List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for rfp for ered-selected">mpanelred-selected">ment of agencies to conduct reverse buyer sellerred-selected">meets in red-selected">maharashtra underrared-selected">mp prograred-selected">mred-selected">me
Tender for disred-selected">mantling, fabrication, erection of displaced bronze bush of trunnion at its original working position forradial gate no.10 in right side trunnion and gate no.22 in left side trunnion and fixed support of end pier for hoist its isred-selected">mb, red-selected">ms plate, red-selected">ms shaft with pulley etc forradial gate no 1 and2 its interred-selected">mediate pierred-selected">main spill way of ukai dared-selected">m gate size 51 x 48.5 with all accessories inclusive of labour, scaffolding, tools and tackles etc. cored-selected">mplete
Tender for as per tender docured-selected">ment srp repairs to fallen/red-selected">missing breaches of south end of inner fort wall on hill top at nagarjunakonda, guntur dist, a.p.
Tender for supply of isired-selected">marked galvanized steel tubes screwed with one end isired-selected">marked socketed, other e nd protected with plastic thread protect. class : b, bore size nored-selected">minal in red-selected">mred-selected">m : 50, outside diared-selected">meter b etween 59.7red-selected">mred-selected">m - 60.8red-selected">mred-selected">m, wall thickness 3.60red-selected">mred-selected">m, confirred-selected">ming to is : 1239 part i 2004, and both end ed threaded confirred-selected">ming to is : 554 : 1954 red-selected">make : tt swastik, prakash surya, tata or jindal or sired-selected">milar n ote : each pipe to be required in 6 red-selected">meters of length . a certificate that red-selected">material has been purchase frored-selected">m the oered-selected">m/authorized dealer of oered-selected">m along with the red-selected">materials by the firred-selected">m with 30 red-selected">months warrared-selected">mty/ guar antee. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery