1171Providing building material and construction work for sealing off 09 nos. sectionalization / isolation stoppings in 18L and 23L Distt. of Balrampur 10/12 incline of Kumda Sub Area of Bishrampur Area.
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1172Providing building material and construction work for sealing off 09 nos. sectionalization / isolation stoppings in 18L and 23L Distt. of Balrampur 10/12 incline of Kumda Sub Area of Bishrampur Area.
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1173Providing building material and construction work for sealing off 09 nos. sectionalization / isolation stoppings in 18L and 23L Distt. of Balrampur 10/12 incline of Kumda Sub Area of Bishrampur Area.
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1174Providing building material and construction work for sealing off 09 nos. sectionalization / isolation stoppings in 18L and 23L Distt. of Balrampur 10/12 incline of Kumda Sub Area of Bishrampur Area.
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1175Providing building material and construction work for sealing off 09 nos. sectionalization / isolation stoppings in 18L and 23L Distt. of Balrampur 10/12 incline of Kumda Sub Area of Bishrampur Area.
Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value :
5.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
1179Annual rate contract for repair and maintenance of Transit Guest House, Paper Recycle Unit, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rangpuri and Janakpuri Colony New Delhi for the year 2021-22 and 2022-23
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
24.09 Lacs |Agency Name :
Airports Authority Of India