Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for Supply of MTT, 1g , Mueller Hinton Agar, M173-500G , Mueller Hinton Broth M391-500G , Taq DNA Polymetase ,recombinant, 5x500U , dNTP Set 100 mM Solutions, 4x0.25 ml , RevertAid Reverse Transcriptase, 5 x 10000 U , Glass Slides, Ground Edges, Plain 76 mm x 26 mm , 10ml Serological Pipettes Individually packed Sterile ,orange , 25ml Serological Pipettes Individually packed Sterile ,red , 90X16PS, Gamma Sterile, Fully Stackable Lid Individual Peal off 460 , Costar 96 Well Clear Flat Bottom, Polystyrene, Tissue CultureTreated Microplates with Lid, , DO test kit, 250 tests, 0.5-8 ppm ,mg per L , pH test kit, 250 tests, pH 4-10 , Total Alkalinity test kit, 300 tests 5-100 and 25-500 ppm ,mg per L , Carbon dioxide test kit, 300 tests 2-40 and 10-200 ppm mg per L , Ammonia test kit, 250 tests, 0.05-8 ppm mg per L , TRIzol Reagent - 200 ml , DO test kit, 250 tests, 0.5-8 ppm mg perL , pH test kit, 500 tests, pH 6-9 , Carbon dioxide test kit, 300 tests 2-40 and 10-200 ppm ,mg per L , Total hardness test kit, 500 tests 5-100 and 25-500 ppm ,mg per L , Ammonia test kit, 250 tests, 0.05-8 ppm ,mg per L , Nitrite test kit, 400 tests, 0.25-5.0 ppm ,mg per L , Petroleum Ether 40-60 C, Certified AR for Analysis, , Silpaulin 2350-400 GSM, 25x10 m , Air Pump 120 , Aquarium Oxygen Air Pump , Submersible biofilter pump , Submersible pump power head , Submersible Pump ,Power Head , Tullu Pump 220W ,.5-1 HP per 5 , Gate Valve brass , Submersible pond pump , Gate valv Tap 0.5 Inch , Silicon Aquarium air pip roll 500 mtr , Air stone rectangular ball 3 inch , air pipe joint , Small air stone , Silicon gun , Silicon tube , Ampicillin Dextrin Selective Supplement , Egg Yolk Tel Emulsion , SoyabeanCasem Digest Broth , Muller Hinton Agar , Coagulase Test ,Tubes , Rainbow Trout floating feed ,6mm. ICAR-DCFR developed and Licensed feed , Rainbow Trout floating feed ,3mm. ICAR-DCFR developed and Licensed feed , Rainbow Trout floating feed ,1.8mm. ICARDCFR developed and Licensed feed , Rainbow Trout floating feed ,1.2mm. ICAR-DCFR developed and Licensed feed , Soyabean Casein Digest Broth , Soyabean Casein Digest Agar , EC Broth , Durham Tubes , Screw tubes Round bottom , Metaloop CH-3 , Sterile Cotton Swab , Polypropylene cryogenic storage box , Freeze Tags Multicolor dots , Oxytetracycline , Benzalkonium chloride , Antioxidative activity ,TAC , ROS estimation kit , TBARS estimation kit , HiPer Protein Estimation Teaching Kit ,Quantitative , LDH estimation kit , S-GOT estimation kit , SGPT estimation kit , Alkaline phosphatase estimation kit , Nitro blue tetrazolium , Methanol , DMSO , Potassium hydroxide pellets , Sodium choride , Disodium dihydrogen phosphate , Potassium phosphate dibasic , Potassium phosphate monobasic , Potassium chloride , Trypsin , Trichloro acetic acid ,TCA , Sodium hydrogen carbonate , Epinephrine , EDTA , Hydrochloric acid , Hydrogen peroxide , 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene , L Glutathione Reduced , Vanadium chloride , N-,1-Naphthylethylenediamine ,NEDD , Sulphanilamide , Sodium nitrite, , Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ,NADH , Sodium pyruvate , Butylatedhydroxytoluene ,BHT ,powder or solution in ethanol , 2-Thiobarbituric acid , Phosphoric acid , Diluent for DNA , Haematoxylin , Eosin , Alcian blue 8GX , Giemsa , Malachite Green , Bengal rose , Gram Stains - Kit , Toluidine Blue , Sudan Black , Xylene , DPX mountant , Acetone , Benzene , Sodium sulphate anhydrous , TrisHCl , Tris buffer , Paraffin wax in Nainital - Uttaranchal has been published.
The last date of this tender is 08/03/2025, work value is  0 (Refer Doc) INR, EMD is  0 (Refer Doc) INR and tender document fees is  0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.

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Nainital - Uttaranchal ( IN )


Central Government And Public Sector Of India


Education And Research Institutes

Important Dates

Published on

26 Feb, 2025

Submission Date

08 Mar, 2025

Opening Date

08 Mar, 2025

Key Values

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