List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for ltext-red-selected">achhtext-red-selected">adi minor irrigtext-red-selected">ation scheme text-red-selected">annutext-red-selected">al mtext-red-selected">aintentext-red-selected">ance of the dtext-red-selected">amthroughoutthe text-red-selected">at villtext-red-selected">age ltext-red-selected">achhtext-red-selected">adi, ttext-red-selected">aluktext-red-selected">a :mtext-red-selected">aliytext-red-selected">a htext-red-selected">a.
Tender for supply of poh kit for m/s escorts mtext-red-selected">ake ep unitto 2ep 6325 text-red-selected">as per sketch no. em u/mtn/be/37-r2. one set consists of 38 items htext-red-selected">aving 44 nos wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">aft er the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply of guide bush for text-red-selected">axle box guide text-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">angementmotor bogie drg. no. rdso sk 85 242 text-red-selected">alt-1. item no. 1. mtext-red-selected">ateritext-red-selected">al text-red-selected">and specifictext-red-selected">ation text-red-selected">as per drtext-red-selected">awing. wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 mont hs text-red-selected">after the dtext-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for supply of set of items for oil pump trtext-red-selected">ansformer. set consists of 02 items. s. no. 01. termintext-red-selected">al block for flowoil oil pump with motor for trtext-red-selected">ansformer model cil63. s. no. 02. set of o rings for flowoil oil pump with motor for trtext-red-selected">an sformer model cil63 or similtext-red-selected">ar. set consisting of 02 items/03 nos. i teflon gtext-red-selected">askets of size od: 233 x id: 224 x 4mm, qty: 02 nos./set. ii nitrile o rings of size id: 75 x 5mm, qty: 01 no./set wtext-red-selected">arrtext-red-selected">anty period: 30 months text-red-selected">after the d text-red-selected">ate of delivery
Tender for reptext-red-selected">air of text-red-selected">antenntext-red-selected">a btext-red-selected">ase of mtext-red-selected">an ptext-red-selected">ack jtext-red-selected">ammer for smtext-red-selected">art foot columns ser no 047 text-red-selected">and 061 reptext-red-selected">air of power supply ctext-red-selected">ard of mtext-red-selected">an ptext-red-selected">ack jtext-red-selected">ammer for smtext-red-selected">art foot columns ser no 047 text-red-selected">and 061 reptext-red-selected">air of top enclosure text-red-selected">assy of drishytext-red-selected">a pro ser no dpmk ii 112 reptext-red-selected">air of gps enclosure text-red-selected">assy of drishytext-red-selected">a pro ser no dpmk ii 112 service chtext-red-selected">arges incl consumtext-red-selected">ables of drishytext-red-selected">a ser no dpmk ii 112