List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for supply of stext-red-selected">afety strtext-red-selected">ap for lhb cotext-red-selected">aches text-red-selected">as per rcf drg. no. mi005712 text-red-selected">alt nil, required item-1 & 2. one set consist of item-1 qty 01 no. text-red-selected">and item-2 qty 01 no. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply of bolt & nuttext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">angement of supporting device for lhb cbc text-red-selected">as per drg. no. sk. no. llh-22/202 2, item no. 1 text-red-selected">allen bolt 16 x 110 mm, ctext-red-selected">astle nutm16 & split pin 5 x 40 mm, grtext-red-selected">ade : 10.9. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty pe riod: 30 months text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for wtext-red-selected">arehousing service - per mt btext-red-selected">asis - hiring of godowns
under pws scheme text-red-selected">at revenue district giridih
174256 mt; text-red-selected">as per mtf; godown with services
(preservtext-red-selected">ation, insurtext-red-selected">ance, wtext-red-selected">atch & wtext-red-selected">ard); htext-red-selected">ardwtext-red-selected">are by the
service provider
Tender for goods trtext-red-selected">ansport services - per mt - food grtext-red-selected">ains; text-red-selected">as per nitmtf rtc bhtext-red-selected">attu to chtext-red-selected">anderitext-red-selected">a; text-red-selected">as per nitmtf rtc bhtext-red-selected">attu to