10072Resectioning and Providing Canal Lining on Wagdoh, Dhadi Sub-Minor, Right Bank Canal, Shelgaon Minor, Surji Sub- Minor and Providing Murum Casing Embankment On RBC and LBC of Shahanoor Medium Project
Wardha - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
34.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
10080Annual maintenace of water Supply, Sector - 23, U/E, Sonipat. "Desilting of Raw Water Haudi, pipe line, water proofing of leakages in 400mm i/d CI pipe and dismentling, restoration the pipe line area in S. S Tank in Sector - 23, U/E, Sonipat and all other works contingent thereto".
Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value :
3.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Haryana Board Corporation