Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) by the Central Government And Public Sector Of India for
Supply of SPEDMCYL02SS Hero 4T Plus 900ml MA2 , 24K150LS Valve
Kit , K12121AADG501S KIT Cylinder , 22350115020S Plate
clutch pressure , 22121198900S Centre clutch ,
22311107000S Plate clutch , 22201GF6000S Disc clutch
friction , K06431KTNA701S Kit Brake shoe ,
K06431KSTG941S Kit Brake Shoe , 20K1110S chain
sprocket kit , 45450AAD000S Cable comp Fr ,
12395AAH00099S Gasket Cyl Head L Side Cover ,
1139AAH00099S Gasket R Crank , 12391AAH00099S
Gasket Cyl Head Cover , 11395AAH000S Gasket L Crank
case cover , Drain Cock Packing , 91307035000S O Ring 18
by 3 , 14100AAHH41S Shaft Comp Cam , 41241KST941S
Damper RR Wheel , 25K170S ball races kit Achr glmr ,
91255169000RS Oil seal 30 by 42 by 11 , LSPENDSOLALL
Fork oil , 22870JWA910S Cable Camp clutch ,
3191788CH00S Spark Plug , 53171KCC900S Cover R Handle
lever , 17910AAD220S Cable Camp throttle ,
961406301010S Brg Ball radial , 45451KCC900S Guide FR
fender cable , 29K210S Speedo Meter Drive Kit ,
SPDWC0003S Premium Wax , SPDWC0001S Shampoo Soap
, 202001 Regular Service , 600003 Consumable application
charges , 307001 Ball race kit RR , 309001 Fork comp front
, 309001 Fork comp front LH , 406001 Cylinder kit RR ,
407011 Valve inlet exhaust R R , 407012 Valve lapping ,
407001 Cam shaft comp , 403003 Cam Chain kit , 405002
Disc clutch friction , 304005 Drive chain set
in Bardhaman - West Bengal has been published.
The last date of this tender is 11/03/2025, work value is
0 (Refer Doc) INR,
EMD is 0 (Refer Doc) INR
and tender document fees is
0 (Refer Doc) INR
For more details call us on +91 92760 83333 for bidding support this tender, GeM, vendor registration (if any) and tender BOQ documents.