List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for supply of sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 6x7mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 8x9mm , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking
d e open 10x11mm , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open
10x12mm , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 11x13mm ,
sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 12x13mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 16x17mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e openg18x19mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 21x23mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 20x22mm , sptext-red-selected">anner non sptext-red-selected">ark
d e open 24x26mm , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e ring
offset 6x7 , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e ring offset
8x9 , sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e ring 12x13mm ,
sptext-red-selected">anner d e ring offset 18x19mm , sptext-red-selected">anner se open
ring slogging 36mm , sptext-red-selected">anner se open ring slogging
38mm , sptext-red-selected">anner se open slogging 41mm , sptext-red-selected">anner se
open ring slogging 46mm , sptext-red-selected">anner se open ring
slogging 55mm , punch pin non sptext-red-selected">arking 8 to 10in lg
, screw driver non sptext-red-selected">arking 300x10mm , key text-red-selected">allen
1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 mm , chisel fltext-red-selected">at nonsptext-red-selected">arking
150x22mm 0.24kg. , plier combintext-red-selected">ation non sptext-red-selected">arking
150mm , plier long nose non sptext-red-selected">ark 150mm , crowbtext-red-selected">ar
non sptext-red-selected">arking 1.0m chisel type , htext-red-selected">ammer brtext-red-selected">ass wood
hndl 10kg , htext-red-selected">ammer brtext-red-selected">ass wood hndl 5kg , htext-red-selected">ammer
sledge non sptext-red-selected">ark 4kg , htext-red-selected">ammer sledge non sptext-red-selected">arking
2kg , htext-red-selected">ammer non sptext-red-selected">ark wood hndl 1kg , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e open 27x29mm , spnnr nonsptext-red-selected">arking
d e ring offset 30x32 , htext-red-selected">ammering ring 32 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , sptext-red-selected">anner non sptext-red-selected">ark slogging open 32mm ,
sptext-red-selected">anner non sptext-red-selected">ark slogging open 34mm , sptext-red-selected">anner
nonsptext-red-selected">arking d e ring 6x8mm , sptext-red-selected">anner non sptext-red-selected">ark
slogging open 36mm , screw driver non sptext-red-selected">arking
200x10mm , slide wrench big ns cu ti text-red-selected">adj 375mm ,
sptext-red-selected">anner nonsptext-red-selected">ark d e ring text-red-selected">al br 24x27mm , wrench
non sptext-red-selected">ark pipe60x450 mm , chisel htext-red-selected">and 16x150 non
sptext-red-selected">arking , non sptext-red-selected">arking htext-red-selected">ammer 15 lbs cu ti , non
sptext-red-selected">arking centre punch , sptext-red-selected">anner d e open non
sptext-red-selected">arking 30 32m , open d e sptext-red-selected">anner 14 15 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 14 15 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 16 17 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 20 22 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 21 23 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 24 26 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 24 27 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , ring d e sptext-red-selected">anner 41 46 mmtext-red-selected">al br
nonsptext-red-selected">ark , screw driver philips non sptext-red-selected">ark 150mm ,
screw driver philips non sptext-red-selected">ark 300mm , chisel 8
point non sptext-red-selected">ark 200mm , chisel htext-red-selected">and 24x250 non
Tender for interntext-red-selected">ationtext-red-selected">al competitive bidding is invited by tngecl from prospective bidders for esttext-red-selected">ablishment of 500mw/1000 mwhr of btext-red-selected">attery energy stortext-red-selected">age system bess with two cycles in vtext-red-selected">arious loctext-red-selected">ations text-red-selected">atttext-red-selected">amil ntext-red-selected">adu under sttext-red-selected">ate component of vgf funding for development of btext-red-selected">attery energy stortext-red-selected">age system bess under ttext-red-selected">ariff btext-red-selected">ased competitive bidding process with boo model
Tender for construction of rcc drtext-red-selected">ain with cover sltext-red-selected">ab frommukesh jentext-red-selected">a res to mswx-i of red cross colony text-red-selected">andtext-red-selected">arpur in wtext-red-selected">ard no.53.