List of latest a-t-m Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any a-t-m Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for a-t-m Tenders.
Tender for purchtext-red-selected">ase of new tyre tube text-red-selected">and fltext-red-selected">aps for use of differenttype of govt. vehicles under mt section police hetext-red-selected">adqutext-red-selected">arters
Tender for letext-red-selected">asing in of text-red-selected">assets - wet letext-red-selected">ase mtext-red-selected">aintentext-red-selected">ance to be borne by lessor; equipment; it; supply insttext-red-selected">alltext-red-selected">ation of router utm rf device on renttext-red-selected">al btext-red-selected">asis; used; ntext-red-selected">a; ntext-red-selected">a
Tender for ftext-red-selected">acility mtext-red-selected">antext-red-selected">agement services - lumpsum btext-red-selected">ased -
constructing gtext-red-selected">azebo text-red-selected">attext-red-selected">amrut vtext-red-selected">atiktext-red-selected">a netext-red-selected">ar mtext-red-selected">ahtext-red-selected">atmtext-red-selected">a
mtext-red-selected">andirgrotext-red-selected">ad in borij rtext-red-selected">ange gtext-red-selected">andhingtext-red-selected">ar division; o&m of
civil work; consumtext-red-selected">ables to be provided by service provider
(inclusive in contrtext-red-selected">act cost)
Tender for construction of concrete rotext-red-selected">ad text-red-selected">at jtext-red-selected">agrutmunjobtext-red-selected">a temple text-red-selected">aretext-red-selected">a text-red-selected">attext-red-selected">attrtext-red-selected">avtext-red-selected">al
Tender for ftext-red-selected">acility mtext-red-selected">antext-red-selected">agement services - lumpsum btext-red-selected">ased - mining
text-red-selected">aretext-red-selected">a; o&m of electrictext-red-selected">al work; consumtext-red-selected">ables to be provided
by buyer
Tender for supply text-red-selected">and export of buses to government of comoros on cif mutstext-red-selected">amudu setext-red-selected">a port btext-red-selected">asis
Tender for supply of fully glucose 4 into 40 ml , fully cholestrol 4 into 40 ml ,
fully trigly ceride 4 into 40 ml , fully text-red-selected">alktext-red-selected">aline phosphtext-red-selected">attext-red-selected">ase
ifcc 2 into 32 oblique 2 into 8 ml , fully uric text-red-selected">acid 2 into 40
ml , fully enzymtext-red-selected">atic cretext-red-selected">atinine 4 into 37 point 5 oblique 4
into 8 ml , fully uretext-red-selected">a uv 4 into 32 oblique 4 into 8 ml ,
fully ctext-red-selected">alciumtext-red-selected">arsentext-red-selected">azo 2 into 40 ml , fully htext-red-selected">abtext-red-selected">a1c direct
40 ml , fully crp one into 32 oblique 1 into 8 ml , fully
sgpt 4 into 32 oblique 2 into 8 ml , fully sgot 4 into 32
oblique 2 into 8 ml , fully bilirubin 4 into 30 oblique 2 into
10 ml , distilled wtext-red-selected">ater 5 ltr , multi ctext-red-selected">alibertext-red-selected">ator rtext-red-selected">andox ,
control rtext-red-selected">andox , stext-red-selected">ample cup hittext-red-selected">achi cup , retext-red-selected">action cuvette
text-red-selected">aurochem , hiv ctext-red-selected">ard rtext-red-selected">apid , hbstext-red-selected">ag ctext-red-selected">ard rtext-red-selected">apid , hcv ctext-red-selected">ard
rtext-red-selected">apid , erbtext-red-selected">a h 360 diluent 20 l , erbtext-red-selected">a h360 lyse 250ml
, erbtext-red-selected">a h cletext-red-selected">an 50 mille litter
Tender for btext-red-selected">altext-red-selected">ance work of lining work text-red-selected">at ch. 4 to 6, 15 to16.5, 22 to 25 text-red-selected">and 47 to 49.5 of mtext-red-selected">ain ctext-red-selected">antext-red-selected">al of bothiytext-red-selected">a ttext-red-selected">ank in seoni block distt. seoni