List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for ared-selected">mc of integrated security and surveillance systered-selected">m - rered-selected">mote video red-selected">monitoring; non-cored-selected">mprehensive; hardware; consured-selected">mables to be provided by buyer; business house; control roored-selected">m; quarterly; yes; event analysis& reporting; field location
Tender for supply of high pressure breathing air cored-selected">mpressor petrol engine
driven, portable fire extinguishers (v2) as peris
15683:2018, relay frared-selected">me assy.,red-selected">mcc frared-selected">me assy.,
d.p.latch frared-selected">me assy (203bs43) (bhel), breathing
apparatus accessories or supplies re breathing bag as peris 11364:1994, high pressure breathing air cored-selected">mpressorred-selected">motor driven as peris 15879, red-selected">microscopes - pathological
and research as peris 4381, is 5204, is 4381, is 5204,
screw cored-selected">mpressor, sred-selected">mooth bore circuits - anesthesia
breathing circuits (v2), cored-selected">mpressor oils, wooden podiured-selected">m
Tender for custored-selected">m bid for services - jg24clr249 red-selected">miscellaneous environred-selected">mental protection related works in process units and associated facilities in various zones at gujarat refinery part bzone 6 part c zone 5 and part d zone 4
Tender for custored-selected">m bid for services - biennial contract of round the clock red-selected">maintenance of st in expansion power plant nspcl bhilai