List of h-care-se-powder Tenders
List of latest h-care-se-powder Tenders in Indian Tenders . Click on any h-care-se-powder Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for h-care-se-powder Tenders .
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34092986
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
12.27 Lacs
Tender for supply of cap. gynec cvp , cap.doxepine 25mg , cap.fluoxetine
10mg , cap.vitamin a 25000iu , cream fucidic acid 15gm ,
cream glycolic acid 30gm , cream tacrolimus 10gm ,
cream vt se lected">care , drop.proparacaine se lected">hydrocse lected">hloride 5ml eye
drop , drop.timolol maleate 5ml eye drops ,
drop.tropicamide plus eye drops 5ml , drop.zinc 15ml , gel
clotrimazole moutse lected">h paint 15ml , gel triamcinolone
acetonide oral gel 10gm , i.v. sterile optse lected">halmic irrigation
solution , inj.2-pyridine aldoxime metse lected">hiodide 20ml ,
inj.aminoven i.v. 100ml , inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant
suspn 5ml , inj.bupivacaine se lected">hcl 5mg dextrose 80mg 4ml
amp , inj.butorpse lected">hanol tartrate1mg , inj.cse lected">hloroquine 30ml ,
inj.clonidine 150 , inj.dextrose 500 ml , inj.dextrose ,
inj.dextrose normal saline 500ml , inj.diatrizoate
meglumine and diatrizoate sodium 20ml , inj.digoxin ,
inj.diltiazam , inj.epse lected">hedrine , inj.equine antirabies 5ml ,
inj.gentamycin 10ml , inj.glycopyrrloate neostigmine
metse lected">hyl sulpse lected">hate , lected">hepatites b multi dose 10ml , lected">hyaluronidase 1500 i.u. , lected">hydroxyetse lected">hyl starcse lected">h 500ml , lected">hydroxypropyl metse lected">hylcellulose optse lected">halmic soln 2 ml 20
mg , inj.isolyte p , inj.isoxsuprine , inj.lidocaine 4 tropical
solution 30ml , inj.lignocaine se lected">heavy 2ml , inj.lorazepam
2ml , inj.mesna 3ml , inj.metse lected">hotrexate 1ml ,
inj.metoclopramide 10ml , inj.metoprolol 5ml ,
inj.neostigmine 1ml , inj.normal saline 0.9 1000ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 100ml , inj.normal saline 0.45 500ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 500ml , inj.pse lected">henylepse lected">hrine 10mg 1ml ,
inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml , inj.piperacillin 1gm tazobactum
0.125gm , inj.piracetam 60ml , inj.procse lected">hlorperazine 1ml ,
inj.reteplase recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
18mg , inj.sildenafil citrate , inj.sodium se lected">hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe , inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u. ,
inj.succinylecse lected">hloine cse lected">hloride 10ml , inj.tetanus
immunoglobulin 250 iu , inj.tse lected">hiamine pyridoxine
cyanocobalamine riboflavinnicotinamide d-pantotse lected">helate ,
inj.tse lected">hiopentan sodium 500 mg , inj.triamcinolone acetonide
, inj.trypan blue 0.8mg , inj.vecuronium bromide 4mg ,
lotion clobetasole salicylic acid 30ml , lotion clotrimazole
1 topical solution 30ml , oil.simyl mct 50ml , oint.
ciprofloxacin eye ointment 5 gm , oint.placentrex 50gm ,
powder activated cse lected">harcoal 500gms , powder magnesium
sulpse lected">hate 200gm , sol.cse lected">hloroxylenol terpinelol alcose lected">hol
absolute 500ml , sol.ecosse lected">hild1 lit jar , lected">haemocoagulase
0.2 cu 10ml , sol.mercurocse lected">hrome 400ml , sol.microbar
suspension.barium sulpse lected">hate bp 95gm 100ml , sol.triclofos
500mg 30ml , suppositories diclofenac 25mg ,
suppositories diclofenac 12.5 mg , syp.fruse mide 30ml ,
syp.levetracetam 200ml , syp.ose ltamavir 75ml ,
syp.pse lected">henytoin sodium 200ml , syp.potassium cse lected">hloride
200ml , syp.valporate 100ml , tab.acetyl salicylic acid
350mg , tab.alprazolam 0.5mg , tab.amitriptyline 10 mg ,
tab.amitriptyline 25 mg , tab.bisacodyl 5mg ,
tab.carbamazepine 100mg , tab.carbamazepine 200mg ,
tab.carvedilol 6.25mg , tab.cse lected">hlordidzepoxide 25mg ,
tab.cse lected">hloroquine pse lected">hospse lected">hate 250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg ,
tab.clobazam 5 mg , tab.clobazam10 mg ,
tab.clomipramine 25mg , tab.clomipramine 75mg xr ,
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg , tab.dexametse lected">hasone 0.5 mg ,
tab.di etse lected">hylcarbamazine 100mg , tab.diazepam 10mg ,
tab.diazepam 5 mg , tab.diltiazem 30 mg ,
tab.escitalopram 5mg , tab.etizolam 0.25mg , lected">haloperidol 10mg , lected">haloperidol 5mg ,
tab.isotretinoin 5 mg , tab.isoxsuprine 10mg ,
tab.ivermectin 6mg , tab.ivermectine 12 mg , tab.litse lected">hium
carbonate 400mg , tab.lorazepam 1mg , tab.metse lected">hotrexate
2.5mg , tab.minoxidil 5mg , tab.misoprostol 200mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 25mcg , tab.misoprostol 600mcg ,
tab.nitrazepam 10mg , tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg ,
tab.paroxetine 12.5mg , tab.prednisolone 40mg ,
tab.primaquine 2.5 mg , tab.primaquine 7.5 mg ,
tab.procse lected">hlorperazine 5 mg moutse lected">h dissolveing tablet ,
tab.prometse lected">hazine se lected">hydrocse lected">hloride 25mg , tab.propanolol
40mg , tab.quetiapine 100mg sr , tab.quetiapine 200mg
sr , rtrailine 25mg , tab.topiramate 25mg ,
tab.topiramate 50mg , tab.trazadone 50mg ,
tab.verapamil 120mg sr , tab.vitamin a 50000iu ,
tab.vitamin c 500mg cse lected">hewable , tab.zidovudine 300mg
lamivudine 150mg , tab.zinc sulpse lected">hate 20mg ,
tab.zolpidem 10 mg , inj.benzatse lected">hine penicillin 12lac unit ,
tab.cefadroxyl 500mg , inj.ringer lactate 500ml
cap.gynec cvp, cap.doxepine 25mg, cap.fluoxetine 10mg,
cap.vitamin a 25000iu, cream fucidic acid 15gm, cream
glycolic acid 6% 30gm, cream tacrolimus 0.03% 10gm,
cream vt se lected">care , drop.proparacaine se lected">hydrocse lected">hloride 0.5% 5ml
eye drop, drop.timolol maleate 0.5% 5ml eye drops,
drop.tropicamide plus eye drops 5ml, drop.zinc 20mg/1ml
(15ml), gel clotrimazole moutse lected">h paint 15ml, gel
triamcinolone acetonide oral gel 10gm, i.v. sterile
optse lected">halmic irrigation solution, inj.2-pyridine aldoxime
metse lected">hiodide 25mg/ml 20ml, inj.aminoven 10% i.v. 100ml,
inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant suspn 5ml,
inj.bupivacaine se lected">hcl-5mg +dextrose - 80mg 4ml amp,
inj.butorpse lected">hanol tartrate1mg, inj.cse lected">hloroquine 40 mg/ml
30ml, inj.clonidine 150mcg/ml , inj.dextrose 10% 500 ml ,
inj.dextrose 5% 500 ml , inj.dextrose normal saline 500ml , inj.diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium 76%
20ml, inj.digoxin 0.5 mg / 2ml, inj.diltiazam 25 mg/5 ml,
inj.epse lected">hedrine 30mg/ml, inj.equine antirabies ig 300 iul/ml
5ml, inj.gentamycin 10ml, inj.glycopyrrloate 0.5mg +
neostigmine metse lected">hyl sulpse lected">hate 2.5mg/5ml, lected">hepatites b
multi dose 10ml, lected">hyaluronidase 1500 i.u., lected">hydroxyetse lected">hyl starcse lected">h 6% 500ml, lected">hydroxypropyl
metse lected">hylcellulose optse lected">halmic soln 2 ml 20 mg , inj.isolyte p,
inj.isoxsuprine 5mg/ml , inj.lidocaine 4% tropical solution
30ml, inj.lignocaine se lected">heavy 5% 2ml, inj.lorazepam 2ml,
inj.mesna 3ml, inj.metse lected">hotrexate 15mg/ml 1ml,
inj.metoclopramide 10ml, inj.metoprolol 1mg/ml 5ml,
inj.neostigmine 1ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 1000ml,
inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 100ml, inj.normal saline 0.45%
w/v 500ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 500ml,
inj.pse lected">henylepse lected">hrine 10mg 1ml, inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml,
inj.piperacillin 1gm + tazobactum 0.125gm, inj.piracetam
60ml, inj.procse lected">hlorperazine 1ml, inj.reteplase recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator 18mg, inj.sildenafil citrate,
inj.sodium se lected">hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe (cose lected">hevisc),
inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u., inj.succinylecse lected">hloine cse lected">hloride
10ml, inj.tetanus immunoglobulin 250 iu, inj.tse lected">hiamine
pyridoxine cyanocobalamine riboflavin nicotinamide dpantotse lected">helate , inj.tse lected">hiopentan sodium 500 mg,
inj.triamcinolone acetonide 10mg/ml, inj.trypan blue
0.8mg, inj.vecuronium bromide 4mg, lotion clobetasole
0.05%w/v+ salicylic acid 3%w/v 30ml, lotion clotrimazole
1%w/v topical solution 30ml, oil.simyl mct 50ml, oint.
ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye ointment 5 gm, oint.placentrex
50gm, powder activated cse lected">harcoal 500gms, powder
magnesium sulpse lected">hate 200gm, sol.cse lected">hloroxylenol terpinelol
alcose lected">hol absolute 500ml, sol.ecosse lected">hild (se lected">hysile) 1 lit/jar, lected">haemocoagulase 0.2 cu 10ml, sol.mercurocse lected">hrome
400ml, sol.microbar suspension.barium sulpse lected">hate bp 95gm
100ml, sol.triclofos 500mg 30ml, suppositories diclofenac
25mg, suppositories diclofenac 12.5 mg,
syp.fruse mide(10mg/ml)30ml, syp.levetracetam 100mg/ml
200ml, syp.ose ltamavir (12mg/ml) 75ml, syp.pse lected">henytoin
sodium 30mg/5ml 200ml, syp.potassium cse lected">hloride
1.5gm/15ml 200ml, syp.valporate 200mg/5ml 100ml,
tab.acetyl salicylic acid 350mg, tab.alprazolam 0.5mg,
tab.amitriptyline 10 mg, tab.amitriptyline 25 mg,
tab.bisacodyl 5mg, tab.carbamazepine 100mg,
tab.carbamazepine 200mg, tab.carvedilol 6.25mg,
tab.cse lected">hlordidzepoxide 25mg, tab.cse lected">hloroquine pse lected">hospse lected">hate
250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg, tab.clobazam 5 mg,
tab.clobazam10 mg, tab.clomipramine 25mg,
tab.clomipramine 75mg xr (extended realese ),
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg, tab.dexametse lected">hasone 0.5 mg,
tab.di etse lected">hylcarbamazine 100mg, tab.diazepam 10mg,
tab.diazepam 5 mg, tab.diltiazem 30 mg, tab.escitalopram
5mg, tab.etizolam 0.25mg, lected">haloperidol 10mg, lected">haloperidol 5mg, tab.isotretinoin 5 mg, tab.isoxsuprine
10mg , tab.ivermectin 6mg, tab.ivermectine 12 mg ,
tab.litse lected">hium carbonate 400mg, tab.lorazepam 1mg,
tab.metse lected">hotrexate 2.5mg, tab.minoxidil 5mg,
tab.misoprostol 200mcg , tab.misoprostol 25mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 600mcg , tab.nitrazepam 10mg,
tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg, tab.paroxetine 12.5mg,
tab.prednisolone 40mg, tab.primaquine 2.5 mg,
tab.primaquine 7.5 mg, tab.procse lected">hlorperazine 5 mg moutse lected">h
dissolveing tablet, tab.prometse lected">hazine se lected">hydrocse lected">hloride 25mg,
tab.propanolol 40mg, tab.quetiapine 100mg sr,
tab.quetiapine 200mg sr, rtrailine 25mg, tab.topiramate 25mg, tab.topiramate 50mg,
tab.trazadone 50mg, tab.verapamil 120mg sr,
tab.vitamin a 50000iu, tab.vitamin c 500mg cse lected">hewable,
tab.zidovudine 300mg + lamivudine 150mg, tab.zinc
sulpse lected">hate 20mg, tab.zolpidem 10 mg , inj.benzatse lected">hine
penicillin 12lac unit , tab.cefadroxyl 500mg, inj.ringer
lactate 500ml
Sports And Health Services
TRN : 34060558
14 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of byadagi cse lected">h illi wse lected">hole , kasse lected">hmiri cse lected">hilli wse lected">hole , badam powder
, cse lected">hilli powder , kasse lected">hmiri cse lected">hilli powder , dse lected">haniya powder ,
turmeric powder , jeera powder , black pepper wse lected">hole ,
wse lected">hite pepper wse lected">hole , wse lected">hite pepper powder , custard
powder , cloves , cinnamon stick , black cardamom ,
cardamom green , sse lected">hai jeera , jeera wse lected">hole , daniya se eds ,
tamarind , mustard se ed , metse lected">hi se eds , kasuri metse lected">hi ,
biriyani leaves , ananus flower , maratse lected">hi moggu , jaikainut
mug , ajwain , asafoetida 50 gram lg , meal maker , mango
pickle , catcse lected">h pepper100gm pack , catcse lected">h salt , catcse lected">h black
salt , salt powder , cse lected">hat masala , kabab masala , garam
masala , baking powder , pav bajji masala , rasam powder ,
cse lected">hanna masala , samber powder , tomato ketcse lected">hup , poppy
se eds , atta , atta multigrain , sona masoori rice , basmati
rice , brown basmati rice , matta rice , idli rice , boiled
rice , puffed rice , rava idli mix , pose lected">ha wse lected">hite , pose lected">ha red ,
millets , sago , rava , toor dal , moong dal , cse lected">hanna dal ,
masur dal , black dal wse lected">hole , brocken moong , urad dal
wse lected">hole , fried gram , dry peas , lobia , rajma wse lected">hite , rajma
red , black cse lected">hanna , moong wse lected">hole , k.cse lected">hanna , ragi flour ,
maida , rice floor , b g floor , corn floor , sunflower oil ,
olive oil extra virgin , olive oil pomance , mustard oil ,
ground nut oil , coconut oil , brocken wse lected">heat , vermicelli
rosted , vermicelli ragi , milletfoxtail pearl finger , se lected">horse
gram , sugar , jaggery wse lected">hole country , jaggery powder
country , dry grapes , broken casse lected">hew nuts , casse lected">hewnut 1
or 2 pieces , baby casse lected">hew nuts , casse lected">hewnut wse lected">hole ,
almonds , walnuts , lion dates se edless , pista , anjeera ,
peanut cse lected">hikki , groundnut , cse lected">hia se eds , sunflower se eds ,
pumpkin se eds , se lected">hot cse lected">hocolate powder , tea powder ,
coffee powder bru instant , peanut butter cruncse lected">hy , jam ,
se lected">honey , corn flakes , noodles , anil savage , jamoon mix ,
brown sugar , spagse lected">hetti , mellon se eds , olives , pasta ,
oats , good day biscuits , biscuits sweet and salt , vinegar ,
soya sauce , kewra water , cse lected">hilli sauce , fresse lected">h cream ,
rose water , worcestersse lected">hire sauce , mayonnaise , dry
oregano , demi glaze , lime juice , milkmaid , muesli dry
fruits nuts and cranberries , dark cse lected">hocolate compound ,
milk cse lected">hocolate compound , wse lected">hite cse lected">hocolate compound ,
makse lected">hana lotus stem , coconut milk , ice cream all flavors ,
mozzarella cse lected">heese sse lected">hredded cubes , cse lected">heddar cse lected">heese , dry
yeast , lasagna , cse lected">hutney powder , paprika powder , frencse lected">h
fries , scrubbers steel or plastic or green pad , tea glass
100 no roll , water glass 100 no roll , paper plates s ,
paper plates m , paper plates b , areca plates 12 inc , bio
plates 12 inc , plastic spoon , wooden spoon , aluminium
foil parcel box 500 ml , aluminium foil parcel box 750 ml ,
paper napkins , surgical gloves , se lected">head cap , carry bag 7 kg
capacity , aluminium foil , cling wrap , garbage bag
medium size , aprons disse lected">hwasse lected">hing , cleaning powder exo or
vim , pse lected">henol , soap oil sparks , disse lected">h wasse lected">h liquid diverse y ,
sumo grill diverse y , se lected">hand wasse lected">h liquid , sumo tablets
diverse y , knife regular big , wiper big , mop big , partition
plate 5 compartments , sponge wipes table wipe , stirrer
stick , muslin clotse lected">h , idly clotse lected">h , garbage bag extra to large ,
se lected">heavy to duty cleaning gloves , sugar cane plates 10 inc ,
sugar cane bowls 250 ml , kitcse lected">hen towel , active green
tablet rational oven , red tablet rational oven , se lected">care blue
tablet rational oven , floor cleaning brusse lected">h ss se lected">handle ,
table cleaning clotse lected">h , caustic soda
Security Services
TRN : 33987720
07 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of zidovudine 300mg plus lamivudine 150mg plus nevirapine
200mg tab , nitrofurantoin 100 mg tab , tab tse lected">h yroxin
sodium 75 mcg , inj nitroglycerineoblique glyceryltrinitrate
5 mg , syp zinc 20 mgoblique 5 mlcoma bottle of 100 ml ,
dexametse lected">hasone 4 mg , tab dienogest ip 2 mg , inj
leuprolide 3point75 mg , bisoprolol 2point5 mg tab ,
carvediolol 6point25 mg tab , propranolol 10 mg tab ,
trimetazidine 20 mg tab , misoprostol 200 mcg tab ,
prednisolone 10 mg tab , voglibose 0point3 mg tab ,
se lected">hepatitis b vaccine 10 ml , inj se lected">hepatitis b immunoglobin
100iuoblique1ml , tetanus toxoidcoma purified absorbed
rubber cappedcoma vial of 5 ml , alprazolam 0point5 mg
tab , cilnidipine 10 mg tab , clobazam 10 mg tab ,
deflazacort 12 mg tab , deflazacort 30 mg tab , entecavir 1
mg tab , etse lected">hambutol 1 gm tab , etoricoxib 60 mg tab ,
gabapentin 100 mg tab , se lected">hydrocse lected">hlorotse lected">hiazide 12point5 mg
tab , lacosamide 50 mg tab , lorazepam 2 mg tab ,
metse lected">hylcobalamin 500 mg tab , metoprolol 25 mg tab ,
moutse lected">h ulcer gel tube of 10 gm , naproxen 500 mg tab ,
paracetamol suppositories 150 mg , piracetam 800 mg tab
, rosuvastatin 20 mg tab , se rratiopeptidase 10 mg tab ,
se rratiopeptidase 5 mg tab , sodium valproate 500 mg cr
tab , telmisartan 20 mg tab , vitamin e 400 mg cap , inj
pse lected">henytoin sodium 50 mgobliquemlcoma 2ml ampoule , inj
clindamycin 600 mg , iron sucrose 20mg inj vial of 1 ml , inj
mepse lected">hentermine inj mepse lected">hentine , vitamin d3 400 iu
cse lected">holecalciferol drops bottle of 15ml , vitamin d3 800 iu
cse lected">holecalciferol drops bottle of 15ml , inj pse lected">hytomenadione
vitamin k 10 mgobliqueml , ddes125 solution , tab tadalafil
20mg , tab ambrise rtan 5mg , polyetse lected">hylene glycol sacse lected">het 7
grams , syp calcium witse lected">h pse lected">hospse lected">horus calcium
82pluspse lected">hospse lected">horus 41mgoblique5ml , vigabatrin powder for
oral solution usp 500 mg sacse lected">het , surgical suction witse lected">h
vaccum tube yankauer nozzle , adult diapers pkt of 10 size
smallcoma medium and large assorted size , vac gel foam
dressing size small witse lected">h canister , vac gel foam dressing
size medium witse lected">h canister , colostomy kit witse lected">h
accessories , colostomy kit witse lected">h belt se lected">care paste
base cover tube , one toucse lected">h se lect glucose strips bott of
50 strips , single foiled beta ketone strips 10 strips per box
compatible optium neo se lected">h blood
Security Services
TRN : 33957546
04 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of taking down of ligse lected">h t fittings of any type size and model
complete all as specified and directed. , taking down of
brackets of any type size and model complete all as
specified and directed. , dismantling existing steel or
cement poles struts any size se lected">carefully for reuse including
necessary excavation demolition , dismantling of cross
arms of ms cse lected">hannel or angle iron se ctions etc complete and
se tting aside all as specified , dismantling acsr conductor
of any size from existing overse lected">head se rvice feeder etc all as
specified and directed. , dismantling insulators like pin type
disc type for lt from existing electric poles of any
description , m and l for re fixing steel tubular swaged poles
complete witse lected">h cast iron base plate finial taper plug , m and l
for steel tubular swaged poles complete witse lected">h cast iron base
plate finial taper plug bolts nuts and screws as specified , m
and l steel tubular swaged poles complete witse lected">h cast iron
base plate finial taper plug bolts nuts and screws as
specified , re fixing of led street ligse lected">ht fittings of any
wattage outdoor type complete all as specified and
directed. , supply and fixing led street ligse lected">ht fitting 120 watt
230 v ac outdoor type witse lected">h se lected">higse lected">h pressure die cast
aluminum se lected">hosing , supply and fixing in repair led flood ligse lected">ht
150 watt 230 v ac outdoor type witse lected">h tse lected">hermal management
in multiple optics and equipped , s and f cable junction box
155x210x92 mm in size made out of tse lected">hermoplastic se lected">having
ip 66 protection for outdoor installation fixed witse lected">h 4 way
bakelite , supply and passing tse lected">hrougse lected">h steel tubler pole
se rvice connection 1100 volts grade multicore fr round
insulated copper conductor , s and f single arm bracket
made of 40mm dia 1.0mtr long for se curity ligse lected">ht witse lected">h
mounting ms clamp flat iron size 25x5mm , s and f in repair rigid non metallic pvc conduit of dia 20 mm exclusive of
boxes junction terminal but inclusive of all tees , m and l for
eartse lected">hing complete witse lected">h ms galvanized plate of size
60cmx60cmx6mm as eartse lected">h electrode , taking down out
unse rviceable or se rviceable ug cables of any cross
se ctional area and connections including bricks ,
excavating in trencse lected">hes not exc. 1.50 mtr wide and not exc.
1.50 mtr in deptse lected">h taking out and laying of cables etc. ,
returning filling in including spreading levelling watering
and well ramming in layers not exc. 250mm in soft loose
soil , removing excavated materials soils not exc. 50.00
mtr and depositing wse lected">here directed at a level not exc. 1.50
mtr above , m and l sand cusse lected">hioning dry in trencse lected">hes for
protection of ug cables below above and around tse lected">he ug
cable , m and l for fly asse lected">h bricks locally available laid dry
widtse lected">h wise across tse lected">he line of cable in trencse lected">hes for protection
of ug cable , supply and laying for cable in trencse lected">hes or
passing tse lected">hrougse lected">h pipe xlpe insulated 25 sqmm 4 core. ,
supply and laying for cable in trencse lected">hes or passing tse lected">hrougse lected">h
pipe xlpe insulated 10 sqmm 4 core. , re laying fixing or
passing tse lected">hrougse lected">h pipe xlpe insulated armoured electric
power ug cable se lected">heavy duty witse lected">h aluminium conductor , s
and f 40 mm se lected">higse lected">h density polyetse lected">hylene pipe se lected">hdpe of
pressure rating 6 kgf cm2 fixed complete to walls , s and f
galvanise d iron pipe 40mm bore dia ligse lected">ht grade for
protection of ug cable laid in floors , labour only for
se lected">horizontal boring for passing protection pipe up to 80mm
bore dia under road foot patse lected">h not exc. 10.00 mtr , m and l
for pcc 1.2.4 type b1 using 20 mm graded aggregate as in
coping for pole including form work and finisse lected">hing tse lected">he
surfaces , m and l for pcc 1.3.6 type c2 using 40 mm
graded aggregate as in foundation for pole etc , s and f
se lected">hdpe dwc double walled corrugated of diameter 25 mm
including disconnection , m and l for eartse lected">h continuity
conductor or main eartse lected">hing lead fixed to wall on batten or
recess or cse lected">hase s , s and f crca sse lected">heet steel duly
pse lected">hospse lected">hatized and powder coated witse lected">h 7 tank process wall
pole mounted floor , wrecking crow bar or claw bar as per
is 706 (q3)