List of latest m-r-i Tenders in Indian Tenders. Click on any m-r-i Tenders to view BOQ, NIT and Tender Documents. Get GeM Registration and Bidding Support, Vendor Registration for m-r-i Tenders.
Tender for day to day repair, operation red-selected">maintenance of distribution systered-selected">m, rising red-selected">main and allied pipelines fhtc connection along with operation and red-selected">maintainance of iron elired-selected">mination plant
Tender for supply, installation, testing and cored-selected">mred-selected">missioning including trial run and one year successful operation and red-selected">maintenance of eight 8 nos. colured-selected">mn red-selected">mounted red-selected">mixed flow subred-selected">mersible pured-selected">mp of capacity
Tender for axle box cored-selected">mplete assly with all partred-selected">middle/centre assered-selected">mbly plain as perred-selected">m/s.nei .nei-x-207, rev-nil or latest and rdso">mp.0.3600-01 or fagschaeffler drawing no. 901-20-1 01, version -ab or latest and rdso spec no. red-selected">mp-0-3600-01 or skf drg. no. skf-dp04-000, rev.-02for wag-7. warranty period: 30 red-selected">months after the date of delivery quantity tolerance +/-: 5 %age, itered-selected">m category : norred-selected">mal, total po value variation perred-selected">mitted: red-selected">max 8 lacs
Tender for day to day repair, operation red-selected">maintenance of distribution systered-selected">m, rising red-selected">main and allied pipelines fhtc connection along with operation and red-selected">maintainance of iron elired-selected">mination plant
Tender for day to day repair, operation red-selected">maintenance of distribution systered-selected">m, rising red-selected">main and allied pipelines red-selected">maintainance of iron elired-selected">mination plant for helenchi zone-i helenchi
Tender for supplying of pured-selected">mp - red-selected">model scp-150 350 ha red-selected">motorrating - 45 kw 1450 rpred-selected">m/ie2 cgl flow 398 red-selected">m3 hr head -31red-selected">mtrs sucxdel - 200 x 1500 red-selected">mred-selected">m set wilo cored-selected">mp. under uidssred-selected">mt