Health Services And Equipments
TRN : 34029371
01 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of table with marble or stainless steel top , drill x t-red-selected">machine ,
hand saw, preferable metal , band saw , stools,preferable
metal , brain knife , mortuary cooler with arrangement to
keep at least 8 body or suitable alternative arrangement ,
storage tank to hold 10 cadavers , plastic tank , trolley
table , camera with screen , x t-red-selected">x -x t-red-selected">ray view box t-red-selected">x , charts ,
diagrams , anatomy models , embryology models ,
teaching mannequin , slides , dissection instruments , meat
cutting x t-red-selected">machine , steel tx t-red-selected">ray , embalming x t-red-selected">machine ,
computer , printer , laptop , microscope binocular , student
microscope , dissection microscope , microtome, rotary ,
microtome, sledge large cutting , cabinet for slides ,
incubator , paraffin embedding bath , hot plate for
flattening sections , hot air oven , refrigerator , diamond
pencil , articulated skeleton set , disarticulated bone set ,
weight specimen jar , steel rack , desktop computer ,
microscope oil immersion , demonstration eye piece ,
double demonstration eye piece , stage incubator ,
westgreens pipette , wintrobes pipette , haemoglobin
meter , haemocytometer , thermometers , multi-channel
physiograph , centrifuge , chlorometer,photoelectric , ph
meter electric , x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital physiograph , x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital perimeter ,
sphygmometer , stethoscope , polygraphs , spyrometer
ordinery , x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital spirometer , mosses ergo graph , clinical
thermometer , compass aesth , thermometer , algometer ,
knee hammer , stethograph , bicycle ergometer ,
ophthalmoscope , schematic eye , colour perception
lantern edridge green , dynamometer , otoscope , stop
watch , ecg x t-red-selected">machine , yoga mat , tuning fork to test
hearing 32 , van slyke apparatus manomatric , veins
pressure apparatus , douglas bag , basal metabolism
apparatus , apparatus for passive movement , phacoscope ,
parameter with charts listers , madox t-red-selected">x rod , newton colour
wheel , student physiograph , gas analyser automatic ,
sherrington starling kymograph , electromagnetic time
marker , myograph stand , electric stimulator , tuning fork
time marker , electrodes , spirit lamps , mayers tambour ,
softwares , low holtage unit , water distillation , all glass
distillation apparatus , voltage stabilizer , stepdown
transformer , analytical balance , unimometer calibrated ,
x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital colorimeter , glucometer with strip , semi auto
analyser , boiling water bath , water bath , centrifuge
clinical , ph meters , fix t-red-selected">x ed volume pipette , bottle
dispenser , variable and fix t-red-selected">x volume micro auto pipettes ,
vacutainer tubes , pcr x t-red-selected">machine , abg x t-red-selected">machine , auto
analyser , total chromatographic unit , complete
electrophoresis apparatus , densitometer with computer ,
vortex t-red-selected">x mix t-red-selected">x er , incubator 37 c , fume cupboard , x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital
analytical balance , balance micro , spectrophotometer ,
elisa reader and washer , urine strip for glucose and
protein , ise analyser , photo copier x t-red-selected">machine , interactive
panels with cpu (q2) , multimedia projector (mmp) (q2) ,
entry and mid level desktop computer (q2)
Education And Research Institutes
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34019068
22 Feb, 2025
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 33944323
28 Feb, 2025
Tender for x t-red-selected">x t-red-selected">digital dental x t-red-selected">x x t-red-selected">ray x t-red-selected">machine