 - Round File 10Long,
Smooth, with handle, 2100001449 - Round File 10Long,
Rough, with handle, 2100000383 - Ball pin hammer Size 1lb
500 gm with wooden handle, 2100001028 - Ball peen
hammer Size 2lb 1000 gm with wooden handle,
2100001533 - Ball peen hammer Size 300gm with wooden
handle, 2100001599 - Nylon faced hammer Size lb 250
gmswith wooden handle, 2100001610 - Hammer with
wooden handle Size 3 lb 1.5 Kgs with wooden handle,
2100001556 - Hammer with wooden handleSize 16lb 8 kgs
with wooden handle, 2100001611 - Sledge hammer Size
12lb 6 kgs with wooden handle, 2100001612 - Hammer with
wooden handle Size 10lb 5 kgs with wooden handle,
2100001177 - Pipe Wrench, Stillson Type Size 10, max
opening 33mm, 2100000404 - Pipe Wrench, Stillson Type
Size 12, max opening 42mm, 2100000405 - Pipe Wrench,
Stillson Type Size 24, max opening 76mm, 2100001540 -
Steel Measuring Tape Size 19mm width steel tape 5mtr.
retractable, 2100000388 - Monkey pliers, Slip joint type Size
10, 2100000389 - Nose pliers Size 6 overall length, 60 mm
jaw length, straight nose, 2100001030 - Long Nose Pliers
Size 6 overall length, 60 mm jaw length bent nose,
2100001487 - Combination pliers Size 8, with insulated
handle, 2100001029 - Cutting pliers Size 8, with insulated
handle, 2100001542 - Ratchet Handle Size square drive,
2100001543 - Ratchet Handle Size square drive,
2100000390 - Screw driver Flat, 6 long, 5mm, 5.0x0.8 tip,
2100001061 - Screw driver Flat, 8, 8mm, 8.0x1.2 tip,
2100001535 - Screw driver Flat, 12, 8mm, 8.0x1.2 tip,
2100001605 - Screw driver Flat, 18, 10mm, 13.0x1.9 tip,
2100001606 - Screw driver Flat, 10, 6mm, 6.0x0.8 tip,
2100001604 - Grip pliers Size 8, 2100001607 - Screw driver
Flat, insulated, 9, 6mm, 6.0x0.8 tip, 2100001062 - Screw
driver set Size 6.0x0.8, 3.5x0.5 square poker and handle,
2100001493 - Star Screw drive set Set of 5 pieces Philips00,
0, 1, 2, 3, 2100001486 - Box spanner set with box drive Bi
hexagonal Sockets, 2100001554 - Box spanner set with box
drive Bi hexagonal Sockets, 2100000965 - DE Spanner Size
14x15mm, both side open, 2100000638 - DE Spanner Size 16x17mm, both side open, 2100000966 - DE Spanner Size
18x19mm, both side open, 2100001087 - DE Spanner Size
20x22mm, both side open, 2100015791 - DE Spanner Size
24x27mm, both side open, 2100001015 - DE Spanner Size
30x32mm, both side open, 2100000977 - SE Spanner Size
46mm, Single end open slugging spanner, 2100000506 - SE
Spanner Size 50mm, Single end open slugging spanner,
2100001609 - SE Spanner Size 70mm, single end slugging
open, 2100000639 - DE Spanner Size 32x36mm, both side
open, 2100000967 - DE Spanner Size 36x41mm, both side
open, 2100001016 - DE Spanner Size 46x50mm, both side
open, 2100001023 - DE Spanner Set, Open ended,
Recessed Panel both side open, 2100001018 - Ring Spanner
Size 14x15mm, 2100000971 - Ring Spanner Size 16x17mm,
2100000972 - Ring Spanner Size 18x19mm, 2100000973 -
Ring Spanner Size 24x26mm, 2100015787 - Ring Spanner
Size 24x27mm, 2100001019 - Ring Spanner Size 30x32mm,
2100000645 - Ring Spanner Size 32x36mm, 2100000995 -
Ring Spanner Size 36x41mm, 2100001541 - Ring Spanner
Size 41x46mm, 2100000143 - Ring Spanner Bi-hexagonal
Shallow offset Recessed Panel, 2100000502 - SE Spanner
Size 36mm Single end open spanner, 2100000504 - SE
Spanner Size 41mm Single end open spanner, 2100000505
- SE Spanner Size 46mm Single end open spanner,
2100000379 - SE Ring Spanner Size 46mm single end ring
slugging spanner, 2100001544 - SE Ring Spanner Size
50mm single end ring slugging spanner, 2100001545 - SE
Ring Spanner Size 55mm single end ring slugging spanner,
2100001549 - SE Ring Spanner Size 60mm single end ring
slugging spanner, 2100001547 - SE Ring Spanner Size
65mm single end ring slugging spanner, 2100001608 - SE
Ring Spanner Size 70mm single end ring slugging spanner,
2100001548 - SE Ring Spanner Size 75mm single end ring
slugging spanner
TRN :34146449
Corporations And Associations And Others / Metals And Minerals
Bacheli - Chhattisgarh
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