Security Services
TRN : 34087117
17 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 34087120
18 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b c omplex with a minimum c onc entration of c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b1-5 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b6-3 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b12-5 mc g therapeutic tab ranitidine 150 mg tab ac ec lofenac 100 mg tab
Security Services
TRN : 34087154
17 Mar, 2025
Other Non-Ferrous Metals
TRN : 34088196
12 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of essential medic ines tab ./c ap b-c omplex + c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit amins+ minerals,
pantaprazole 40 mg + domperidone 30 mg. c ap./tab .,
roxithromyc in 150 tab , c iprofloxac in eye drops
0.3%w/v - 5 ml, tab /c ap.metoprolol suc c inate
extended release 25mg, tab /c ap. metoprolol
suc c inate extended release 50 mg,
tab .norethisterone 5mg, atenolol 50 mg. with
amlodipine 5 mg.tab ., tab .enalapril 5mg,
tab .enalapril 10mg, tab .ramipril 5mg, tab /c ap ramipril
2.5mg, telmisartan 40 mg. tab ., tramadol hc l 37.5 mg
+ac etaminophen 325 mg,
ac ec lofenac 100mg/dic lofenac 50mg +
c hlorzoxazone 500 mg + parac etamol 325mg,
etoric oxib 90 mg, metformin sr 500 mg. tab ., tab .
metformin sr 1 gm, tab . glic lazide 80 mg,
phenylephrine 5 mg +c hlorpheniramine 2 mg
+parac etamol 500 mg, syp. dextromethorphan
10mg/5ml+ c hlorpheniramine maleate 4mg/5ml - 100 ml
bottle, syp.milk of magnesia3.75 ml+liquid paraffin
1.25ml+sodium pic osulphate3.33mg, deriphyllin retard
tab 150, c ream mic onazole + neomyc in + c lobetasol
20gm, gel lignoc aine+c alc ium dobesilate/phenylephrine,
tab ./c ap.c arbonyl iron 50mg +folic ac id 0.5mg+ zinc
sulphate, losartan potassium &
hydroc hlorthiazide
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34088916
05 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
14.52 Crore
Security Services
TRN : 34076857
08 Mar, 2025
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34077105
04 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of syp pc m 250mg 5ml , tab phenobarbitone 30mg , tab
phenytoin 300mg , diethylc arbamazine oral liqo 120mg 5ml
, c ap amoxic illine 250mg , gentamin inj 10mg ,
c otrimoxazole oral liquid , metronidazole tab 200mg , syp
norfloxac in , c lotrimazole vaginal tab , tab metoprolol
25mg , framyc etine sulphate oinament , boro sprit eardrop
, syp ondonseron 2mg 5ml , isphahula granules husk
powder , tab dic ylomine 10mg , inj dic yc lomine , senna
powder , tab levothyorosine 25mg , sodium c hloride inj
09perc ent , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit amin c 100mg , c alc ium c arbonate tab
500mg , sodium c hloride 2perc ent eye drop , tab
albendezole 400mg , tab ofloxac ine 400mg , tab
domperindone 10mg , syp domperindone 10mg , tab zinc
20mg , ors , syp montelukast , syp iron folic ac id , tab ifa
blue , tab ifa pink , tab ifa red , liq hypoc hloride
10perc ent 1lt , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit d drop pd , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit d drop ad , tab
nortriptyline 25 mg , tab armod 50 mg , tab armod 150 mg
, c ap flunil 40 mg , inj lopez 4 mg , syp flunil 20mg 5ml ,
syp divaa 500mg , inj haloperidol la 50 mg , tab amisant
50 mg , tab amisant 100 mg , tab amisant 200 mg , tab
risdone 05 mg , tab risdone 1 mg , tab esc italent 5
mg , tab esc italent 10 mg , tab esc italent 20 mg ,
tab arip 2mg , tab arip 5mg , tab risdone ls 2x2 , c ap
flutee 20 mg , tab olay md 5mg , tab olay md 10 mg ,
tab quton sr 50 mg , tab quton sr 100 mg , tab
fluoxin 100 mg , tab elic it forte , tab mirtaz 15 mg ,
tab sertee 50 mg , tab sertee 100 mg , tab lurasid 40
mg , tab lopez 1 mg , tab lopez 2 mg , tab
haloperidol 05 mg , tab haloperidol 10 mg , syp
risdone , syp c ogvin , tab ventab xl 375 mg , tab
ventab xl 75 mg , tab c onc erta 10 mg , tab c onc erta
18 mg , inj naloxon , inj flumazinil 05 mg , tab axepta
atomoxetine 10 mg , tab axepta atomoxetine 18 mg ,
tab c lonil 50 mg , tab memantine 10 mg , tab
lurasidone 40 mg , inj restonorm la 50 mg , tab
c lonidine arkamine 100 mc g , inj olanzapine , nac otine
gum 2 mg , nac otine gum 4 mg , nac otine patc h 7 mg ,
nac otine patc h 14 mg , nac otine patc h 21 mg , inj
phenargan 50mg , inj levera 500mg , tab divaa 500mg ,
tab oxital 300mg
Security Services
TRN : 34077145
14 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of tramadol hc l 50 mg tab , fenofibrate 200 mg tab ,
isosorbide dinitrate 10 mg tab , isosorbide5 mononitrate 20
mg tab , isapgol ispaghula husk 3poin5 gm , c arbimazole 5
mg tab , bimatoprost 0poin03per bott of 3ml eye drop ,
betahistine dihydroc hloride 8mg tab , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit a b c omplex
therapeutic tab with minim c onc entraton of c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b15mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit
b63mg and c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit b125mc g , dic lofenac sodium sr 100mg
tab , c yproheptadine 4 mg tab , c arbamazepine 200 mg
c r tab , c lobazam 5 mg tab , diazepam 5 mg tab ,
c anagliflozin 100mg tab , sulphamethoxazole 400 mg and
trimethoprim 160mg tab , anastrazole 1mg tab ,
c arvedilol 12poin5 mg tab , diltiazem 60 mg tab ,
rosuvastatin 5mg tab , enalapril maleate 10 mg tab ,
enalapril 5 mg tab , triamc inalone ac etate 0poin1per for
oral use tube of 5gm , panc reatic enzyme c asules with
lipas c onten of 10000 to 20000 unit , human insulin
analogu long ac ting inj 100 iu ml rec ombinan dna origin
300 iu disposabl pen with 5 nedle per pen , vildagliptin
50mg tab , sitagliptin 50mg plus metformin 1000mg tab ,
c yproheptadine hc l 2 mg 5ml bott of 100 ml syp ,
duloxetine 20 mg tab , zidovudine 300 mg plus lamivudine
150 mg plus nevirapine 200mg tab , thyroxin sodium 75
mc g tab , syp iron 80mg 5ml bott of 200 ml , dic lofenac
spray , gel adapalene 0poin1per plus c lindamyc in 1per
phosphate tube of 15gm , tab ac enoc oumarol 3 mg , tab
taurine plus ac etylc ystene 150 500mg , amisulpride 50 mg
tab orodispersible , amlodipine 2poin5mg tab ,
betamethasone valerate 0poin1per oint tube 20 gm ,
c alamine lotion bott of 100ml , tab c ilnidipine 10 mg ,
c ream c lobetasol 0poin05per plus salic ylic ac id 3per tube
of 15gm , c lonazepam 0poin25mg tab , tab diac erin 50 mg plus gluc osamine 750 mg , tab dic lofenac potassium 50mg
plus serriopeptidase 10mg , faropenem 200 mg tab , tab
etoric oxib 60 mg , fluvoxamine c r 100 mg tab , glimepride
1mg plus metformin 500mg tab , glimepride 2mg plus
metformin 500mg tab , tab nitroglyc erine 6poin4mg ,
lamotrigine 100 mg tab , c remafin whit eac h 15 ml
c ontaing milk of magnesia 11poin25 ml liq parafin
3poin75ml botl of 170 ml syp , mec obalamine 500mc g tab ,
mesalamine sac het 1000mg , multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin syp bott of
200ml , naproxen 250 mg plusdomperidone 10 mgtab ,
olmesartan 20mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg plus
methylc obalmin 750 mc g tab , pyridoxine 40mg tab ,
rabeprazole 20 mg plus domperidone 10 mg tab , tab
risperidone 1mg , sodium valporate 500mg tab ,
c hlordiazepoxide 5mg plus c linidium 2poin5mg tab , knee
c ap l , syringes disposable 10ml , bandage open wove
unc ompressed 10 c m x 4 metres , gauze surgic al open
wove unmedic ated 60 c m wide length 18 mtr , syp digestiv
enzym c ontaing atleast four c onstituent pepsin fungal , tab
eplerenone 50mg , e d brimonidine 0poin2per plus timolol
0poin5per bott of 5ml , brinzolamide 1per plus timolol
0poin5per eye drops bott of 5 ml , budesonide 200 mc g dry
powder , tab c oenzyme q10 mg , c ough lozenges tab ,
tamsulosin 0poin4 mg plus dutasteride 0poin5 mg tab ,
sitagliptin 50mg tab , c olostomy bag plus base plate 60mm
, urostomy kit size 50mm urostomy bagplus base plate ,
tab levodopa 100 mg plus c arvidopa 10 mg , bisoprolol
1poin25mg tab , brimonidine 0poin15per eye drop
preservative free , formetrol 6mc g plus budesonide
200mc g respule , tolvaptan 15 mg tab , imeglimin 500mg
tab , lenvatinib 8mg tab , tetrabenazine 25mg revoc on
tab , c intapride 3mg tab , tab dasatinib 100 mg , oint
povidone iodine 10per w w tube of 15gm , tab etoric oxib 90
mg , bromhexine 5 ml c ontaining 4 mg of bromhexine hc l
bottle of 120ml syp , methylprednisolone sodium suc c inate
40 mg inj of 2 ml , fexofenadine hydroc hloride 120 mg tab
, methyl prednisolone sodium ac etate 80 mg inj , alfuzoc in
10mg tab , thioc holc hic oside 4 mg c ap , atorvastatin 10mg
plus fenofibrate 160mg tab , tab dic lofenac 50mg plus
parac etamol 325 mg plusc hlorzoxazone 250 mg ,
mesalamine 400 mg tab , metoprolol 25mg tab
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34077998
10 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of tab .rifaximin 200mg , tab .rifaximin 550mg ,
tab .risperidone 1mg , tab .risperidone 2mg ,
tab .rosuvastatin 10mg , tab .salbutamol 4mg ,
tab .serratiopeptidase 10 mg , tab .sertrailine 25mg ,
tab .sertrailine 50mg , tab .sevelamer c arbonate 400mg ,
tab .sevelamer c arbonate 800mg , tab .sildenafil c itrate
50mg , tab .sitagliptin 100mg , tab .sitagliptin 50mg ,
tab .sodamint , tab .sodium valporate 200mg , tab .sodium
valporate 300mg , tab .sodium valporate 500mg ,
tab .spironolac tone 25mg , tab .spironolac tone 50mg ,
tab .tamsulosin 0.4 mg , tab .tamsulosin 0.4 mg
dutasteride 0.5mg , tab .telmisartan 20mg ,
tab .telmisartan 40mg , tab .telmisartan40mg
hydroc hlorothihazide12.5mg , tab .terbinafine 250mg ,
tab .theophylline 77mg etophylline 23mg plain ,
tab .thiamine 100mg , tab .thiamine mononitrate 10mg
riboflavine 10mg pyridoxine hc l 3mg c yanoc obalamine 15
mc g nic otinamide 45mg c alc ium pantothenate 50mg ip ,
tab .thyroxin sodium 100mc g , tab .thyroxin sodium
12.5mc g , tab .thyroxine sodium 25 mc g , tab .thyroxine
sodium 50mc g , tab .thyroxine sodium 75 mc g ,
tab .topiramate 25mg , tab .topiramate 50mg ,
tab .torsemide 10mg , tab .tramadol 37.5mg parac etamol
325mg , tab .tranexamic ac id 500 mg mefenamic ac id 250
mg , tab .tranexamic ac id 500mg , tab .trazadone 50mg ,
tab .trihexyphenidyl hydroc hloride 2mg , tab .trypsin
1000000 c hymotrypsine 2000000 , tab .ursodeoxyc holic
ac id 300mg , tab .verapamil 120mg sr , tab .c lass="text-red-selec ted">vit amin a
50000iu , tab .c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 500mg c hewable , tab .voglibose
0.3mg , tab .warfarin sodium 2mg , tab .warfarin sodium
5mg , tab .zidovudine 300mg lamivudine 150mg , tab .zinc sulphate 20mg , tab .zolpidem 10 mg , c ap.itrac onazole
200mg , c ream c lobetasol propionate 0.05 20gm , c ream
c lobetasole mic onazole neomyc in 10gm , c ream
lulic onazole 20gm , gel c hlorhexidine gluc onate 15gm ,
gel pottassium nitrate sodium monoflurophosphate
tric losan 50gm , gumpaint tannic ac id zinc c hloride
c etrimide 15ml , inj benzathine penic illin 12lac units ,
inj.c eftazidime 1gm , inj.dextrose 25ml ampoule ,
inj.dic yc lomine hydroc hloride 2ml , inj.heparin 1000 5ml ,
inj.mec obalamine 500mc g pyridoxin hc l 50mg nic otinamide
2ml neurobion , powder neomyc in polymyxin b sulfates
bac itrac in zinc 10gm , powder oral rehydration salt 4.2gm
. who rec ommended formula , sol..c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 1 lac 100ml ,
sol.c hlorhexidine gluc onate c etrimide 100ml ,
sol.salbutamol 5mg respules 2.5ml ,
syp.dextromethorphan hydrobromide phenylephrine
c hlorpheniramine maleate , syp.parac etamol 60ml ,
syp.salbutamol 100ml , tab .amoxic illin 500mg c lavulanic
ac id 125mg , tab .lithium c arbonate ip 300 mg ,
tab .montelukast 4mg levoc etrizine 2.5mg ,
tab .parac etamol 650 mg , tab .rosuvastatin ip 5mg ,
tab .rosuvastin ip 20 mg , c ap.omeprazole 20mg
domperidone 10mg , c ap.omeprazole 20 mg ,
tab .pantoprazole ip 40 mg , ranitidine 150 mg tab ,
tab .sodium bic arbonate ip 500mg , tab .domperidone ip 10
mg , tab .metoc lopramide 10mg , drop.domperidone ,
inj.ranitidine 25mg 2ml , powder oral rehydration salt
21gm . who rec ommended formula , digestive enzymes
tab lets , tab . c etrizine 10mg , syp.c etrizine 5mg 60ml ,
syp.diphenhydramine hc l ammonium c hloride ethanol
100ml , syp.terbutaline sulphate bromhexine
hydroc hloride guaiphenesin menthol 100ml ,
syp.parac etamol phenylephrine hc l c hlorpheniramine
maleate , salbutamol inhaler 100mg metered dose , tab .
c alc ium 500mg with c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin d 3 250 , tab .albendazole ip
400mg , c ap.amoxic illin 250 mg , c ap.amoxic illin 500 mg ,
tab .azithromyc in 250mg , tab .azithromyc in 500mg , tab .
c efadroxil 500mg , tab .c efixime 100mg , tab .c efixime
200mg , c ap.c ephalexin 250 mg , tab .c iprofloxac in 500mg
tinidizole 600mg , tab .c iprofloxac in 250 mg ,
tab .c iprofloxac in 500 mg , tab .c otrimoxazole ds ,
c ap.doxic yc line 100 mg , tab .fluc onazole 150mg ,
tab .metronidazole 200mg , tab .metronidazole 400mg ,
tab .norfloxac in 400mg tinidazole 600mg , tab .norfloxac in
400 mg , tab .ofloxac in 200mg ornidazole 500mg ,
tab .ofloxac in 200mg , susp.albendazole 10 ml ,
susp.amoxyc illin 60ml dry syrup with sterile water for
dilution in a monoc arton , susp.azithromyc in ip 100mg
15ml , susp.c efadroxil ip 125mg , susp.c efixime 50mg 5ml
ip 30ml , inj.amikac in ip 100mg 2ml , inj.amikac in ip
500mg 2ml , ampic illin 500 mg inj , inj.amoxyc illin 1000mg
c lavulanic ac id 200mg , inj.c efoperazone 500gm sulbac tum
500mg ip , inj.c efotaxime 1gm , inj.c eftriaxone 1gm ,
tab .glimepride ip 1 mg , tab .glimepride ip 2 mg ,
tab .metformin 500 mg , inj.frusemide 10mg ml 2ml ,
tab .amlodepin ip as besylate 5 mg , tab . atenelol ip 25mg ,
tab . atenelol ip 50mg , tab . atorvastatin ip 10mg , tab .
atorvastatin ip 20mg , tab .losartan potassium 50mg ,
tab .nifedipine 10 mg , tab .dic yc lomine hc l 20mg
parac etamol 325 mg ip , tab .dic ylomine 20mg mefenamic
ac id 250mg parac etamol 325mg ip , tab .ac ec lofenac
100mg parac etamol 325mg , tab .dic lofenac 50mg
parac etamol 325mg ip , tab .ibuprofen 200mg ,
tab .ibuprofen 400 mg parac etamol 325 mg ip , tab .parac etamol ac etoaminophan 500 mg ,
susp.parac etamol 125mg 5ml 60ml , inj.dic lofenac sodium
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34078913
04 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
1.50 Crore