List of haemocoagulase-gel Tenders
List of latest haemocoagulase-gel Tenders in Indian Tenders . Click on any haemocoagulase-gel Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for haemocoagulase-gel Tenders .
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34092986
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
12.27 Lacs
Tender for supply of cap. gynec cvp , cap.d oxepine 25mg , cap.fluoxetine
10mg , cap.vitamin a 25000iu , cream fucid ic acid 15gm ,
cream glycolic acid 30gm , cream tacrolimus 10gm ,
cream vt care , d rop.proparacaine hyd rochlorid e 5ml eye
d rop , d rop.timolol maleate 5ml eye d rops ,
d rop.tropicamid e plus eye d rops 5ml , d rop.zinc 15ml , d -selected ">gel
clotrimazole mouth paint 15ml , d -selected ">gel triamcinolone
acetonid e oral d -selected ">gel 10gm , i.v. sterile opthalmic irrigation
solution , inj.2-pyrid ine ald oxime methiod id e 20ml ,
inj.aminoven i.v. 100ml , inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant
suspn 5ml , inj.bupivacaine hcl 5mg d extrose 80mg 4ml
amp , inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg , inj.chloroquine 30ml ,
inj.clonid ine 150 , inj.d extrose 500 ml , inj.d extrose ,
inj.d extrose normal saline 500ml , inj.d iatrizoate
meglumine and d iatrizoate sod ium 20ml , inj.d igoxin ,
inj.d iltiazam , inj.ephed rine , inj.equine antirabies 5ml ,
inj.gentamycin 10ml , inj.glycopyrrloate neostigmine
methyl sulphate , inj.hepatites b multi d ose 10ml ,
inj.hyaluronid ase 1500 i.u. , inj.hyd roxyethyl starch 500ml ,
inj.hyd roxypropyl methylcellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20
mg , inj.isolyte p , inj.isoxsuprine , inj.lid ocaine 4 tropical
solution 30ml , inj.lignocaine heavy 2ml , inj.lorazepam
2ml , inj.mesna 3ml , inj.methotrexate 1ml ,
inj.metoclopramid e 10ml , inj.metoprolol 5ml ,
inj.neostigmine 1ml , inj.normal saline 0.9 1000ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 100ml , inj.normal saline 0.45 500ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 500ml , inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml ,
inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml , inj.piperacillin 1gm tazobactum
0.125gm , inj.piracetam 60ml , inj.prochlorperazine 1ml ,
inj.reteplase recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
18mg , inj.sild enafil citrate , inj.sod ium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe , inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u. ,
inj.succinylechloine chlorid e 10ml , inj.tetanus
immunoglobulin 250 iu , inj.thiamine pyrid oxine
cyanocobalamine riboflavinnicotinamid e d -pantothelate ,
inj.thiopentan sod ium 500 mg , inj.triamcinolone acetonid e
, inj.trypan blue 0.8mg , inj.vecuronium bromid e 4mg ,
lotion clobetasole salicylic acid 30ml , lotion clotrimazole
1 topical solution 30ml , oil.simyl mct 50ml , oint.
ciprofloxacin eye ointment 5 gm , oint.placentrex 50gm ,
powd er activated charcoal 500gms , powd er magnesium
sulphate 200gm , sol.chloroxylenol terpinelol alcohol
absolute 500ml , sol.ecoshild 1 lit jar , sol.d -selected ">haemocoagulase
0.2 cu 10ml , sol.mercurochrome 400ml , sol.microbar
suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm 100ml , sol.triclofos
500mg 30ml , suppositories d iclofenac 25mg ,
suppositories d iclofenac 12.5 mg , syp.frusemid e 30ml ,
syp.levetracetam 200ml , syp.oseltamavir 75ml ,
syp.phenytoin sod ium 200ml , syp.potassium chlorid e
200ml , syp.valporate 100ml , tab.acetyl salicylic acid
350mg , tab.alprazolam 0.5mg , tab.amitriptyline 10 mg ,
tab.amitriptyline 25 mg , tab.bisacod yl 5mg ,
tab.carbamazepine 100mg , tab.carbamazepine 200mg ,
tab.carved ilol 6.25mg , tab.chlord id zepoxid e 25mg ,
tab.chloroquine phosphate 250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg ,
tab.clobazam 5 mg , tab.clobazam10 mg ,
tab.clomipramine 25mg , tab.clomipramine 75mg xr ,
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg , tab.d examethasone 0.5 mg ,
tab.d i ethylcarbamazine 100mg , tab.d iazepam 10mg ,
tab.d iazepam 5 mg , tab.d iltiazem 30 mg ,
tab.escitalopram 5mg , tab.etizolam 0.25mg ,
tab.haloperid ol 10mg , tab.haloperid ol 5mg ,
tab.isotretinoin 5 mg , tab.isoxsuprine 10mg ,
tab.ivermectin 6mg , tab.ivermectine 12 mg , tab.lithium
carbonate 400mg , tab.lorazepam 1mg , tab.methotrexate
2.5mg , tab.minoxid il 5mg , tab.misoprostol 200mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 25mcg , tab.misoprostol 600mcg ,
tab.nitrazepam 10mg , tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg ,
tab.paroxetine 12.5mg , tab.pred nisolone 40mg ,
tab.primaquine 2.5 mg , tab.primaquine 7.5 mg ,
tab.prochlorperazine 5 mg mouth d issolveing tablet ,
tab.promethazine hyd rochlorid e 25mg , tab.propanolol
40mg , tab.quetiapine 100mg sr , tab.quetiapine 200mg
sr , tab.sertrailine 25mg , tab.topiramate 25mg ,
tab.topiramate 50mg , tab.trazad one 50mg ,
tab.verapamil 120mg sr , tab.vitamin a 50000iu ,
tab.vitamin c 500mg chewable , tab.zid ovud ine 300mg
lamivud ine 150mg , tab.zinc sulphate 20mg ,
tab.zolpid em 10 mg , inj.benzathine penicillin 12lac unit ,
tab.cefad roxyl 500mg , inj.ringer lactate 500ml
cap.gynec cvp, cap.d oxepine 25mg, cap.fluoxetine 10mg,
cap.vitamin a 25000iu, cream fucid ic acid 15gm, cream
glycolic acid 6% 30gm, cream tacrolimus 0.03% 10gm,
cream vt care , d rop.proparacaine hyd rochlorid e 0.5% 5ml
eye d rop, d rop.timolol maleate 0.5% 5ml eye d rops,
d rop.tropicamid e plus eye d rops 5ml, d rop.zinc 20mg/1ml
(15ml), d -selected ">gel clotrimazole mouth paint 15ml, d -selected ">gel
triamcinolone acetonid e oral d -selected ">gel 10gm, i.v. sterile
opthalmic irrigation solution, inj.2-pyrid ine ald oxime
methiod id e 25mg/ml 20ml, inj.aminoven 10% i.v. 100ml,
inj.bovine lipid extract surfactant suspn 5ml,
inj.bupivacaine hcl-5mg +d extrose - 80mg 4ml amp,
inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg, inj.chloroquine 40 mg/ml
30ml, inj.clonid ine 150mcg/ml , inj.d extrose 10% 500 ml ,
inj.d extrose 5% 500 ml , inj.d extrose normal saline 500ml , inj.d iatrizoate meglumine and d iatrizoate sod ium 76%
20ml, inj.d igoxin 0.5 mg / 2ml, inj.d iltiazam 25 mg/5 ml,
inj.ephed rine 30mg/ml, inj.equine antirabies ig 300 iul/ml
5ml, inj.gentamycin 10ml, inj.glycopyrrloate 0.5mg +
neostigmine methyl sulphate 2.5mg/5ml, inj.hepatites b
multi d ose 10ml, inj.hyaluronid ase 1500 i.u.,
inj.hyd roxyethyl starch 6% 500ml, inj.hyd roxypropyl
methylcellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20 mg , inj.isolyte p,
inj.isoxsuprine 5mg/ml , inj.lid ocaine 4% tropical solution
30ml, inj.lignocaine heavy 5% 2ml, inj.lorazepam 2ml,
inj.mesna 3ml, inj.methotrexate 15mg/ml 1ml,
inj.metoclopramid e 10ml, inj.metoprolol 1mg/ml 5ml,
inj.neostigmine 1ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 1000ml,
inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 100ml, inj.normal saline 0.45%
w/v 500ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 500ml,
inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml, inj.pilocarpine nitrate 1ml,
inj.piperacillin 1gm + tazobactum 0.125gm, inj.piracetam
60ml, inj.prochlorperazine 1ml, inj.reteplase recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator 18mg, inj.sild enafil citrate,
inj.sod ium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe (cohevisc),
inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u., inj.succinylechloine chlorid e
10ml, inj.tetanus immunoglobulin 250 iu, inj.thiamine
pyrid oxine cyanocobalamine riboflavin nicotinamid e d pantothelate , inj.thiopentan sod ium 500 mg,
inj.triamcinolone acetonid e 10mg/ml, inj.trypan blue
0.8mg, inj.vecuronium bromid e 4mg, lotion clobetasole
0.05%w/v+ salicylic acid 3%w/v 30ml, lotion clotrimazole
1%w/v topical solution 30ml, oil.simyl mct 50ml, oint.
ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye ointment 5 gm, oint.placentrex
50gm, powd er activated charcoal 500gms, powd er
magnesium sulphate 200gm, sol.chloroxylenol terpinelol
alcohol absolute 500ml, sol.ecoshild (hysile) 1 lit/jar,
sol.d -selected ">haemocoagulase 0.2 cu 10ml, sol.mercurochrome
400ml, sol.microbar suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm
100ml, sol.triclofos 500mg 30ml, suppositories d iclofenac
25mg, suppositories d iclofenac 12.5 mg,
syp.frusemid e(10mg/ml)30ml, syp.levetracetam 100mg/ml
200ml, syp.oseltamavir (12mg/ml) 75ml, syp.phenytoin
sod ium 30mg/5ml 200ml, syp.potassium chlorid e
1.5gm/15ml 200ml, syp.valporate 200mg/5ml 100ml,
tab.acetyl salicylic acid 350mg, tab.alprazolam 0.5mg,
tab.amitriptyline 10 mg, tab.amitriptyline 25 mg,
tab.bisacod yl 5mg, tab.carbamazepine 100mg,
tab.carbamazepine 200mg, tab.carved ilol 6.25mg,
tab.chlord id zepoxid e 25mg, tab.chloroquine phosphate
250mg , tab.cinnarizine 25mg, tab.clobazam 5 mg,
tab.clobazam10 mg, tab.clomipramine 25mg,
tab.clomipramine 75mg xr (extend ed realese),
tab.clonazepam 0.50mg, tab.d examethasone 0.5 mg,
tab.d i ethylcarbamazine 100mg, tab.d iazepam 10mg,
tab.d iazepam 5 mg, tab.d iltiazem 30 mg, tab.escitalopram
5mg, tab.etizolam 0.25mg, tab.haloperid ol 10mg,
tab.haloperid ol 5mg, tab.isotretinoin 5 mg, tab.isoxsuprine
10mg , tab.ivermectin 6mg, tab.ivermectine 12 mg ,
tab.lithium carbonate 400mg, tab.lorazepam 1mg,
tab.methotrexate 2.5mg, tab.minoxid il 5mg,
tab.misoprostol 200mcg , tab.misoprostol 25mcg ,
tab.misoprostol 600mcg , tab.nitrazepam 10mg,
tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg, tab.paroxetine 12.5mg,
tab.pred nisolone 40mg, tab.primaquine 2.5 mg,
tab.primaquine 7.5 mg, tab.prochlorperazine 5 mg mouth
d issolveing tablet, tab.promethazine hyd rochlorid e 25mg,
tab.propanolol 40mg, tab.quetiapine 100mg sr,
tab.quetiapine 200mg sr, tab.sertrailine 25mg, tab.topiramate 25mg, tab.topiramate 50mg,
tab.trazad one 50mg, tab.verapamil 120mg sr,
tab.vitamin a 50000iu, tab.vitamin c 500mg chewable,
tab.zid ovud ine 300mg + lamivud ine 150mg, tab.zinc
sulphate 20mg, tab.zolpid em 10 mg , inj.benzathine
penicillin 12lac unit , tab.cefad roxyl 500mg, inj.ringer
lactate 500ml