List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for supply of veternary red-selected">medicines surgical itered-selected">ms antirabies vaccine and anired-selected">mal food for treatred-selected">ment of stray anired-selected">mals and annired-selected">mal birth control prograred-selected">m at pashu ashray sthal aasra bhopal for the year 2024 25
Tender for supply of supply, installation and cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning of red-selected">multi-operated welding rectifier of capacity 1500ared-selected">mps as per the technical specifications attached. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for repairing, red-selected">maintenance and chlorination of hand-pured-selected">mps by providing required labour with vehicles in various villages of block chhapara and dhanora, distt seoni
Tender for repair and red-selected">maintenance of water supply work repairing of leakage points on pipe line and subred-selected">mersible red-selected">motor pured-selected">mp at rehabilitation site nisarpur - i, tehsil kukshi dist. dharincluding red-selected">material, labour, charges, transportation and testing etc. co
Tender for supply of coach set of cushions for seats and backrests of lws/ bw2 coach consist of the following 1 four seater cushion to drg. lg61228, alt nil, itered-selected">m-2- to quant ity-20 nos, 2single seater cushion -rh todrg. lg61232, alt nil, itered-selected">m- 2- to quantity-10 nos, 3single seater cushion -lh to drg. lg61230, altnil, itered-selected">m- 2- to quantity-10 nos, 4four sea ter backrest cushion to drg.lg61234, alt nil, itered-selected">m-3- to quantity-20 nos 5single seater ba ckrest cushion to drg. lg61237, alt-nil, itered-selected">m- 3- to quantity-20 nos and 6transverse uppe r berth cushion to">mi006651, alt-c, itered-selected">m- 3- to quantity-20 nos cushioning red-selected">material sh all be of pu foared-selected">m conforred-selected">ming to rdso specification rdso/2007/cg-04, rev-01 or latest. not e : firred-selected">m has the option for offering seats and berths cushion with lower density of 65 p lus orred-selected">minus 5 kg/red-selected">m3 conforred-selected">ming to spec.rdso/2007/cg-04, rev-01 or latest also. please vis it icf vendor portal for downloading drawing using key: 0 724sigred-selected">m8sz3586 warranty period: 120 red-selected">months after the date of delivery
Tender for integrated property red-selected">managered-selected">ment services operation and red-selected">maintenance of civil, red-selected">mechanical, electrical and housekeeping work of crystal it park sez, khandwa road, indore red-selected">m.p.