List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for supply of pull rod size 32 x 125 x 524 red-selected">mred-selected">m to drg. no. sk-98026 alt-1, itered-selected">m-6. red-selected">matl.&spec. as per drg. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitted: red-selected">max 8 lacs
Tender for supply of 1/2 inch spring loaded drain valve cored-selected">mplete for 20 ltr. airreservoir to red-selected">m/s ftrtil pt. no.-702 010600 orred-selected">m/s escorts drg. no.-4eb6959 alt-01 orred-selected">m/s wabco red-selected">make sundarared-selected">m clyton pt. no.-red-selected">m302830. w arranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for ired-selected">mprovered-selected">ment to canal renovation to structures hiradharabatired-selected">main canal at rd 23.60, 24.36, 25.36, 26.17, 30.46, 33.90, 34.04 and 38.62 kred-selected">m of hiradharabatiirrigation project.
Tender for supply of hose connection 20 red-selected">mred-selected">m bore x 550 red-selected">mred-selected">m long for air spring suspension bogies, to rdso d rg. no. sketch-k1054, alt. nil, conforred-selected">ming to rdso specification no. c-k407 rev. 04 warranty period : 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitted: red-selected">max 8 lac s
Tender for laying of rising red-selected">main forinterconnection with t.w. and distribution systered-selected">m and protection works at proposed tw site of balundi water supply schered-selected">me
Tender for supply of set of prired-selected">mary springs for wag-7 locos outer and inner each one no as perrdso drg no sk.vl- 037 alt 6 forinner spring and to rdso drg no sk.vl-039 alt-6 for outer spring, and conforred-selected">ming to rdso specn. no red-selected">mp.0.4900.12 rev.05 of dec 2020. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitt ed: red-selected">max 8 lacs
Tender for annual plan-kayared-selected">mkulared-selected">m red-selected">muncipalityred-selected">maintenance of thannikkathara road in ward 27 proj no 504/24 25 ward 27 general civil work