Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34092986
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
12.27 Lacs
Tender for supply of c ap. gynec c vp , c ap.doxepine 25mg , c ap.fluoxetine
10mg , c ap.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 25000iu , c ream fuc idic ac id 15gm ,
c ream glyc olic ac id 30gm , c ream tac rolimus 10gm ,
c ream vt c are , drop.proparac aine hydroc hloride 5ml eye
drop , drop.timolol maleate 5ml eye drops ,
drop.tropic amide plus eye drops 5ml , drop.zinc 15ml , gel
c lotrimazole mouth paint 15ml , gel triamc inolone
ac etonide oral gel 10gm , i.v. sterile opthalmic irrigation
solution , inj.2-pyridine aldoxime methiodide 20ml ,
inj.aminoven i.v. 100ml , inj.bovine lipid extrac t surfac tant
suspn 5ml , inj.bupivac aine hc l 5mg dextrose 80mg 4ml
amp , inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg , inj.c hloroquine 30ml ,
inj.c lonidine 150 , inj.dextrose 500 ml , inj.dextrose ,
inj.dextrose normal saline 500ml , inj.diatrizoate
meglumine and diatrizoate sodium 20ml , inj.digoxin ,
inj.diltiazam , inj.ephedrine , inj.equine antirabies 5ml ,
inj.gentamyc in 10ml , inj.glyc opyrrloate neostigmine
methyl sulphate , inj.hepatites b multi dose 10ml ,
inj.hyaluronidase 1500 i.u. , inj.hydroxyethyl starc h 500ml ,
inj.hydroxypropyl methylc ellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20
mg , inj.isolyte p , inj.isoxsuprine , inj.lidoc aine 4 tropic al
solution 30ml , inj.lignoc aine heavy 2ml , inj.lorazepam
2ml , inj.mesna 3ml , inj.methotrexate 1ml ,
inj.metoc lopramide 10ml , inj.metoprolol 5ml ,
inj.neostigmine 1ml , inj.normal saline 0.9 1000ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 100ml , inj.normal saline 0.45 500ml ,
inj.normal saline 0.9 500ml , inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml ,
inj.piloc arpine nitrate 1ml , inj.piperac illin 1gm tazobac tum
0.125gm , inj.pirac etam 60ml , inj.proc hlorperazine 1ml ,
inj.reteplase rec ombinant tissue plasminogen ac tivator
18mg , inj.sildenafil c itrate , inj.sodium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe , inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u. ,
inj.suc c inylec hloine c hloride 10ml , inj.tetanus
immunoglobulin 250 iu , inj.thiamine pyridoxine
c yanoc obalamine riboflavinnic otinamide d-pantothelate ,
inj.thiopentan sodium 500 mg , inj.triamc inolone ac etonide
, inj.trypan blue 0.8mg , inj.vec uronium bromide 4mg ,
lotion c lobetasole salic ylic ac id 30ml , lotion c lotrimazole
1 topic al solution 30ml , oil.simyl mc t 50ml , oint.
c iprofloxac in eye ointment 5 gm , oint.plac entrex 50gm ,
powder ac tivated c harc oal 500gms , powder magnesium
sulphate 200gm , sol.c hloroxylenol terpinelol alc ohol
absolute 500ml , sol.ec oshild1 lit jar , sol.haemoc oagulase
0.2 c u 10ml , sol.merc uroc hrome 400ml , sol.mic robar
suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm 100ml , sol.tric lofos
500mg 30ml , suppositories dic lofenac 25mg ,
suppositories dic lofenac 12.5 mg , syp.frusemide 30ml ,
syp.levetrac etam 200ml , syp.oseltamavir 75ml ,
syp.phenytoin sodium 200ml , syp.potassium c hloride
200ml , syp.valporate 100ml , tab.ac etyl salic ylic ac id
350mg , tab.alprazolam 0.5mg , tab.amitriptyline 10 mg ,
tab.amitriptyline 25 mg , tab.bisac odyl 5mg ,
tab.c arbamazepine 100mg , tab.c arbamazepine 200mg ,
tab.c arvedilol 6.25mg , tab.c hlordidzepoxide 25mg ,
tab.c hloroquine phosphate 250mg , tab.c innarizine 25mg ,
tab.c lobazam 5 mg , tab.c lobazam10 mg ,
tab.c lomipramine 25mg , tab.c lomipramine 75mg xr ,
tab.c lonazepam 0.50mg , tab.dexamethasone 0.5 mg ,
tab.di ethylc arbamazine 100mg , tab.diazepam 10mg ,
tab.diazepam 5 mg , tab.diltiazem 30 mg ,
tab.esc italopram 5mg , tab.etizolam 0.25mg ,
tab.haloperidol 10mg , tab.haloperidol 5mg ,
tab.isotretinoin 5 mg , tab.isoxsuprine 10mg ,
tab.ivermec tin 6mg , tab.ivermec tine 12 mg , tab.lithium
c arbonate 400mg , tab.lorazepam 1mg , tab.methotrexate
2.5mg , tab.minoxidil 5mg , tab.misoprostol 200mc g ,
tab.misoprostol 25mc g , tab.misoprostol 600mc g ,
tab.nitrazepam 10mg , tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg ,
tab.paroxetine 12.5mg , tab.prednisolone 40mg ,
tab.primaquine 2.5 mg , tab.primaquine 7.5 mg ,
tab.proc hlorperazine 5 mg mouth dissolveing tablet ,
tab.promethazine hydroc hloride 25mg , tab.propanolol
40mg , tab.quetiapine 100mg sr , tab.quetiapine 200mg
sr , tab.sertrailine 25mg , tab.topiramate 25mg ,
tab.topiramate 50mg , tab.trazadone 50mg ,
tab.verapamil 120mg sr , tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 50000iu ,
tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 500mg c hewable , tab.zidovudine 300mg
lamivudine 150mg , tab.zinc sulphate 20mg ,
tab.zolpidem 10 mg , inj.benzathine penic illin 12lac unit ,
tab.c efadroxyl 500mg , inj.ringer lac tate 500ml
c ap.gynec c vp, c ap.doxepine 25mg, c ap.fluoxetine 10mg,
c ap.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 25000iu, c ream fuc idic ac id 15gm, c ream
glyc olic ac id 6% 30gm, c ream tac rolimus 0.03% 10gm,
c ream vt c are , drop.proparac aine hydroc hloride 0.5% 5ml
eye drop, drop.timolol maleate 0.5% 5ml eye drops,
drop.tropic amide plus eye drops 5ml, drop.zinc 20mg/1ml
(15ml), gel c lotrimazole mouth paint 15ml, gel
triamc inolone ac etonide oral gel 10gm, i.v. sterile
opthalmic irrigation solution, inj.2-pyridine aldoxime
methiodide 25mg/ml 20ml, inj.aminoven 10% i.v. 100ml,
inj.bovine lipid extrac t surfac tant suspn 5ml,
inj.bupivac aine hc l-5mg +dextrose - 80mg 4ml amp,
inj.butorphanol tartrate1mg, inj.c hloroquine 40 mg/ml
30ml, inj.c lonidine 150mc g/ml , inj.dextrose 10% 500 ml ,
inj.dextrose 5% 500 ml , inj.dextrose normal saline 500ml , inj.diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium 76%
20ml, inj.digoxin 0.5 mg / 2ml, inj.diltiazam 25 mg/5 ml,
inj.ephedrine 30mg/ml, inj.equine antirabies ig 300 iul/ml
5ml, inj.gentamyc in 10ml, inj.glyc opyrrloate 0.5mg +
neostigmine methyl sulphate 2.5mg/5ml, inj.hepatites b
multi dose 10ml, inj.hyaluronidase 1500 i.u.,
inj.hydroxyethyl starc h 6% 500ml, inj.hydroxypropyl
methylc ellulose opthalmic soln 2 ml 20 mg , inj.isolyte p,
inj.isoxsuprine 5mg/ml , inj.lidoc aine 4% tropic al solution
30ml, inj.lignoc aine heavy 5% 2ml, inj.lorazepam 2ml,
inj.mesna 3ml, inj.methotrexate 15mg/ml 1ml,
inj.metoc lopramide 10ml, inj.metoprolol 1mg/ml 5ml,
inj.neostigmine 1ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 1000ml,
inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 100ml, inj.normal saline 0.45%
w/v 500ml, inj.normal saline 0.9%w/v 500ml,
inj.phenylephrine 10mg 1ml, inj.piloc arpine nitrate 1ml,
inj.piperac illin 1gm + tazobac tum 0.125gm, inj.pirac etam
60ml, inj.proc hlorperazine 1ml, inj.reteplase rec ombinant
tissue plasminogen ac tivator 18mg, inj.sildenafil c itrate,
inj.sodium hyaluranate 0.4ml prefilled syringe (c ohevisc ),
inj.streptokinase 1500000 i.u., inj.suc c inylec hloine c hloride
10ml, inj.tetanus immunoglobulin 250 iu, inj.thiamine
pyridoxine c yanoc obalamine riboflavin nic otinamide dpantothelate , inj.thiopentan sodium 500 mg,
inj.triamc inolone ac etonide 10mg/ml, inj.trypan blue
0.8mg, inj.vec uronium bromide 4mg, lotion c lobetasole
0.05%w/v+ salic ylic ac id 3%w/v 30ml, lotion c lotrimazole
1%w/v topic al solution 30ml, oil.simyl mc t 50ml, oint.
c iprofloxac in 0.3% eye ointment 5 gm, oint.plac entrex
50gm, powder ac tivated c harc oal 500gms, powder
magnesium sulphate 200gm, sol.c hloroxylenol terpinelol
alc ohol absolute 500ml, sol.ec oshild (hysile) 1 lit/jar,
sol.haemoc oagulase 0.2 c u 10ml, sol.merc uroc hrome
400ml, sol.mic robar suspension.barium sulphate bp 95gm
100ml, sol.tric lofos 500mg 30ml, suppositories dic lofenac
25mg, suppositories dic lofenac 12.5 mg,
syp.frusemide(10mg/ml)30ml, syp.levetrac etam 100mg/ml
200ml, syp.oseltamavir (12mg/ml) 75ml, syp.phenytoin
sodium 30mg/5ml 200ml, syp.potassium c hloride
1.5gm/15ml 200ml, syp.valporate 200mg/5ml 100ml,
tab.ac etyl salic ylic ac id 350mg, tab.alprazolam 0.5mg,
tab.amitriptyline 10 mg, tab.amitriptyline 25 mg,
tab.bisac odyl 5mg, tab.c arbamazepine 100mg,
tab.c arbamazepine 200mg, tab.c arvedilol 6.25mg,
tab.c hlordidzepoxide 25mg, tab.c hloroquine phosphate
250mg , tab.c innarizine 25mg, tab.c lobazam 5 mg,
tab.c lobazam10 mg, tab.c lomipramine 25mg,
tab.c lomipramine 75mg xr (extended realese),
tab.c lonazepam 0.50mg, tab.dexamethasone 0.5 mg,
tab.di ethylc arbamazine 100mg, tab.diazepam 10mg,
tab.diazepam 5 mg, tab.diltiazem 30 mg, tab.esc italopram
5mg, tab.etizolam 0.25mg, tab.haloperidol 10mg,
tab.haloperidol 5mg, tab.isotretinoin 5 mg, tab.isoxsuprine
10mg , tab.ivermec tin 6mg, tab.ivermec tine 12 mg ,
tab.lithium c arbonate 400mg, tab.lorazepam 1mg,
tab.methotrexate 2.5mg, tab.minoxidil 5mg,
tab.misoprostol 200mc g , tab.misoprostol 25mc g ,
tab.misoprostol 600mc g , tab.nitrazepam 10mg,
tab.nitrofurantoin 100 mg, tab.paroxetine 12.5mg,
tab.prednisolone 40mg, tab.primaquine 2.5 mg,
tab.primaquine 7.5 mg, tab.proc hlorperazine 5 mg mouth
dissolveing tablet, tab.promethazine hydroc hloride 25mg,
tab.propanolol 40mg, tab.quetiapine 100mg sr,
tab.quetiapine 200mg sr, tab.sertrailine 25mg, tab.topiramate 25mg, tab.topiramate 50mg,
tab.trazadone 50mg, tab.verapamil 120mg sr,
tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 50000iu, tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 500mg c hewable,
tab.zidovudine 300mg + lamivudine 150mg, tab.zinc
sulphate 20mg, tab.zolpidem 10 mg , inj.benzathine
penic illin 12lac unit , tab.c efadroxyl 500mg, inj.ringer
lac tate 500ml
Education And Research Institutes
TRN : 34093963
12 Mar, 2025
Security Services
TRN : 34095245
20 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of 5 amino salic ylic ac id or mesalazine 1 point 2 gm ,
ac arabose 25 mg tab , ac arabose 50 mg tab ,
ac ebrophyllin 100 mg plus ac etylc ystine 600 mg tab ,
ac ebrophylline 200 mg tab , ac ec lofenac 100 mg plus
serratiopeptidase 15 mg plus parac etamol 325 mg tab ,
ac ec lofenac 100 mg plus thioc c oc hic oside 4 mg tab ,
ac enoc oumarol 2 mg tab tab , ac enoc oumarol 1 mg tab
tab , ac etaminophen 325 mg plus tramadol 37 point 5 mg
tab , ac etylc ystine 600 mg tab , ac otiamide 100 mg ,
ademetionine 400 mg tab , adhesive plaster zinc oxide 7
point 5 c m x 5 mtr , albendazole 200 mg tab , alendronate
sodium 70 mg tab , alfac alc idol vit d3 0 point 25 mc g c ap ,
alfuzosin 10 mg tab , allopurinol 100 mg tab , allopurinol
300 mg tab , aloe vera and c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin e lotion bott of 100 ml
, alpha ketoanlogue 200 mg tab , alprazolam 0 point 25 mg
tab , alprazolam 0 point 5 mg tab , amantadine 100 mg
tab , amiodarone 200 mg tab , amitriptylline 10 mg tab ,
amlodipine 10 mg tab , amlodipine 2 point 5 mg tab ,
antac id c hewable c ontaining dried aluminium hydroxide ip
250 mg plus magnesium hydroxide nf 250 mg plus methyl
polysiloxane 50 mg tab , antac id gel eac h 5 ml c ontaining
dried aluminium hydroxide ip 250 mg plus magnesium
hydroxide nf 250 mg plus methyl polysiloxane 50 mg bott
of 400 ml , anti haemorroidal c ream with anti
haemorhoidal ointment c ontaining betamethasone 0 point
05 perc ent phenylephrine 0 point 1perc ent and lignoc aine 2
point 5 perc ent tube of 15 gm with applic ator , apixaban 2
point 5 mg tab , aripiprazole 5 mg tab , aristozyme syrup
eac h 5 ml c ontaining diastase 1 is to 1200 50 mg plus
pepsin 1 is to 3000 10 mg bottle of 200 ml , aspirin 150 mg
tab , aspirin 75 mg tab , atenolol 50 mg plus amlodipine 5 mg tab , atorvastatin 40 mg tab , azelastine hc l 140 mc g
plus flutic asone propionate 50 mc g bp nasal spray ,
dressing first aid unmedic ated sterile strip size 1 inc h x 3
inc h , bandage c repe 10 c m , bandage c repe 15 c m ,
bec lomethasone dipropionate 50 mc g and levosalbutamol
50 mc g per metred dose in c fc free inhaler , povidine
iodine 2 perc ent gargles and mouth wash 100 ml bott ,
betahistine 16 mg tab , betahistine 8 mg tab , ointment
betamethasone dipropionate 0 point 05 perc ent and
salic ylic ac id 3 perc ent tube of 20 grams tube of 20 gm ,
betamethasone 0 point 1 perc ent plus neomyc in 0 perc ent
5 perc ent oint tube of 20 gm , bethanec hol 25 mg tab ,
bic alutamide 50 mg tab , bilastine 20 mg dispersible tab ,
bimatoprost 0 point 03 perc ent w by v eye drops bott of 3
ml , biotin 5 mg tab , bisac odyl 5 mg tab , bisoprolol 2
point 5 mg tab , bisoprolol 5 mg tab , brmonidine 0 point 2
eye drops bott of 5 ml , brmonidine 0 point 2 perc ent plus
timolol 0 point 5perc ent eye drops bott of 5 ml ,
brivarac etam 50 mg tab , bromlein 180 mg plus trypsin 96
mg plus rutoside 200 mg tab , budesonide 0 point 5 mg
respules , budesonide 0 point 5 mg plus formoterol 20 mc g
respules , c anagliflozin 100 mg tab , c ap silodosin 8 mg
plus dutasteride 0 point 5 mg , c arbamezapine 200 mg tab
, c arbamezapine 400 mg c r tab , c arvedilol 10 mg ,
c arvedilol 3 point 125 mg , c arvedilol 6 point 25 mg ,
c efixime 100 mg tab , c efpodoxime 200 mg plus
c efpodoxime 200mg plus c lavulanate 125 mg tab ,
c efuroxime 250 mg tab , c efuroxime 500 mg plus
c lavulanic ac id 125 mg tab , c etrizine 5 mg plus
parac etamol 325 mg plus phenylephrine hc l 5 mg tab ,
c hlordiazepoxide 10 mg tab , c hlordiazepoxide 5 mg plus
c lidinium 2 point 5 mg tab , c hlorhexedine mouthwash 2
perc ent bott of 100 ml , c hlorthalidone 12 point 5 mg tab ,
c hlorzoxazone 500 mg plus dic lofenac sodium 50 mg plus
parac etamol 325 mg tab , c hlec alc iferol 60000 iu sac het
vit d3 60000 iu per 1gm , c holesterol kit , c ilnidipine
10 mg tab , c ilnidipine 20 mg tab , c ilnidipine 5 mg tab ,
c ilostazol 100 mg tab , c innarizine 25 mg tab ,
c iprofloxac in 500 mg plus tinidazole 600 mg tab ,
c iprofloxac in 250 mg tab , c iprofloxac in 500 mg tab ,
c lindamyc in 1 perc ent gel tube of 10 gm , c lindamyc in 300
mg c ap , c lobazam 10 mg tab , c lobetasol 0 point 05
perc ent plus mic onazole 2 perc ent plus gentamic in 0 point 1
perc ent oint tube of 10 gm , c lobetasol propionate c ream 0
point 05 perc ent oint tube of 10 gm , c lonazepam 0 point
25 mg tab , c lonazepam 0 point 5 mg tab , c lonidine 100
mc g tab , c lopidogrel 75 mg plus aspirin 75 mg tab ,
c lotrimazole dusting powder 1 perc ent w by w bott of 75
gm , c ollagen based granules sac het of 10 point 7 gm ,
c ollagen peptide 40mg plus sodium hyaluronate 30 mg plus
c hondriotin 200 mg tab , c otrimoxazole ds
sulphamethoxazole 800 mg plus trimethoprim 160 mg tab
, c otton wool absorbent 50 gm , c otton wool absorbent
500 gm , c ough lozengs , c reatinine kit , c remaffin liquid
paraffin 1 point 25 mg plus milk of magnesia magnesium
hydroxide 3 point 75 mg plus sodium pic osulphste 3 point
33 mg syp bott of 170 ml , c yc lophosphomide 50 mg tab ,
c yproheptadine 4 mg tab , dapagliflozin 10 mg tab ,
dapagliflozin 5 mg tab , deflazac ort 6 mg tab , dengue
test kit ns1 antigen igg and igm kit of 10 tests ,
desensitising paste stannous fluoride potassium
nitrate sod mono fluorophosphate tube of 50 gm ,
desidustat 50 mg tab , dic lofenac 50 mg plus parac etamol
325 mg plus serratiopeptidase 10 mg tab , dic lofenac 50 mg plus serratiopeptidase 10 mg tab , dic lofenac 100 mg
sr tab , spray dic lofenac diethylamine 1 point 16 perc ent
55 gms , dic yc lomine 20 mg plus parac etamol 500 mg tab ,
digoxin 0 point 25 mg tab , diltiazem 60 mg tab , diltiazem
90 mg sr tab , diltiazem c d 120 c ap or tab , disodium
hydrogen c itrate 1 point 53 gm per 5 ml syp bott of 100 ml
, disposable insulin pen needle 6mm 31g , domperidone 10
mg tab , dosulepin 25 mg tab , dosulepin 50 mg tab ,
doxophyllin 400 mg tab , doxyc yc line 100 mg c ap ,
drotaverine 80 mg plus ac c ec lofenac 100 mg tab ,
duoloxetine 20 tab or c ap , duoloxetine 30 tab or c ap ,
dutasteride 0 point 5 mg tab , ear drop c hloramphenic ol 5
perc ent w by v perc ent c lotrimazole 1perc ent plus w by v
plus betamethasone 0 point 25 perc ent w by v plus
lignoc aine hc l 2 perc ent w by v bottle of 5ml , ec g gel ,
eye drop brinzolamide 1 perc ent plus brmonidine 0 point 3
perc ent bott of 5 ml , eye drop c iprofloxac in 0 point 3
perc ent plus dexamethasone 0 point 1 perc ent bott of 5 ml ,
eye drop c iprofloxac in 0 point 3 bott of 5 ml , eye drop
dorzolamide 2 perc ent w by v bott of 5 ml , eye drop
hydroxy methylc ellulose 0 point 3 perc ent plus dextran 0
point 1perc ent plus glyc erine 0 point 2 perc ent plus
polyquad preservative 0 point 001 point bott of 10 ml , eye
drop loteprednol 0 point 5 perc ent plus moxifloxac in 0 point
5 perc ent bott of 5 ml , eye drop moxifloxac in 0 point 5
perc ent plus dexamethasone 0 point 1 perc ent bott of 5 ml ,
eye drop nepafenac 0 point 1 perc ent bott of 5 ml , eye
drop olopatadine 0 point1 perc ent plus ketorolac 0 point 4
perc ent bott of 5 ml , eye drop prednisolone 1 perc ent bott
of 5 ml , eye drop sodium hyaluronate 1 mg per ml
preservative free phosphate free with c omod systeml bott of
5 ml , eye drop travoprost 0 point 004 perc ent w by v with
polyquad 0 point 001 perc ent bott of 2 point 5 ml , enalapril
10 mg tab , enalapril 5 mg tab , eplerenone 25 mg tab ,
esc italopram 10 mg plus c lonazepam 0 point 5 mg tab ,
esc italopram 10 mg tab , esc italopram 20 mg tab ,
esc italopram 5 mg tab , esomeprazole 20 mg tab ,
esomeprazole 20 mg plus domperidone 30 mg tab ,
etizolam 0 point 5mg tab , etophylline 77 mg plus
theophyllin 23 mg 100 mg tab , etophylline 115 mg plus
theophyllin 35 mg sr 150 mg tab , etoric oxib 120 mg tab ,
etoric oxib 90 mg tab , etoric oxib 60 mg tab , eye oint
hypermellose 2 perc ent hydroxypropyl methyl c ellulose 2
perc ent , ezetimibe 10 mg tab , faropenum 300 mg er tab
, febuxostat 40 mg tab , febuxostat 80 mg tab ,
fenofibrate 145 mg tab , fenofibrate 160 mg tab ,
fenofibrate 200 mg tab , ferrous fumarate plus folic
ac id hb plus or autrin c ap haematinic iron plus folic ac id
heamatinic c ontaining a ferrous fumarate with 100 mg
elemental iron b folic ac id 500 mc g to 1500 mc g ,
flunarizine 10 mg tab , fluoxetine 20mg tab , flupentixol 0
point 5 mg plus melitrac en 10 mg tab , flutic asone furoate
27 point 5 mc g per dose nasal spray bottle of 120 metered
doses , foleys c athether silic on 2 way size 14 fg , foleys
c athether silic on 2 way size 16 fg
Security Services
TRN : 34095303
20 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of pramipexole 0 point 5 mg tab , prasugrel 10 mg tab ,
prasugrel 5 mg tab , prazoc in sr 2 point 5 mg tab ,
prazoc in sr 5 mg tab , prednisolone 20 mg tab ,
prednisolone 5 mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg plus nortriptyline
10 mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg plus methylc obalamin 1500
mg tab , pregabalin 75 mg , pre probiotc tab , propranolol
10 mg tab , propranolol 20 mg tab , propranolol tr 40 mg
tab , protein powder pac k or tin of 200 gm , quetiapine 50
mg tab , rabeprazole 20 mg tab , rabeprazole 20mg plus
itopride 50mg tab , rabeprazole 20 mg plus domperidone
30 mg sustained release tab , ramipril 10 mg tab ,
ramipril 2 point 5 mg tab , ramipril 5 mg tab , ranitidine
hc l 50 mg amp of 2 ml inj , repaglinide 0 point 5 mg tab ,
respule levosalbutamol 1 point 25 mg in 2 point 5 ml ,
rifaximin 550 mg tab , ripasudil 0 point 4 perc ent w by v
bott of 5 ml eye drops , risperidone 1 mg tab , risperidone
2 mg tab , risperidone 4 mg plus trihexephenedyl 2 mg
tab , rivoraxaban 20 mg tab , roller bandage open woven
unc ompressed 10 c m x 4 metres , roller bandage open
wove unc ompressed 6 c m x 4 metres , rosuvastatin 10 mg
plus fenofibrate 160 mg tab , rosuvastatin 10 mg tab ,
rosuvastatin 20 mg tab , rosuvastatin 40 mg tab , rotac ap
salmeterol 50 mc g plus flutic asone 250 mc g , rotahaler ,
sac c haromyc es boulardii 250 mg c ap , sac het pre probiotic
fruc tooligosac c haride plus bifidobac terium plus
streptoc oc c us plus lac tobac illus , salbutamol 200 mdi eac h
metered dose supplies 100 mc g of salbutamol mdi ,
salmeterol 50 mc g plus flutic asone propionate 250 mc g
seretide ac c uhaler , saroglitazar 4 mg tab , sertraline 50
mg tab , sevelamer 400 mg tab , sgot kit erba , sgpt
kit erba , silodosin 4 mg tab , silodosin 8 mg c ap , silver sufadiazine oint 1 perc ent tube of 20 gm , sitagliptin 50
mg tab , sitagliptin 50 mg tab plus metformin 1000 mg tab
, sitagliptin 50mg tab plus metformin 500mg tab , sodium
bic arbonate 1000 mg tab , sodium bic arbonate 500 mg tab
, tab sodium valproate 300 mg c r , solifenac in 10 mg tab ,
spironolac tone 25 mg tab , spironolac tone 50 mg ,
suc ralfate suspension 1gm per 5ml bott of 200 ml ,
sulphac etamide 20 perc ent w by v eye drops amber bottle
with self dropper bott of 10 ml , sulphasalazine 1 gm tab ,
sumitriptan 50 mg tab , syp iron with c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin b12 and folic
ac id bottle of 200 ml , syp parac etamol 162 mg plus
ibuprofen 100 mg 60 ml suspension , syp c yproheptadine
hc l 2 mg per 5 ml bott of 100 ml , syp potassium c itrate
1100mg plus c itric ac id or magnesium c itrate 300 to
400mg per 5 ml bott of 100 ml , syp tric holine c itrate 0
point 55 mg plus sorbitol 7 point 15 gm per 10 ml bott of
200 ml , syringe disposable sterile 10 ml with needle ,
syringe disposable plastic 20 ml with needle , syringe
disposable plastic sterile 2 ml with needle , syringe
disposable plastic 3 ml with needle , syringe disposable
plastic sterile 5 ml with needle , tadalafil 5 mg tab ,
tamsulosin 0 point 4 mg plus dutasteride 0 point 5 mg tab ,
tamsulosin 0 point 4 mg tab , taurine 500 mg plus
ac etylc ystine 150 mg tab , telmisartan 20 mg tab ,
telmisartan 80 mg tab , telmisartan 40 mg plus
hydroc hlorothiazide 12 point 5 mg tab , teneligliptin 20 mg
plus metformin 500 mg tab , teneligliptin 20 mg tab ,
tennis elbow support , tenofovir alafenamide 25 mg tab ,
terbinafine 250mg tab , terbinafine 1 perc ent c ream tube
of 10 gm , thalidomide 50 mg tab , thioc olc hic oside 4 mg
tab , thyroxine 100 mc g tab , thyroxine 12 point 5 mc g ,
thyroxine 125 mc g tab , thyroxine 150 mc g tab ,
thyroxine 25 mc g tab , thyroxine 50 mc g tab , thyroxine
75 mc g tab , timolol maleate 0 point 05 perc ent eye drop
bott of 5 ml , tinidazole 500 mg tab , tiotropium 18 mc g
rotac ap , tiotropium bromide 9 mc g 120 metered doses
per unit inhaler , tofac itinib 5 mg tab , tolperisone sr 150
mg tab , tolterodine 2 mg tab , tolterodine 4 mg tab ,
tolvaptan 15 mg tab , torsemide 100 mg tab , torsemide
10 mg plus spironolac tone 50 mg tab , torsemide 10 mg
tab , torsemide 20 mg tab , torsemide 5 mg plus
spironolac tone 25 mg tab , torsemide 5 mg tab , tramadol
50 mg c ap , tranexamic ac id 500 mg plus mefenamic ac id
250 mg tab , triamc inalone 0 point 1 perc ent w by w for
oral use tube of 10 gm , trihexyphenidyl 2 mg tab ,
trimetazidine 60 sr tab , trimetazidine mr 35 mg tab ,
trypsin with c hymotrypsin tab 6 is to 1 100000 au enteric
c oated tab , urinary bag c apac ity 200 ml , urine c ontainer
disposable , uristic k bott 100 strip , ursodeoxyc holic
ac id 600 mg tab , ursodeoxyc holic ac id 300 mg tab ,
vac c um blood c ollec tion tube sterile edta 2ml or 3 ml ,
vac c um blood c ollec tion tube sterile with sodium fluoride
2 or 3 ml , vildagliptin 50 mg tab , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin b 5 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin
b1 10 mg magnesium 100 mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 2500 iu niac inam
20mg c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 45 mg zinc 15 mg biotin 30 mc g maganese
2 mg c hromium c hromic 50 mc g c opper 1 mg selenium
100 , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin e 200 mg c ap , voglibose 0 point 2 mg tab ,
voglibose 0 point 3 mg tab , widal test , xylometazoline 0
point 1 perc ent w by v nasal drops bott of 10 ml , zolpidem
10 mg tab , c ap i site plus lutein plus astaxanthin plus l
glutatathione , c olostrum 500 mg , inj eldervit , budesonide
plus formoterol plus glyc opyrolate mdi , nephro powder ,
budesonide plus formoterol plus glyc opyrolate rotac aps ,
eslic arbazepine 400 mg , serum albumin kit erba , c alc ium kit erba , diluent c ell pac k 20 ltr erba , e lite h c lean erba
50 ml , hb a1c kit beac on , hydroc hloric ac id n by10 500
ml , gluc ose strip c ontrol d pac k of 50 , vac utainer red top
5 ml , total protein kit erba , amylase kit erba , sodium
c itrate 500 ml , glass tube small , thermal printer paper
roll , abdominal swab 40 x 25 c m with tape 30 c m ,
ac ebrophyllin 200 mg plus fexofendine 120 mg plus
monteleukast 10 mg tab , ac ebrophylline 100 mg tab ,
ac ec lofenac 100 mg plus parac etamol 325 mg plus
c hloroxazone 250 mg tab , ac ec lofenac sr 200 mg tab ,
amitriptylline 50 mg tab , amitriptylline 25 mg tab ,
amlodipine 5 mg plus metoprolol 25mg tab , amlodipine 5
mg plus metoprolol 50 mg tab , antiseptic mouth wash
c ontaining sodium fluoride and tric losan bott of 100 to 150
ml , aripiprazole 10 mg tab , armlet rubber for bp
apparatus , aspirin 150 mg plus c lopidogrel 75 mg tab ,
aspirin 150 mg plus atorvastatin 10 mg tab , aspirin 150
mg plus atorvastatin 10 mg c lopidogrel 75 mg tab , aspirin
150 mg plus atorvastatin 20 mg plus c lopidogrel 75 mg tab
, bac lofen 10 mg tab , bac lofen 20 mg tab , bandaid strip
, bellow for bp apparatus , benzoyl peroxide 5 perc ent w by
w gel tube of 30 gm , biotin 10 mg iron 8 mg l c ystiene 5
mg manganese 5 mg c opper selenium l lysine 20 mg zinc
25 mg dimethionine 40 mg c alc ium pantothenate 50 mg
niac inamide 50 mg tab , blood transfusion set set
plasma blood saline giving plastic disposable presterilised
pyrogen free c omplete with airline and nylon filter , box
denture , bromhexine 2 mg plus guaifenesin 50 mg plus
menthol 1 mg plus terbutaline 1 point 25 mg per 5 ml syrup
bott of 100 ml , budesonide 200 mc g rotac ap dry powder ,
c alc ium c arbonate 500 mg plus c alc itirol 0 point 25 mc g
plus methylc obalamin 1500 mc g plus vit k2 40 mc g plus
zinc 7 point 5 mg tab
Security Services
TRN : 34097587
20 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
76.3 Thousand
Health Services And Equipments
TRN : 34098660
12 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of c ap. amoxyc illin , tab. amoxyc illin 500 and c lavulanate
ac id 625 , tab. amoxyc illin dt , syp. amoxyc illin , tab.
albendazole , syp albendazole , tab. amlodipine , tab
azithromyc in , tab pheniramine , tab. antac id , syp.
antac id 170 ml , tab. vit b. c omplex , tab.. c alc ium
500 mg and c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin d3 250 iu , tab.. c etirizine 10 mg ,
tab.. c iprofloxac in 500 mg , c hloramphenic ol eye
applic ap , c iproflox eye and ear drop , tab.
c lotrimazole vaginal pessary , tab. dic yc lomine
parac etamol , tab. dic lofenac 50 mg , taab. iron folic
ac id iron 60 mg and fa 500 mg , tab. folic ac id 5 mg ,
tab. metronidazole 400 mg , c ap. multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin , tab.
fluc onazole 150 mg , tab. ofloxac in and ornidazole
, tab. parac etamol 500 mg , syp. parac etamol 60ml ,
syp. promethazine 60ml , tab. metoc lopramide 10 mg ,
tab. pantoprazole 40 mg , tab. pantop d , syp.
multic lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin with zinc 100ml , vit. d sac het 60000 iu
vit d granules in 1 gm , ointment c lotrimazole 15 gm ,
ointment silver sulphadiazine 15 gm , ointment
permethrin 30gm , antibiotic power c omposition
bac trac in , povidone iodine ointment 15 gm tube ,
povidone iodine solution , ointment dic lofenac gel
30 mg , ointment bec lomethasone , hand sanitizer ,
tab. salbutamol , tab. tinidazole , tab. ivermec tin ,
upt kit , tab c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c , gargle povidone iodine , ors
powder 21 gm pkt , tab. doxylamine 10mg and
pyridoxine 10 mg , tab. metformin , tab. glimepiride ,
taab. telmisartan , gluc on d 75mg , povidone iodine
pessary , tab. norflox tz norfloxac in 400mg and
tinidazole 600mg , tab. emset , tab. eltroxin 50 mc g ,
tab. tranexamic ac id 500mg , tab. aspirin
Security Services
TRN : 34099660
12 Mar, 2025
Tender Value :
96.1 Thousand
Tender for supply of d re 101 lotion aloevera c alamine pramoxine 100ml , d re
101 spray lignoc aine 10 , d re 101 tab bilastine 10 mg
dispersable , d re 101 drop parac etamol , d re 101 drop
c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin d3 400 iu 0 dot 5 ml , d re 101 e d bromfenac 0
dot 09 5 ml , d re 101 ear drop c learwax c ontaining
benzoc aine 2 dot 7 w v c hlorbutol 5 w v , d re 101 inj
methylene blue amp of 10 ml , d re 101 inj tigec yc line 100
mg , d re 101 tab dic lofenac k 50mg trypsin c hymotrypsin
50000 iu c hymoral plus , d re 101 tab nitrofurantoin 50
mg , d re 101 inj mesna 200 mg , d re 101 inj vit b1 b6
b12 neurobion , d re 101 dispo sterile drapes for surgic al
trolley , d re 101 inj naloxone 0 dot 4 mg ml , d re 101
nitrile powder free hand gloves s-7 , d re 101 inj ppd
tuberc ulin 5 tu , d re 101 inj ppd tuberc ulin 10 tu
Security Services
TRN : 34087117
17 Mar, 2025
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34077105
04 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of syp pc m 250mg 5ml , tab phenobarbitone 30mg , tab
phenytoin 300mg , diethylc arbamazine oral liqo 120mg 5ml
, c ap amoxic illine 250mg , gentamin inj 10mg ,
c otrimoxazole oral liquid , metronidazole tab 200mg , syp
norfloxac in , c lotrimazole vaginal tab , tab metoprolol
25mg , framyc etine sulphate oinament , boro sprit eardrop
, syp ondonseron 2mg 5ml , isphahula granules husk
powder , tab dic ylomine 10mg , inj dic yc lomine , senna
powder , tab levothyorosine 25mg , sodium c hloride inj
09perc ent , c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 100mg , c alc ium c arbonate tab
500mg , sodium c hloride 2perc ent eye drop , tab
albendezole 400mg , tab ofloxac ine 400mg , tab
domperindone 10mg , syp domperindone 10mg , tab zinc
20mg , ors , syp montelukast , syp iron folic ac id , tab ifa
blue , tab ifa pink , tab ifa red , liq hypoc hloride
10perc ent 1lt , vit d drop pd , vit d drop ad , tab
nortriptyline 25 mg , tab armod 50 mg , tab armod 150 mg
, c ap flunil 40 mg , inj lopez 4 mg , syp flunil 20mg 5ml ,
syp divaa 500mg , inj haloperidol la 50 mg , tab amisant
50 mg , tab amisant 100 mg , tab amisant 200 mg , tab
risdone 05 mg , tab risdone 1 mg , tab esc italent 5
mg , tab esc italent 10 mg , tab esc italent 20 mg ,
tab arip 2mg , tab arip 5mg , tab risdone ls 2x2 , c ap
flutee 20 mg , tab olay md 5mg , tab olay md 10 mg ,
tab quton sr 50 mg , tab quton sr 100 mg , tab
fluoxin 100 mg , tab elic it forte , tab mirtaz 15 mg ,
tab sertee 50 mg , tab sertee 100 mg , tab lurasid 40
mg , tab lopez 1 mg , tab lopez 2 mg , tab
haloperidol 05 mg , tab haloperidol 10 mg , syp
risdone , syp c ogvin , tab ventab xl 375 mg , tab
ventab xl 75 mg , tab c onc erta 10 mg , tab c onc erta
18 mg , inj naloxon , inj flumazinil 05 mg , tab axepta
atomoxetine 10 mg , tab axepta atomoxetine 18 mg ,
tab c lonil 50 mg , tab memantine 10 mg , tab
lurasidone 40 mg , inj restonorm la 50 mg , tab
c lonidine arkamine 100 mc g , inj olanzapine , nac otine
gum 2 mg , nac otine gum 4 mg , nac otine patc h 7 mg ,
nac otine patc h 14 mg , nac otine patc h 21 mg , inj
phenargan 50mg , inj levera 500mg , tab divaa 500mg ,
tab oxital 300mg
Health Services/Equipments
TRN : 34077998
10 Mar, 2025
Tender for supply of tab.rifaximin 200mg , tab.rifaximin 550mg ,
tab.risperidone 1mg , tab.risperidone 2mg ,
tab.rosuvastatin 10mg , tab.salbutamol 4mg ,
tab.serratiopeptidase 10 mg , tab.sertrailine 25mg ,
tab.sertrailine 50mg , tab.sevelamer c arbonate 400mg ,
tab.sevelamer c arbonate 800mg , tab.sildenafil c itrate
50mg , tab.sitagliptin 100mg , tab.sitagliptin 50mg ,
tab.sodamint , tab.sodium valporate 200mg , tab.sodium
valporate 300mg , tab.sodium valporate 500mg ,
tab.spironolac tone 25mg , tab.spironolac tone 50mg ,
tab.tamsulosin 0.4 mg , tab.tamsulosin 0.4 mg
dutasteride 0.5mg , tab.telmisartan 20mg ,
tab.telmisartan 40mg , tab.telmisartan40mg
hydroc hlorothihazide12.5mg , tab.terbinafine 250mg ,
tab.theophylline 77mg etophylline 23mg plain ,
tab.thiamine 100mg , tab.thiamine mononitrate 10mg
riboflavine 10mg pyridoxine hc l 3mg c yanoc obalamine 15
mc g nic otinamide 45mg c alc ium pantothenate 50mg ip ,
tab.thyroxin sodium 100mc g , tab.thyroxin sodium
12.5mc g , tab.thyroxine sodium 25 mc g , tab.thyroxine
sodium 50mc g , tab.thyroxine sodium 75 mc g ,
tab.topiramate 25mg , tab.topiramate 50mg ,
tab.torsemide 10mg , tab.tramadol 37.5mg parac etamol
325mg , tab.tranexamic ac id 500 mg mefenamic ac id 250
mg , tab.tranexamic ac id 500mg , tab.trazadone 50mg ,
tab.trihexyphenidyl hydroc hloride 2mg , tab.trypsin
1000000 c hymotrypsine 2000000 , tab.ursodeoxyc holic
ac id 300mg , tab.verapamil 120mg sr , tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a
50000iu , tab.c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin c 500mg c hewable , tab.voglibose
0.3mg , tab.warfarin sodium 2mg , tab.warfarin sodium
5mg , tab.zidovudine 300mg lamivudine 150mg , tab.zinc sulphate 20mg , tab.zolpidem 10 mg , c ap.itrac onazole
200mg , c ream c lobetasol propionate 0.05 20gm , c ream
c lobetasole mic onazole neomyc in 10gm , c ream
lulic onazole 20gm , gel c hlorhexidine gluc onate 15gm ,
gel pottassium nitrate sodium monoflurophosphate
tric losan 50gm , gumpaint tannic ac id zinc c hloride
c etrimide 15ml , inj benzathine penic illin 12lac units ,
inj.c eftazidime 1gm , inj.dextrose 25ml ampoule ,
inj.dic yc lomine hydroc hloride 2ml , inj.heparin 1000 5ml ,
inj.mec obalamine 500mc g pyridoxin hc l 50mg nic otinamide
2ml neurobion , powder neomyc in polymyxin b sulfates
bac itrac in zinc 10gm , powder oral rehydration salt 4.2gm
. who rec ommended formula , sol..c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin a 1 lac 100ml ,
sol.c hlorhexidine gluc onate c etrimide 100ml ,
sol.salbutamol 5mg respules 2.5ml ,
syp.dextromethorphan hydrobromide phenylephrine
c hlorpheniramine maleate , syp.parac etamol 60ml ,
syp.salbutamol 100ml , tab.amoxic illin 500mg c lavulanic
ac id 125mg , tab.lithium c arbonate ip 300 mg ,
tab.montelukast 4mg levoc etrizine 2.5mg ,
tab.parac etamol 650 mg , tab.rosuvastatin ip 5mg ,
tab.rosuvastin ip 20 mg , c ap.omeprazole 20mg
domperidone 10mg , c ap.omeprazole 20 mg ,
tab.pantoprazole ip 40 mg , ranitidine 150 mg tab ,
tab.sodium bic arbonate ip 500mg , tab.domperidone ip 10
mg , tab.metoc lopramide 10mg , drop.domperidone ,
inj.ranitidine 25mg 2ml , powder oral rehydration salt
21gm . who rec ommended formula , digestive enzymes
tablets , tab. c etrizine 10mg , syp.c etrizine 5mg 60ml ,
syp.diphenhydramine hc l ammonium c hloride ethanol
100ml , syp.terbutaline sulphate bromhexine
hydroc hloride guaiphenesin menthol 100ml ,
syp.parac etamol phenylephrine hc l c hlorpheniramine
maleate , salbutamol inhaler 100mg metered dose , tab.
c alc ium 500mg with c lass="text-red-selec ted">vitamin d 3 250 , tab.albendazole ip
400mg , c ap.amoxic illin 250 mg , c ap.amoxic illin 500 mg ,
tab.azithromyc in 250mg , tab.azithromyc in 500mg , tab.
c efadroxil 500mg , tab.c efixime 100mg , tab.c efixime
200mg , c ap.c ephalexin 250 mg , tab.c iprofloxac in 500mg
tinidizole 600mg , tab.c iprofloxac in 250 mg ,
tab.c iprofloxac in 500 mg , tab.c otrimoxazole ds ,
c ap.doxic yc line 100 mg , tab.fluc onazole 150mg ,
tab.metronidazole 200mg , tab.metronidazole 400mg ,
tab.norfloxac in 400mg tinidazole 600mg , tab.norfloxac in
400 mg , tab.ofloxac in 200mg ornidazole 500mg ,
tab.ofloxac in 200mg , susp.albendazole 10 ml ,
susp.amoxyc illin 60ml dry syrup with sterile water for
dilution in a monoc arton , susp.azithromyc in ip 100mg
15ml , susp.c efadroxil ip 125mg , susp.c efixime 50mg 5ml
ip 30ml , inj.amikac in ip 100mg 2ml , inj.amikac in ip
500mg 2ml , ampic illin 500 mg inj , inj.amoxyc illin 1000mg
c lavulanic ac id 200mg , inj.c efoperazone 500gm sulbac tum
500mg ip , inj.c efotaxime 1gm , inj.c eftriaxone 1gm ,
tab.glimepride ip 1 mg , tab.glimepride ip 2 mg ,
tab.metformin 500 mg , inj.frusemide 10mg ml 2ml ,
tab.amlodepin ip as besylate 5 mg , tab. atenelol ip 25mg ,
tab. atenelol ip 50mg , tab. atorvastatin ip 10mg , tab.
atorvastatin ip 20mg , tab.losartan potassium 50mg ,
tab.nifedipine 10 mg , tab.dic yc lomine hc l 20mg
parac etamol 325 mg ip , tab.dic ylomine 20mg mefenamic
ac id 250mg parac etamol 325mg ip , tab.ac ec lofenac
100mg parac etamol 325mg , tab.dic lofenac 50mg
parac etamol 325mg ip , tab.ibuprofen 200mg ,
tab.ibuprofen 400 mg parac etamol 325 mg ip , tab.parac etamol ac etoaminophan 500 mg ,
susp.parac etamol 125mg 5ml 60ml , inj.dic lofenac sodium