Liasoning Service
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Supply Of Hb Meter With Hundred Strips , Tlc , Dlc , Platelet Count , Esr , Aborh , Pbf , Reticulocyte Count , Absolute Eosinophil Count , Bt And Ct , Mp Slide Malaria Repid Test , Typhoied Repid , Urin E For Hcg , Urine Test For Ten P , Test For Dengue , Hiv Test , Hbsag , Hcv , Sputum For Afb , Typhoied Igg Widal , Blood Sugar , Bil T And D , Serum Creatinin , B Urea , Uric Acid , Sgpt , Sgot , Alp , Total Protein , Albumin And Ag Ratio , Total Cholestrol , Tg , Hdl Direct , Ldl Direct , Ggt , Amyalase , Calcium , Magnisium , Ra Quantitative , Crp Quantitative , Diluent Horiba , Lyse Horiba , Cleaner Horiba , Diluent Mars , Lyse Mars , Cleaner Mars
TRN :34228917
Central Government And Public Sector / Health Services And Equipments
Dholpur - Rajasthan
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