List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for strengthening of red-selected">manali-sarchu-leh road of nh-03 frored-selected">m kred-selected">m 403 to kred-selected">m 414 net length 11 kred-selected">m taking red-selected">manali as kred-selected">m zero, under project hired-selected">mank in union territory of ladakh 11 kred-selected">m on epc red-selected">mode
Tender for request for selection rfs single bid two envelop systered-selected">m frored-selected">m technical capable and financial sound positioned bidders for setting up of total 125red-selected">mw/250 red-selected">mwh standalone battery energy storage systered-selected">m bess under tariff based cored-selected">mpetitive bidding tbcb with support of viability gap funding vgfunder build-own-operate-transfer boot red-selected">model in the state of bihar at different grid sub-stations of bihar state power transred-selected">mission cored-selected">mpany lired-selected">mited bsptcl for a period of 12 years.
Tender for rising red-selected">main connection d.i-k9, laying distribution systered-selected">m d.i-k7 hdpe pe-100, and balance portion of functional household tap connection 1052 nos and reconnection of functional household tap connection 4370 nos for augred-selected">mentation of
Tender for construction of boundwary wall , pured-selected">mp house, pcc approach road, land developred-selected">ment for augred-selected">mentation of jorgacha pwss in dored-selected">mkol block , islared-selected">mpur sub-division underred-selected">murshidabad division, phe.dte.
Tender for ired-selected">mprovered-selected">ments to elired-selected">minate the blackspot at ganapathy red-selected">moorred-selected">market junction tn-02-623 at kred-selected">m 312/0 to kred-selected">m 315/4 of nh 948 length 3.4 kred-selected">m bangalore sathyared-selected">mangalared-selected">m coired-selected">mbatore road under ap-2024-25 in the state of tared-selected">mil nadu